The Best Ensign Samuel Anders Quotes

Ensign: [talking to Adama and Thrace while wired up to the ship] Spins and turns, angles and curves. The shape of dreams, half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of perfection - a perfect face, perfect lace. Find the perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace. End of line.

[a platinum blond Six has just killed Jean Barolay and is being held down by Anders who's holding a gun to her head. Starbuck has been trying to keep Anders from taking revenge. When another Six, an darker blond and the apparent leader of the Sixes on the damaged Baseship, intervenes]
Number: Why sister?
Platinum: [Looking down at the floor] I just couldn't let it go. On New Caprica...
Number: [the darker blond 6 squats down beside her while Anders continues holding her down at gun-point] She was the one?
Platinum: I never did anything to her. We were working at the water treatment plant, and she just...
Number: I know. I remember. After you downloaded, we tried to work through this.
Platinum: How do you work through something like that? Never forget her expression as I tried to scream. Just slapped tape over my mouth and threw me in that septic tank.
Ensign: You shut your frakking mouth!
Platinum: I still see her face when I try and sleep.
[Looking up at her sister Six]
Platinum: We were trying to help these people
Number: I know. I know. I wish there was something I could do.
Platinum: Then I'm glad it's you.
[the darker blond Six reaches down and cradles her sister's face tenderly. They kiss. She then stands up and calmly walks around behind Anders. She reaches down and pulls the trigger of the gun he's holding to her sister Six's head]
Ensign: [Everyone is shocked, not quite believing what just happened. Sam jumps up and points his gun at the darker blond Six] Gods damn it!
Number: [Looking at Anders] No Resurrection ship. You understand? She's just as dead as your friend.
Number: [Walks over to Starbuck] Is that enough human justice for you? Blood for blood?a

Samuel: [last words to Kara after she makes her farewell] See you on the other side.

Ensign: Hey, hey,this is crazy. What if I get up there and another switch flips in my head and turns me against my own?
Chief: [whispering] What the frak is wrong with you? Shut the frak up. It's like the Colonel said, okay? Just think of that. Be the man you want till the day you die.
Ensign: A lot easier said than done, 'cause I don't know what the frak I am right now.
Chief: You're Sameul T. Anders. That's all you gotta remember. Samuel T. Anders. Now get the frak in your ship.

Leoben: [the guards throw Leoben to the floor and leave him alone in the storage hold with Anders] I'm glad you're here. You and Kara, did you get things worked out? Because you should. You weren't meant to be enemies.
Ensign: No. That'd be you and me.
[kicks Leoben down onto his back]
Ensign: What do you want from Kara?
Leoben: [Panting] The same thing I've always wanted. For her to understand her destiny.
Ensign: That's not good enough.
Leoben: It's good enough for her.
[with his hands cuffed behind his back, Leoben struggles off his back and onto his knees]
Leoben: What is the most basic article of faith? *That this is not all that we are.*
Leoben: [Sam looks at him with a mix of incredulity, immense fear and loathing. Leoben chuckles] C-Bucks rule.
Ensign: What did you just say?
Leoben: Forward guard, right? I saw a couple of games. You were good. Yet after all the celebrity and acclaim, what were you? Just another face selling magazines, another piece of scoreboard trivia. You always knew you were destined for more. You were just waiting for your singular moment of clarity.
Ensign: [immediately pulling, cocking and pointing his pistol right in Leoben's face] Well, maybe I just found it.
Leoben: You kill me, Kara's dream dies with me.
Ensign: I don't think so. I think you download into another Leoben body and you spew more lies.
Leoben: [slowly shaking his head] No one's coming back.
Leoben: We were lured out of resurrection range. Ship was attacked. We survived. The Baseship was damaged. We were set adrift.
Ensign: [lowers his pistol, starts to raise it back up and then lowers it again] What are you talking about? Who attacked you?
Leoben: War has broken out between the Cylon. Battle lines have been drawn between those who embrace their nature and those who fear it.
Ensign: [taken aback and deeply thinking but trying not to show it] Good.
[starts walking out of the room]
Ensign: You can blow yourselves to hell for all I care.
Leoben: That's one way, that's one way. There's another. An alliance.
[Anders stops, looks unbelievingly, but listens]
Leoben: Allow our paths to converge. You save us from our savage brothers, and our old one, the Hybrid, will show Kara the righteous path. And together, they'll lead us to the promised land. Together, we will find Earth.

Samuel: Perfection. That's what it's about. It's those moments. When you can feel the perfection of creation. The beauty of physics, you know, the wonder of mathematics. The elation of action and reaction, and that is the kind of perfection that I want to be connected to.

Captain: When I woke up orbiting Earth, I just figured it was some crazy dream, but... I went in following a Heavy Raider. I mean, maybe the Cylons pulled me out of the soup... and captured me, brainwashed me on Caprica, and they experimented on me. I mean, did they take pieces of me? I mean, is... is it possible that they grew me, another me, in a petri dish? Or they embedded me with the memories, or it with the memories, or... I don't know.
Ensign: No. Hey, no, no, no. Kara, no. Listen to me. If you were a Cylon, then you've been one from the beginning.
Captain: [hostilely] Like Boomer? Spend my entire life thinking I'm one thing...
Ensign: Yeah, and then you wake up one day and discover you're another. Still doesn't change who you really are. Still doesn't change the fact that I love you, no matter what.
Captain: You are a better person than I am, Sam, because if I found out that you were a Cylon... I would put a bullet between your eyes.
Lt. Anastasia Dualla: [on the PA] All hands, prepare for jump in four, three, two, jump.
Captain: [holding her head in agony during the jump and gasping afterwards:] Damn it! They're still going in the wrong direction.
[Gasp, gulp]
Captain: One more jump and I'm gonna lose my way altogether.
Ensign: All right, we gotta find you a rack. Okay, take it easy.
Captain: It's Roslin. The Old Man's not gonna listen to me as long she's... I gotta get to her.