Top 30 Quotes From Number Six

Number: You know what I miss?... Sports.

[a platinum blond Six has just killed Jean Barolay and is being held down by Anders who's holding a gun to her head. Starbuck has been trying to keep Anders from taking revenge. When another Six, an darker blond and the apparent leader of the Sixes on the damaged Baseship, intervenes]
Number: Why sister?
Platinum: [Looking down at the floor] I just couldn't let it go. On New Caprica...
Number: [the darker blond 6 squats down beside her while Anders continues holding her down at gun-point] She was the one?
Platinum: I never did anything to her. We were working at the water treatment plant, and she just...
Number: I know. I remember. After you downloaded, we tried to work through this.
Platinum: How do you work through something like that? Never forget her expression as I tried to scream. Just slapped tape over my mouth and threw me in that septic tank.
Ensign: You shut your frakking mouth!
Platinum: I still see her face when I try and sleep.
[Looking up at her sister Six]
Platinum: We were trying to help these people
Number: I know. I know. I wish there was something I could do.
Platinum: Then I'm glad it's you.
[the darker blond Six reaches down and cradles her sister's face tenderly. They kiss. She then stands up and calmly walks around behind Anders. She reaches down and pulls the trigger of the gun he's holding to her sister Six's head]
Ensign: [Everyone is shocked, not quite believing what just happened. Sam jumps up and points his gun at the darker blond Six] Gods damn it!
Number: [Looking at Anders] No Resurrection ship. You understand? She's just as dead as your friend.
Number: [Walks over to Starbuck] Is that enough human justice for you? Blood for blood?a

Romo: I understand that you had a romantic relationship with my client.
Number: Gaius Baltar is a brilliant, gifted human being. In the time I've known him, he's made a sport out of mendacity and deception. He is narcissistic, feckless, self-centered, and vain. I'm the one who should have stabbed him.
President: Things are looking up.

Doctor: Then who, or what... are you... exactly?
Number: I'm an angel of God sent here to protect you. To guide you. To love you.
Doctor: To what end?
Number: To the end of the human race.

[last lines]
Number: If only they knew that everyone passes these days.
Doctor: Why, it's so much simpler that way. No muss, no fuss.
Number: So...
Number: What did her test really say?
Doctor: I'll never tell.
[Baltar is grinning, spinning in his chair alone]

Tracey: [walking in and seeing Gaius on his knees seemly in prayer; not knowing that Number Six had been comforting him by saying she was there for him] That is so beautiful.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: [he opens his eyes and looks around] Hello. Sorry, what?
Tracey: The way you were praying.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: [noticing he had his palms together in an attitude of prayer] Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, thank you, yeah.
Tracey: [she comes over and sits down facing Gaius] Not some hollow ritual.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: No, no.
Tracey: It's as if the Gods are right here beside you.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: Well, yeah.
Tracey: When I pray to the gods...
[we see Number Six watching them with interest]
Tracey: I feel empty.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: Do you? That's a shame, isn't it?
Number: Her gods are false. Tell her.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: [Tracey reaches up and strokes his hair] Well, if you feel empty when you pray to Zeus or Poseidon or Aphrodite, it's because it is. It's a totally empty experience.
[she begins unbuttoning Gaius' shirt]
Dr. Gaius Baltar: They're not real. They've been promulgated by a ruling elite, to stop you from learning the truth.
Tracey: And what truth is that?
Tracey: That's a very good question. What is the... the...
Number: There's only one God.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: [Tracey begins unbuttoning her blouse] There is only one God. In a nutshell, that's the truth. We're alone here,aren't we? The others aren't coming back soon.
[She grins and shakes her head]
Dr. Gaius Baltar: And the door's locked. All right, good.
Tracey: [She takes Gaius' hands and places them on her uncovered breasts] Can you feel God's presence?
Dr. Gaius Baltar: You know what? I think I do.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: So do I.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: Do you? Do you, too? We both feel...
[Fade as they start to kiss and slide toward the floor]

Gina: [first thing the tortured Cylon POW says, sobbing] I want to die. Will you help me do that? Will you kill me, please?

Lt. Felix Gaeta: [pointing a pistol at Baltar] I believed in you!
Number: Whoa, whoa, Gaeta.
Lt. Felix Gaeta: I believed in the dream of New Caprica.
Number: Gaeta, we all did.
Lt. Felix Gaeta: No! No. Not him. He believed in the dream of Gaius Baltar. The good life. Booze, pills, hot and cold running interns. You led us to the Apocalypse...

Head: All the pieces are falling into place.
Head: You will hold the future of Cylons and Humans in your hands.
Caprica: [to their visions] I will?
Caprica: [to each other] You see them?

Doctor: Were you aware of your true nature as a Cylon when you boarded the ship? Or would you describe you as a sleeper agent?
Gina: I knew what I was. I was a soldier. I-I had a mission, I carried it out. I thought that when it was done I was going to die. That you would kill me. Then I- then I would download into a new body... be reborn. But you didn't kill me... The things you did to me...
Doctor: What they did to you was wrong. Evil. But I'm not one of them. You have to believe me. Things are going to get better for you. From this moment on. I promise.
Gina: I don't want things to get better. I want to die.

Number: [after he cut off her sexual advances] But, I want to make you feel better.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: Cut off my legs. I ran. Again. I disappeared in the nick of time, again.

Number: Life has a melody, Gaius. A rhythm of notes which become your existence once played in harmony with God's plan.

Number: Don't make me angry, Gaius. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

[Doral, Sharon, and Six walk into Baltar's office]
Doctor: I'm Gaius Baltar. President of the colonies.
Number: I know who you are, Gaius. I know very well.
Lt. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii: As long as you offer no resistance, you won't be harmed.
Doctor: How do I know that?
Aaron: You don't. You also don't have any choice.
Doctor: How did you find us?
Aaron: Oh, it was quite by accident. Actually, we were over a light year away from here when we detected the radiation signature... of a nuclear detonation.
Doctor: Very well. On behalf of the people of the twelve colonies, I surrender.

Number: I'm so proud of you, Gaius.
Doctor: Why? Because I've taken a life?
Number: It makes you human.
Doctor: Is it? Not conscious thought? Not poetry, or art, or music, literature? Murder. Murder is my heritage. Is that the lesson I'm supposed to pass on to our child?

Number: [talking to Baltar] She's right, Gaius. The end times are approaching. Humanity's final chapters are about to be written. And you - you will be its author.

Lieutenant: [Dr. Baltar has been asked aboard the Battlestar Pegasus to examine their "Cylon prisoner"] Don't get too close. It killed seven of my crew. Do you want my guards to come in with you?
Number: Feeling scared, Gaius? Want the big, bad soldiers to protect you from the mean old Cylon prisoner?
Doctor: No, I think we'll be just fine. Thank you.
[the Cylon Prisoner is shackled to the floor]
Number: Oh, my God.
[the Cylon comes into full view]
Number: My God, Gaius, it's me! Look at what they've done to her!
Doctor: Open the door, now, please.
Computer: ID confirmed. Lieutenant Thorne.
[the door opens and Baltar instantly covers his face with a handkerchief]
Doctor: [Baltar examines the other Number Six: she is in a catatonic state] She must have struggled. She must have fought back.
Number: [crying] That doesn't justify this!

Doctor: Lieutenant Thrace! Good to see you!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Good to see you too!
Doctor: Really?
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: No!
Number: Oh!
Doctor: I wonder if she's a real blonde.
Number: I doubt it.

[last lines]
Head: [walking together through New York City's Times Square 150,000 years later] Commercialism, decadence, technology run amok... remind you of anything?
Head: Take your pick: Kobol; Earth - the real Earth, before this one; Caprica before The Fall.
Head: "All of this has happened before..."
Head: But the question remains: does all of this have to happen again?
Head: This time, I bet "no."
Head: You know, I've never known you to play the optimist. Why the change of heart?
Head: Mathematics. Law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough, eventually something surprising might occur. That, too, is in God's plan.
Head: You know It doesn't like that name.
[she gives him a look]
Head: Silly me. Silly, silly me.

Number: Number Six: Sometimes you have to do things you hate, so you can survive to fight another day.

Number: [Baltar has just shot and killed Lt. Crashdown] Now you're a man.

Dr. Gaius Baltar: Please. Please, help me.
Number: I'm not sure I can, Gaius. Pain is one thing, but this... without free will, what are you? Can God even pity such a creature?

Number: We're the children of humanity. That makes them our parents in a sense.
Aaron: True, but parents have to die. It's the only way children can come into their own.

[repeated line, which a Six copy asks whenever it meets a human for the first time]
Number: Are you alive?

The: [montage of cross-fading images of various Cylon models listening to the Hybrid as she speaks] The excited state decays by vibrational relaxation into the first excited singlet state. Yes, yes, and merrily we go. Reduce atmospheric nitrogen by 0.03%. It is not much consolation that society will pick up the bits. Leaving us at eight modern, where punishment rather than interdiction is paramount. Please cut the fuse. They will not harm their own. End of line. Limiting diffusions to two dimensions increases the number of evolutionary jumps within the species. Rise and measure the Temple of the Five. Transformation is the goal. They will not harm their own.
[fade: a One, a Two, a Six and an Eight]
The: Data-font synchronization complete.
Number: The Hybrid is clearly telling us something.
Brother: [seated authoritatively behind a desk] The Hybrid is always telling us something. They are supposed to maintain operations on each ship, not vomit metaphysics.
[looks for support from the others with no avail]
Brother: All right. I give up. What? What is she trying to tell us?
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: They're in the Colonial Fleet with the humans.
Brother: They? They who?
Leoben: The Final Five.
[Cavil turns and looks hostilely]
Number: The Raiders refused to fight because they sensed the Final Five might be in the Colonial Fleet.
Leoben: They could have been caught. They could be in hiding.
Brother: No, wait, stop. Stop right now. Turn around. Go and take a cleansing walk. And I'm gonna try and forget what I just heard.
Number: The Final Five, Cavil, they are near! This is far too important.
Leoben: What their eyes must have seen, witnessed over time.
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: Do they look anything like us?
Brother: [adamantly] That's enough! Don't you realize what you're doing? You're openly discussing the Final Five.
[pauses to look for chastisement in the others' faces and finding none, explodes]
[pauses for effect and continues]
Brother: You're toying with our survival. Look at yourselves. Look, there's millions of Twos who have that nose. Millions of Sixes possess that mouth. Eights share those breasts and Ones have this brain. We're mechanized copies. There's a reason the original programmers clearly felt that it's a mistake for us to contact the Final Five!
Number: No.
Brother: [continuing despite the Six's protest] Violating that programming threatens our survival!
Number: Something has changed.
Brother: Thoughts have changed. Yes, they change. The Raiders changed. That's where all this started, with them. Somehow they exceeded their programming, and unlike us, they can't correct themselves. So we're gonna have to do it for them.
Number: [incredulously] Do what?
Brother: We'll reconfigure their neural architecture, and shave down their heuristic responses.
Leoben: Dumb them down? Lobotomize them?
Brother: They're tools, not pets. But in any case, it has to be done.
Number: Says who?
Brother: Says God almighty, the voice of reason, that's who! When are you gonna hear it?
Number: You don't have the authority to make any change without a majority vote.
Brother: Well, we'll vote. The Fours and Fives will be on my side.

Lt. Felix Gaeta: [Running into President Baltar's quarters] Mr. President! Mr. President?
Doctor: [mutters in displeasure]
Lt. Felix Gaeta: Gaius. Gaius!
Doctor: Yeah, what is it?
Lt. Felix Gaeta: The Cylons just jumped into orbit. And the fleet's jumped away.
Number: Judgment day.

Number: [ominously] God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.

Dr. Gaius Baltar: [Walking through Galactica with the Cylon delegation] I can't believe how much I actually miss this place.
Number: You know you can't return. They'd toss you out the nearest airlock and then throw a party.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: Yes, I know. Still, I can't help feeling I'm finally home.
Number: If you're really a Cylon, one of the final five, then these feelings are just part of your programming, part of your cover.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: And if I'm a human being after all, if I'm not one of the final five, then this is the last chance I'll get to see my kind again.

Crewman Specialist Cally: [Chief Tyrol has been wrongly accused by Col. Tigh of being a Cylon] I've known the Chief for years. He's no Toaster!
Doctor: He was involved with Lieutenant Valerii, who most certainly is a Toaster.
Number: That word is racist! I don't like it!
Crewman Specialist Cally: Sure... he's shown some bad judgment getting involved with her. But that doesn't mean he's a Toaster. You've got to help him.
Number: Say something, Gaius. Tell her you won't have racial epithets used in your presence!

Doctor: [Baltar has a two-way argument with Roslin and Number Six at the same time] Well, quite frankly, I don't give a flying frak whether you believe me or not, all right? Because I've had it, I am... I'm tired of being pushed and prodded around like I'm some kind of toy. I'm not your plaything!
Number: [simultaneously, in stereo] Plaything?
Doctor: I don't work for you and uh, quite frankly, I don't have to sit any more and take this kind of abuse from either of you!... Er,
[points at Billy]
Doctor: *you* either... either in *here*, either in there, wherever it is...