The Best Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon Quotes

Sharon: [watches in disbelief as Simon calmly runs medical tests on Hera, despite the fact Cylon Colony is being invaded] You're gonna just keep doing the tests? Even with the colony coming down among your ears?
Simon: I think you over estimate their chances. They may have confused our Hybrids temporarily, but we have superior fire power and superior numbers, and in the end, it's all about mathematics.
[Boomer then breaks Simon's neck, killing him instantly]

Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: 'You pick your side, your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Otherwise you'll never have anything. No love, no family. No life to call your own. - Said to the gathered Number Eight's who want Lt. Sharon Agathon to lead a rebellion.

Sharon: You should know... your Raptor's been destroyed. You can't go back that way.
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: Yeah, well, that's not the plan.
Captain: Could we please not tell her the plan?

The: [montage of cross-fading images of various Cylon models listening to the Hybrid as she speaks] The excited state decays by vibrational relaxation into the first excited singlet state. Yes, yes, and merrily we go. Reduce atmospheric nitrogen by 0.03%. It is not much consolation that society will pick up the bits. Leaving us at eight modern, where punishment rather than interdiction is paramount. Please cut the fuse. They will not harm their own. End of line. Limiting diffusions to two dimensions increases the number of evolutionary jumps within the species. Rise and measure the Temple of the Five. Transformation is the goal. They will not harm their own.
[fade: a One, a Two, a Six and an Eight]
The: Data-font synchronization complete.
Number: The Hybrid is clearly telling us something.
Brother: [seated authoritatively behind a desk] The Hybrid is always telling us something. They are supposed to maintain operations on each ship, not vomit metaphysics.
[looks for support from the others with no avail]
Brother: All right. I give up. What? What is she trying to tell us?
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: They're in the Colonial Fleet with the humans.
Brother: They? They who?
Leoben: The Final Five.
[Cavil turns and looks hostilely]
Number: The Raiders refused to fight because they sensed the Final Five might be in the Colonial Fleet.
Leoben: They could have been caught. They could be in hiding.
Brother: No, wait, stop. Stop right now. Turn around. Go and take a cleansing walk. And I'm gonna try and forget what I just heard.
Number: The Final Five, Cavil, they are near! This is far too important.
Leoben: What their eyes must have seen, witnessed over time.
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: Do they look anything like us?
Brother: [adamantly] That's enough! Don't you realize what you're doing? You're openly discussing the Final Five.
[pauses to look for chastisement in the others' faces and finding none, explodes]
[pauses for effect and continues]
Brother: You're toying with our survival. Look at yourselves. Look, there's millions of Twos who have that nose. Millions of Sixes possess that mouth. Eights share those breasts and Ones have this brain. We're mechanized copies. There's a reason the original programmers clearly felt that it's a mistake for us to contact the Final Five!
Number: No.
Brother: [continuing despite the Six's protest] Violating that programming threatens our survival!
Number: Something has changed.
Brother: Thoughts have changed. Yes, they change. The Raiders changed. That's where all this started, with them. Somehow they exceeded their programming, and unlike us, they can't correct themselves. So we're gonna have to do it for them.
Number: [incredulously] Do what?
Brother: We'll reconfigure their neural architecture, and shave down their heuristic responses.
Leoben: Dumb them down? Lobotomize them?
Brother: They're tools, not pets. But in any case, it has to be done.
Number: Says who?
Brother: Says God almighty, the voice of reason, that's who! When are you gonna hear it?
Number: You don't have the authority to make any change without a majority vote.
Brother: Well, we'll vote. The Fours and Fives will be on my side.

Number: Our ship can heal itself. But most of our Raiderswere destroyed in the ambush. We're asking for you help here. We can't do it alone.
President: What could possibly motivate us to trust you now? What have you got?
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: The boxing facility resides within the Cylon Resurrection Hub. This hub controls the functions of every Resurrection ship in existence.
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: It protects itself by periodically jumping to a new set of coordinates and relaying them back to the Baseship.
Number: [Standing up] Madame President, you asked for a reason to help us. Vengeance. You destroy the Hub, Cylons lose their ability to download. All of us.
President: Why would you be willing to lose your ability to resurrect?
Number: We're rebels. We can't go back. What matters most to us is being with the Five. D'Anna will be able to identify them. We'll take you to the hub if you help us unbox D'Anna.

Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii: [Cally has been detained in a Cylon prison, and is visited by the reanimated, specific copy of Sharon Cylon-model that she shot and killed a year before] Hi Cally, it's me... Boomer.
Crewman Specialist Cally: I wish I had a gun!

Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: Can I ask you something, very personal? Do you feel guilty about leaving the people behind on New Caprica?
Admiral: I don't do guilt.
Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: You know, a year ago, when you put me in this cell, I was at a crossroads. I sat in here for weeks just consumed with rage at all the things that had happened to me. Then at some point I realized that it was all just guilt. I was angry at myself for the choices I had made. Betraying my people... losing the baby... So I had a choice. I could either move forward or stay in the past. But the only way to move forward was to forgive myself. You know, I don't think we can survive. I don't think the fleet, or Galactica, or the people on New Caprica can survive unless the man at the top, finds a way to forgive himself.

Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon: How do you know? I mean, how do you really know that you can trust me?
Admiral: I don't. That's what trust is.