The Best Crewman Specialist Cally Henderson Quotes

Crewman Specialist Cally: Tarn getting shot... it wasn't your fault. You know that, right, Chief?
[Chief Tyrol is in a stunned silence]
Crewman Specialist Cally: ...Talk to me, you motherfracker!
Chief: [snaps back to reality and laughs] Motherfracker?

Doctor: [Lt. Crashdown has ordered his untrained, outnumbered men to make a suicidal attack on Cylon Centurions] This is insane. I've never fired a gun in my life!
Selix: I haven't fired a weapon since Basic.
Doctor: [to Cally] You?
Crewman Specialist Cally: I only joined up to pay for dental school!

Crewman Specialist Cally: [Chief Tyrol has been wrongly accused by Col. Tigh of being a Cylon] I've known the Chief for years. He's no Toaster!
Doctor: He was involved with Lieutenant Valerii, who most certainly is a Toaster.
Number: That word is racist! I don't like it!
Crewman Specialist Cally: Sure... he's shown some bad judgment getting involved with her. But that doesn't mean he's a Toaster. You've got to help him.
Number: Say something, Gaius. Tell her you won't have racial epithets used in your presence!

Crewman Specialist Socinus: Hey, Cally, is it true? Did you really bite that guy's ear off?
Crewman Specialist Cally: He's lucky that's the only thing I bit off.
Chief: [proudly] That's my girl!

[Cally's jaw is broken]
Dr. Cottle: The jaw is set nicely. You're done here. I'm kicking you outta here and sending you back to work.
Crewman Specialist Cally: Work? Like this?
Dr. Cottle: You gotta love a woman who can complain even with her jaw wired shut.

Crewman Specialist Cally: [mechanics are building a new brig cell to imprison suspected Cylons] They're putting the Chief in there, you know.
Jammer: I don't care if they put a giant parakeet in here. Colonel says build a cell, we build a cell.
Crewman Specialist Cally: This isn't right. He's one of us!
Jammer: No, he's one of them. He always was. We just never saw it.
Crewman Specialist Cally: No, he's innocent! She tricked him!
Jammer: Wow, such loyalty. Were you fracking him too?
[Cally slams Jammer into a wall, then punches him in the face. Hard]
Jammer: You want to get pissed at someone, you get pissed at Boomer. She's the one who put the Chief in the cell here, not us.

Crewman Specialist Cally: [analyzing the bio-mechanical Cylon Raider captured by Starbuck, Tyrol crawls inside the Raider with a flashlight while Cally reads him Starbuck's notes] Starbuck's notes on the Cylon Raider are a mess! She said the engine power-up sequence began... "By squeezing something that looks like a red ligament with blue veins on the right side... coming out of a sack of gooey fluid... shaped like a dog".
Chief: Are you kidding me? This whole thing is a bunch of veins and ligaments and sacks of goo!
Crewman Specialist Cally: "... Squeeze the ligament with your hand, while you slide your weight on your left hip, into the lymphatic sack... "
Chief: Well, that's just stupid!
Crewman Specialist Cally: [Col. Tigh arrives] Oh, afternoon sir.
Col. Saul Tigh: Specialist. Chief's inside?
Crewman Specialist Cally: Yeah.
Col. Saul Tigh: Chief?
Chief: Yes, sir?
Col. Saul Tigh: How's it coming in there?
Chief: Ah, I'm getting there, sir. Haven't quite figured out all the tricks but I'm getting there.