30 Best Colonel Saul Tigh Quotes

Col. Saul Tigh: I can't believe you sided with that woman against the Old Man, I wouldn't do that if you put a gun to my head, and you did! As far as I'm concerned you're not fit to wear the uniform.
Captain: Yeah, you're right about that part, I am not fit to wear the uniform.
Captain: And maybe I never was. Then again neither are you.
[turns to Tigh]
Captain: But this isn't my ship, it sure as hell isn't yours. It's his, and when he wakes up, he'll decide what to do with the both of us.
[leaves sickbay to return to his cell]

Col. Saul Tigh: So take your piety and your moralizing and your high minded principles and stick them some place safe... I've got a war to fight.

Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: I have my flaws, too.
Col. Saul Tigh: The difference is my flaws are personal. Yours are professional.

Col. Saul Tigh: My name is Saul Tigh. I'm an officer in the Colonial Fleet. Whatever else I am, whatever else it means, that's the man I want to be. And if I die today, that's the man I'll be.

Colonel: Everyone likes Gaeta so let's let him off the hook. Let's just look the other way on this one. Well, a lot of good people had to pay the price for what they did. Choices they made on New Caprica. Like my wife. That's right. Ellen collaborated, gave the Cylons information on the Resistance and she died for it. Because that's the price of collaborating with the enemy. And I liked her a lot more than I like Gaeta.

[last lines]
Colonel: Thank the Gods I never had kids.

Col. Saul Tigh: Where's your mommy?
Boxey: Dead. Where's yours?

Colonel: I still don't see anything.
Dr. Cottle: Try looking with your eyes. Eye.

Laura: We are talking about people blowing themselves up!
Colonel: You know, sometimes I think you got icewater in those veins and other times I think you're just a naive little schoolteacher. I've sent men on suicide missions in two different wars now and let me tell you something. It don't make a gods damn bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end, they're just as dead. So take your piety and your moralizing and your high minded principles and stick 'em someplace safe until you're off this rock and sitting in your nice comfy chair on Colonial One again.

Admiral: You did it. You brought 'em home.
Colonel: Not all of them.
Admiral: I'm sorry.

Commander: Mr Gaeta... I want to see all recon material on Kobol immediately in my quarters.
Lt. Felix Gaeta: [Surprised] Aye sir.
Col. Saul Tigh: Kobol?
Commander: Yes... I'm putting the fleet back together, I'm putting our family back together. This ends now.
[Petty officer Dualla stares at him in surprise that she was able to reach him, Adama walks out while petty officer Dualla and several other crewman have looks of great relief and happiness on their faces]

Ellen: Tonight, we are going to celebrate your retirement and all the time I'm gonna get to spend with my husband!
[kisses him]
Colonel: Are you good with that?
Ellen: Ohhhhh... Saul! All I've ever wanted was to be with you. Not just weekend liberties or... or two weeks' leave a year. I mean full-time, you and me. Together, in a... in a house, in a tent... homeless and on the street... just be together.

Admiral: What's your offer?
D'Anna: You give us the Eye of Jupiter. We let you go.
Brother: And... we'll throw in Baltar.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: [to Cavil] What are you talking about now?
[to D'Anna]
Dr. Gaius Baltar: What's he saying?
D'Anna: [to Cavil] Indeed?
Brother: I am improvising. Throw in something to sweeten the pot. Besides, I suspect the Admiral and Madam President would enjoy some nice, quiet private time with the former leader. Am I right?
Colonel: Worth thinking about.
Admiral: Definately worth thinking about.

Colonel: Did I ever tell you how glad I am I married you?
Ellen: Not once.
Colonel: Oh. Well then, I'll save it for a special occasion.
Ellen: [smiles] C'mere.

Col. Saul Tigh: Viewing time at the zoo.
Tom: Glad to see you're holding the president in such high esteem.
Col. Saul Tigh: Your day's gonna come, laughing boy.

Col. Saul Tigh: Yes, we're tired. Yes, there's no relief. Yes, the Cylons keep coming after us time after time after time. And yes, we are still expected to do our jobs!

[a large meeting of people listening to Baltar speak is being held]
Dr. Gaius Baltar: The past is written, impossible to change. Why are so many of us living in the past, living with the shame of what we have done, when we could live in awe of what we might do? What we might do.
[We see Chief Tyrol coming upon the fringes of the meeting and listening]
Dr. Gaius Baltar: What will we do? Spiral endlessly through the heavens until humanity itself comes to a close?
[We see Tigh appear in the corridor behind Tyrol]
Dr. Gaius Baltar: Or do we look inward and find that strength within?
Colonel: [Coming up behind Tyrol and speaking quietly to him. Baltar's word become more and more indistinct and fades into background noise] Can you believe these people are actually buying into Baltar's crap? We need to talk.
Chief: I don't have anything to say to you.
Colonel: Well, then you can listen. Come with me.
[They turn and walk several feet back into the corridor]
Colonel: I've been cutting you some slack because of Cally, but that's over. You gotta pull yourself together *now.*
Chief: Suck it up. Just like you,huh?
Colonel: Now what is that supposed to mean?
Chief: Hear you've been spending some time in the lockup with the Six. Remember when this all started? You said nothing would change you from the man you want to be. Well, how about it, Colonel? You still the same old Saul Tigh?
Colonel: Anything I've done I can live with.
Chief: Well, that's the difference between you and me. I can't.
[Both turn and look towards the crowd hanging on Baltar's words]
Chief: Tory's got it in her head that we can be the salvation of the human race. All I know is if there is a God, he's laughing his ass off.
[Tyrol turns away and walks back to listen to Baltar speak]

Jammer: [pleading with the Circle] I was just trying to help people!
Colonel: You didn't do a very good job then, did you?

Brother: [holding Hera at gunpoint after overpowering a CIC guard] This makes it a lot easier. I just take the girl and I'm out of here!
Admiral: [with a gun trained on Cavil] Not a chance!
Number: Cavil, we won't let you take Hera. You know that.
Brother: I know nothing of the kind. I know I'm going to watch you chase your tail across the universe for another four years.
Colonel: That's not going to happen!
Brother: This thing is the key to my people's survival, and I'm not leaving without it!
Doctor: Hera's not a thing! She's a child, and she holds the key to humanity's survival as well!
Brother: And how do you know that?
Doctor: [glances briefly at Head-Six and Head-Baltar] I see angels, angels in this very room. Now, I may be mad, but that doesn't mean that I'm not right. Because there's another force at work here. There always has been. It's undeniable. We've all experienced it. Everyone in this room has witnessed events that they can't fathom, let alone explain by rational means. Puzzles deciphered in prophecy. Dreams given to a chosen few. Our loved ones, dead, risen. Whether we want to call that "God" or "gods" or some sublime inspiration or a divine force we can't know or understand, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's here. It exists, and our two destinies are entwined in its force.
Brother: If that were true, and that's a big "if", how do I know this force has our best interests in mind? How do you know that God is on your side, Doctor?
Doctor: I don't. God's not on anyone side. God is a force of nature, beyond good and evil. Good and evil, we created those. You wanna break the cycle? Break the cycle of birth? Death? Rebirth? Destruction? Escape? Death? Well, that's in our hands, in our hands only. It requires that we live in hope, not fear.

Colonel: [Reports on Galactica's status. The ship suffered severe structural damage after jumping away from the Cylon Colony] We're mostly here. The engines, life support. There's red lines through her lateral structural members. She's broke her back. She'll never jump again.
Admiral: [grimly] Wherever we are is where we're gonna stay.

Colonel: The last batch of passengers kicked up some trouble. Yeah - you get these people to the other side and they think there's a diner and a chef waiting to take their order.
Admiral: When are they gonna learn? They gotta process the thing first, for frak's sake.
Colonel: Try telling that to a bunch of empty stomachs.
Admiral: I hear they're still eating paper. Is that true?
Colonel: No. Paper shortage.
[Both begin laughing hysterically]
Admiral: Not a good sign.

Crewman Specialist Cally: [analyzing the bio-mechanical Cylon Raider captured by Starbuck, Tyrol crawls inside the Raider with a flashlight while Cally reads him Starbuck's notes] Starbuck's notes on the Cylon Raider are a mess! She said the engine power-up sequence began... "By squeezing something that looks like a red ligament with blue veins on the right side... coming out of a sack of gooey fluid... shaped like a dog".
Chief: Are you kidding me? This whole thing is a bunch of veins and ligaments and sacks of goo!
Crewman Specialist Cally: "... Squeeze the ligament with your hand, while you slide your weight on your left hip, into the lymphatic sack... "
Chief: Well, that's just stupid!
Crewman Specialist Cally: [Col. Tigh arrives] Oh, afternoon sir.
Col. Saul Tigh: Specialist. Chief's inside?
Crewman Specialist Cally: Yeah.
Col. Saul Tigh: Chief?
Chief: Yes, sir?
Col. Saul Tigh: How's it coming in there?
Chief: Ah, I'm getting there, sir. Haven't quite figured out all the tricks but I'm getting there.

Col. Saul Tigh: [Col. Tigh happens upon Tyrol in a tool room] What's this, Chief?
Chief: I'm making solvent, sir, to clean machine parts.
Col. Saul Tigh: Solvent my ass. I know a still when I smell it.

Col. Saul Tigh: [talking about whether Baltar can help figure out who the fifth cylon is] He poked a skin job... he racked up a six, that's a given... you don't have to get on your back for him, but...?

Chief: There must be some kind of way out of here.
Col. Saul Tigh: Said the Joker to the Thief.
Samuel: There's too much confusion.
Tory: I can't get no relief.

Colonel: You point a finger back far enough, and some germ gets blamed for splitting in two.

Petty: [to Adama] Comm traffic two from the President.
Commander: [to Tigh] Is this my ten minutes or is this yours?
Col. Saul Tigh: Yours. I took ten last time.
Commander: All right, I'll see you guys in combat.
[walks off]
Petty: I believe it was your ten minutes, sir.
Col. Saul Tigh: The old man's so tired he can't remember, then it's his turn.

Colonel: I'll tell you the secret to avoid hangovers. Don't stop drinking.

Colonel: [to Chief Tyrol] Chief! Pull it together. You won't do her any good if you get caught too. Besides, the last thing your son wants is me and Ellen for parents.

Colonel: Well, isn't that nice. A man can turn his coat, collaborate with the enemy, contribute to the deaths of thousands, but the old man needs his phones fixed and suddenly all is forgiven?