The Best Euron Greyjoy Quotes

Euron: Do I please the queen?
Cersei: You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met. I like that.

Euron: In my experience, the surest way to a woman's heart is with a gift. A priceless gift. I won't return to King's Landing until I have that for you.

Euron: [to Jaime, about Cersei] Does she like it gentle, or rough? A finger in the bum?

Euron: [to Jaime] You fought well... for a cripple.

Euron: Am I most welcome here?
- You are a true friend of the crown and an honored guest.
Euron: Good.
- As a true friend and an honored guest...

[Euron tries to persuade Cersei to marry him]
Euron: So here I am, with a thousand ships, and two good hands.
[Jaime glares at Euron]

Euron: [about the wights] I've been around the world. I've seen everything, things you couldn't imagine, and this... this is is the only thing I've ever seen that terrifies me.

- It gets lonely at sea.
- Are we in king's landing?
Euron: Mmm.
- You picked the losing side.
- Then I'll sail the iron fleet somewhere else.
- But first I'm gonna fuck the queen.

Balon: I heard you lost your mind during a storm on the Jade Sea. They tied you to the mast to keep you from jumping overboard.
Euron: They did.
Balon: And when the storm passed, you cut out their tongues.
Euron: I needed silence.
Balon: What kind of an ironborn looses his senses during a storm?
Euron: I am the storm, brother. The first storm and the last. And you're in my way.

Euron: [to Jaime] I got you! I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister.

Euron: [as he lunges at Yara] Give your uncle a kiss!

Cersei: You're certain about the dragon?
Euron: I saw him sink beneath the waves.
Cersei: That must have been glorious.

Euron: There's nothing quite like it, is there? The love of the people. Though I suppose you wouldn't know.
Jaime: This same mob spat at my sister not long ago. And if you turn on us, they'll cheer to see your head mounted on a spike.
Euron: Or yours. They just like severed heads, really.

Balon: Let me pass.
- You fool, move aside for your king.
Euron: Haven't I always, brother?

- Turn!
- Turn it around!
- Soldier: Turn it around!
Euron: Get back! Back!
- Fire!

Cersei: You're insolent. I've executed men for less.
Euron: They were lesser men.

Euron: [to Theon] Come on, you cockless coward. I have her, come and get her.