The Best Fisk Quotes

Anthony: [being wheeled away in a stretcher after having a heart attack] Helen?
Helen: Yep, yep, I'm here, Dad. Yep.
Anthony: I cherish you, Helen.
Helen: Oh, I cherish you too, Dad.
Viktor: [to Tony] Yeah, we all cherish you. You are cherished, my love. I cherish you most of all.
Helen: It's not a competition, Viktor. You're over-cherishing him.

Helen: [after Graham has answered her phone with 'I wake up with Today'] Hey, Graham. You know, if you want to win money, you have to register for that thing. They don't just call random numbers.
Graham: Really?
Helen: Yeah.
Graham: Well, that's a waste of two years.

Helen: [after Roz has told her to wear something nicer than her brown suit] What about if I wore something loose, but more fashionable?
Roz: Don't you dare turn up here wearing a caftan, Helen.

Helen: [in reception, quietly to George] Oh, mate. After yesterday, we're fucked.
Roz: [from the meeting room] That's our new slogan, is it? 'Welcome to Gruber & Associates, we're fucked'? I mean, what if I'd been the mystery judge?
Helen: [quietly to George] How did she even hear that? Is she bionic?
Roz: Heard that!

Helen: [finding out about the award she won] Ethical Business Person? What?
Roz: I accepted on your behalf.
Helen: Why?
Roz: [slowly] Because you weren't there. Your father had a heart attack, remember?
Helen: [equally as slowly] Why did I win it?
Ray: Mystery judge Phil said you were a rare fish in a world of sharks.
Roz: He said you didn't take advantage of a potentially vulnerable client. He cited your attention to detail and, if you can believe it, your unique ability to relate to people.
Helen: We did have a very good chat about pants.

Helen: That's some pretty lame facial hair.
Seb: You too, Helen.

Helen: You know, I don't say it enough, but I... I really... I cherish you, Dad.
Anthony: What?
Viktor: You what him?
Helen: I cher... I cherish him.
Anthony: That's an odd thing to say.
Helen: Is it?
Viktor: Do you need money?
Helen: No! I'm being warm and loving. Aren't I?
Viktor: It's just making everyone feel uncomfortable.
Anthony: [after an awkward silence] Let's eat.