The Best Madeleine Sami Quotes

Eddie: [When recovering the wreckage of Dwyer's burnt boat] Alright guys, we need to get everything tested, alright? Let's forensic the fuck out of it, yeah?

Eddie: If you mention the tongue eating seal one more time, I'm going to cunt punch you so hard you're going to double as a hand puppet!

Ray: Hey, I was thinking, we should move away from Deadloch. I'll miss our friends and everything, but just after how stressful it's been for you, and how busy it's been for me, it might be nice to get a fresh start, you know, in a new town, less baggage, get a dog, start a family, you know.
Eddie: Start a fa... .! You're a fuckin' serial killer mate!
Ray: Babe, I'm actually making Deadlock better for women. This place has come so far since I started getting rid of all those toxic men. Skye and Vic are thriving, Elena's the mayor...
Eddie: Did any of the woman actually ask you to do this Ray? Cuz I'm pretty sure if you had asked them what they wanted, they wouldn't have said, Oh yeah right, butcher half the town, mate, that's what granny burned her fucking bra for.
Ray: Oh I know they wouldn't have said that. Because women are victims of the patriarchy, Babe, right? They're oppressed and helpless. They need male allies like me, men with vision who can lead the charge.
Eddie: This isn't about you.
Ray: I know it's not about me Eddie. That's why I'm killing men now. I've stopped killing women. I don't have to do all this murder.
Eddie: Yeah, everyone knows that mate! Everyone knows that except fuckin' you!
Ray: My life is actually harder if yours gets easier, but I'm still putting in the work, to make a perfect world for you women, by myself, for no credit.
Eddie: Sounds like you want fuckin' credit.
Ray: No, I don't want credit. But you know a little credit for not wanting credit for this cool thing I'm doing for you for no credit might be nice.
Eddie: Oh, so you do want credit then.
Ray: No, I am just an ally, Eddie. I am the best ally. Say it, say I'm your best ally.
Eddie: You were fucking murdering women six years ago, you cunt.
Ray: I've been on feminist journey. I have female friends now. I go down on women. I have changed.
Eddie: No, you haven't, alright. Your answer to everything is still murder, you psychopath.
Ray: Let's just reset there. Why don't we forget about this. Just go have a cuddle on the couch and watch a Buffy.