The Best Michelle Ang Quotes

[first lines]
Alex: [Alex swims in the water after the airplane crash, calling out for the kid Jake] Jake! Jake! Jake, it's me. It's me.
Alex: [as Alex witnesses half of Jake's face burned off] Oh, God.

Kathleen: If you mess this up for me, I will come after you for everything you own.
Alexa: You know, I'm strangely aroused by that.

[Alex sits with Jake as the Abigail yacht tows their raft]
Alex: This is the worst. It'll never hurt worse than right now. And every day will be a little better. This is the worst it's going to be.

[Travis tells Alex that it costs a part of him to face the violence]
Travis: I have a son. He watches me. Waiting to see how I'll face it, the violence. I tried so hard not to be part of it. I knew it would change me. And that he'd see it. I can't tell you what you want to hear. I'm no better than the man who cut the rope. I cut the rope. What you did to that boy, I did the same. To my son's mother. So I know what it costs. It cost a part of me. How do I get that part back?
Alex: You don't.

[Alex tells Travis that people don't use her]
Travis: What happens to you?
Alex: Connor said he could use me. People don't use me.

[Alex tells Travis that she's the one who told Connor about the Abigail yacht]
Alex: When Connor found me just this side of death, the first thing he said to me was, 'What do you have to offer?' I offered him your Abigail. But I asked for you.

[Alicia argues with the group that the survivors Alex and Jake need help]
Alicia: He'll turn if we don't help him. Fine, fine. They won't come to Mexico. They just need some medicine and a place to stay for the night. Look at him! He's dying!
Alex: [when the group remains silent, looking to Jake] Are you people really debating this?

Alexa: Kath, have some bread.
Kathleen: I hate being called Kath.
Alexa: And I hate calling you Kath, so I guess we're even.

[Alex tells Travis about what happened to the other survivor Jake on the raft]
Alex: We were floating. He was on fire one second, cold the next. And he was so thirsty, but I ran out of water to give him. Surrounded by it, and all he could do was moan till he lost his voice. His breath got shallow. He looked up at me. I heard the fluid in his chest. I didn't have anything to stop him turning. And he knew that, too. He made me get real close. I could barely hear him. And he whispered, 'Don't let me drown.' So I put my hands around his throat and I squeezed. And then I pushed him out of the raft.
Travis: You did what you had to do.
Alex: I did what you made me do.