The Best Flash Gordon Quotes

Klytus: The tributes of the Hawkmen will be first.
Dale: Are we dreaming?
Flash: I'd like to think so.
Prince: The fabled ice jewel of Frigia; we seized it in battle from the royal crypt.
Prince: Stop! The ice jewel is our tribute, not Vultan's.
Prince: Vultan stole it while we were burying our dead on Frigia
Prince: Liar!
Prince: You are a thief!
Prince: What?
Prince: [Prince Barin draws his sword, preparing to attack Vultan]
[Vultan raises his clubbed sword]
Prince: Aargh!
Klytus: Put down your weapons! No one, but no one, dies in the palace without a command from the Emperor.
Prince: Hail, Ming!
[Barin lowers his sword]
Prince: Aargh!
Klytus: Vultan! You obey, or you sacrifice your daughter.
[Vultan's daughter emerges, looks at her father]
Prince: [lowers his club sword relentingly] Hail, Ming.

Flash: This isn't happening, Dale. We're not here. It's just a bad dream.
Dale: Oh, I agree completely. We'll wake up in any minute in Dock Harbor and have a laugh about this.
Flash: Only this time I won't just ask the maitre d' your name. I'll walk over and talk to you.
Dale: You promise?
Flash: I promise. Cross my heart and hope to... I really will talk to you, Dale.

Flash: This Ming is a psycho!
Ming's: This Ming is a psycho.
Klytus: Who said that?
Ming's: The fair-haired prisoner.
Klytus: Who are you?
Flash: Flash Gordon. Quarterback. New York Jets.
Dale: Dale Arden, Your Highness. Live and let live, that's my motto.

Prince: Flash... when the ship hits the forcefield you'll be killed; this is suicide!
Flash: No Vultan... it's a rational transaction! One life for billions...

Prince: My thanks to you, Flash.
Flash: What for?
Prince: For giving an old bird a second chance!

Ming's: Long live Flash! You've saved your Earth. Have a nice day.
Flash: [leaps into the air] Yeah!

Flash: Prince Barin! I'm not your enemy, Ming is! And you know it yourself. Ming is the enemy of every creature of Mongo! Let's all team up and fight him.

Flash: I'm flying blind on a rocket-cycle!

Flash: Where am I?
Princess: Back from the dead. I've saved you.
Flash: My God! How?
Princess: By magic, of course. With a kiss, because I like you.

Flash: The game's lost, Ming! Stop your attack on Earth and I'll spare your life!
The: You pitiful fool! My life is not for any Earthling to give or take!
[Ming attempts to hold back Flash with the power of his ring. Flash approaches unaffected and menaces Ming with his sword. Ming cowers]
Flash: Your power is fading, Ming!

Prince: [War Rocket Ajax is under heavy laser fire from Mingo City. Cut to Int. Ajax Cockpit. Flash is at the controls. Vultan is just reaching a ladder to leave] Come on, Flash! Come on! It's time to bail out!
Flash: Sorry, Vultan! I'm not coming!
Prince: What?
Flash: The rocketcycle's gone!
Prince: So, come on! I'll carry you!
Flash: Bail out, Vultan, before it's too late!
Prince: Flash,
[runs back to Flash]
Prince: are you crazy?
Flash: The fire's too heavy!
Flash: You know we'll never make that opening with nobody at the wheel!
Prince: Come on! You'll be blown to pieces, Flash! It's suicide!
Flash: No, a rational transaction! One life for billions!
Prince: [Vultan grabs Flash's shoulders and shouts] Come on! You'll be destroyed!
Flash: [shouts] You loony bird!
[Pushes Vultan away]
Flash: Get outta here! They need you on the ground!
Prince: [Vultan holds out his right hand] Well, good bye, Flash! It's been...!
Flash: [Flash shakes Vultan's hand] I know! For me too, Vultan!
Flash: [Vultan heads back to the ladder and starts climbing] Tell Dale
Flash: I know it would've been good!
Prince: [shouts] That must be one hell of a planet you men come from!
Flash: Not too bad!

Flash: Biro's hit! I'm going in after him!
[flies off]
Prince: Grrrr! Impetuous boy!
Prince: Ah, well; who wants to live forever?
Prince: [laughs heartily, to the Hawkmen] DIVE!

Dr. Hans Zarkov: Look at them! The poor wretches are just waiting for someone to lead them in revolt...!
Flash: [annoyed] Oh, are you looking at ME, Zarkov?

[Flash is in chains and with a helmet over his head]
Flash: I demand to see the governor! I can hardly breathe in this thing!
Klytus: Yes, you don't look well. I'm told you refused your final meal. The chef will be upset.
Flash: Tell 'em to go to hell!
Klytus: Maybe just as well. Gas works more quickly on an empty stomach. Any final requests?
Flash: Yes, let me see Dale. Right away.
Klytus: Oh, dear. How pathetic. Yes, I anticipated that.

[Hawkman Biro has been injured during the attack on war rocket Ajax]
Flash: Biro! You alright?
Biro: They just winged me!