30 Best Brian Blessed Quotes

Prince: Onward my brave Hawkmen! Let this be known forever as Flash Gordon's Day!

Prince: Flash... when the ship hits the forcefield you'll be killed; this is suicide!
Flash: No Vultan... it's a rational transaction! One life for billions...

[repeated line]
Augustus: Quinctilius Varus, where are my legions?

Augustus: I've had premonitions, premonitions of death.
Fabius: Oh, we all have them.

Gumball: [at a department store at a Santa display, amnesic Santa sit on chair with Anais on his lap] Okay, ask her what she wants, for Christmas.
Santa: [unenthusiastic] what do you want?
Gumball: Come on Santa, put some Christmas into it.
Santa: [Still unenthusiastic] Sigh. Ho ho ho, what do want, little girl.
Anais: I want four ponies, one for the bedroom, one downstairs, one for the bathroom, and a spare so no one else is allowed to use, and I want a princess tiara and a prince to marry me, when I'm old enough, so I would never have to work like mom.
Santa: While, I don't think it's right, to give kids whatever they want, or they end up spoiled brats. Like this one.
[Anais then angrily kicks a decorative snowman till its head falls off]

Augustus: Wait till you see what Marcellus has in store for us. He's got a rhinoceros.
Livia: What on Earth is that?
Augustus: A remarkable creature. It has a horn on its nose.
Livia: So has Scipio's wife, he should have used her.

Jane: And there were gorillas.
Professor: Gorillas?
Clayton: You found the gorillas? Where, Jane? Where?
Jane: He left with them.
Professor: Who did? Who?
Jane: Tarzan.
Clayton: Tarzan?
Jane: The ape man.

Flash: Biro's hit! I'm going in after him!
[flies off]
Prince: Grrrr! Impetuous boy!
Prince: Ah, well; who wants to live forever?
Prince: [laughs heartily, to the Hawkmen] DIVE!

Clayton: If I can teach a parrot to sing "God Save the Queen," I can certainly teach this savage a thing or two.

Augustus: Herod, what about a little bet? I'll take the fat one for twenty gold pieces.
Herod: Caesar, it would be against my religion to bet on the life of a man.
Augustus: Oh, really? I would have thought it against your religion to bet on anything.
Herod: Caesar, it's true: Jews love gambling. But we fear our god more.
Augustus: Which one?
Herod: We have only one, Caesar.
Augustus: I've never understood that, it's quite insufficient. Why don't you take some of our gods? You know, plenty of people do.
Herod: Believe me, Caesar, the one we have is hard enough to live with.

Clayton: I'm so sorry for the rude welcome, old boy, but I couldn't have you making a scene when we put your furry friends in their cages.
Tarzan: Why?
Clayton: Why? For 300 pounds sterling a head. Actually, I have you to thank, my boy. Couldn't have done it without you.

Klytus: The tributes of the Hawkmen will be first.
Dale: Are we dreaming?
Flash: I'd like to think so.
Prince: The fabled ice jewel of Frigia; we seized it in battle from the royal crypt.
Prince: Stop! The ice jewel is our tribute, not Vultan's.
Prince: Vultan stole it while we were burying our dead on Frigia
Prince: Liar!
Prince: You are a thief!
Prince: What?
Prince: [Prince Barin draws his sword, preparing to attack Vultan]
[Vultan raises his clubbed sword]
Prince: Aargh!
Klytus: Put down your weapons! No one, but no one, dies in the palace without a command from the Emperor.
Prince: Hail, Ming!
[Barin lowers his sword]
Prince: Aargh!
Klytus: Vultan! You obey, or you sacrifice your daughter.
[Vultan's daughter emerges, looks at her father]
Prince: [lowers his club sword relentingly] Hail, Ming.

Yrcanos: Ah! Ambush! - a woman's way of fighting.
Peri: Thanks a lot.

Augustus: What is going on here?
Postumus: [indicating Livia] Ask *her*. She knows.
Augustus: I'm asking you.
Livia: He'll incriminate all of us before he's finished.

[Tarzan takes Clayton's gun and aims it at him]
Clayton: Go ahead. Shoot me.
Clayton: Be a man.
[a shot is heard, but not from the gun; it's Tarzan mimicking a gunshot]
Tarzan: Not a man like you!

[Augustus comes to see Postumus in exile after four years]
Postumus: Well, well, well, what do we have here? *Tourists*? Come to see the animal in his cage? Is the island bare enough for you, father? Does it live up to your expectations of "smallness" or have you found another one *even smaller*?
Augustus: [shocked] How thin you look... How pale...
Postumus: Well, what did you expect? A fat *JOLLY* man full of laughs and jokes?

[after being returned to camp by Tarzan]
Jane: Oh, my goodness! Daddy, I was walking. There was... was a little baby, little baby monkey, and I drew a picture!
Professor: Yes, go on.
Jane: Suddenly, the monkey starts crying.
Professor: Oh, poor thing.
Jane: But, I turn around and there's a whole FLEET OF THEM. An ARMY of monkeys! A huge tree full of monkeys, screaming at me!
[imitates a monkey screaming at him]
Professor: [laughing at her] That's theropithecus baboonus! She's very good at this!
Jane: Terrified! I was terrified! Suddenly, I was swinging, on a vine, in the air! Swinging, in the air!
Professor: With the monkeys!
Jane: I was in the air! And then, I was all surrounded!
Professor: What did you do?
Jane: And, Daddy! They took my boot!
Professor: Your boot - those are the ones I bought you.
Jane: And I was SAVED. I was saved by a flying, wild man in a loincloth.
Professor: Loincloth? Good Lord.
Clayton: What is she talking about?
Professor: I haven't the foggiest idea. Takes after her mother, you know. She came up with stories like that. Not about men in loincloths, of course.

[to Postumus before banishing him]
Augustus: I'll make you suffer. Just like your mother suffers.

Clayton: Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.

The: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name the last time we met.
Lukoser: Dor... Dor...
The: Never mind. You can tell me later.
Yrcanos: His name is Dorf and you are scum.
The: No, actually I am known as "the Doctor."

Dale: Ming's not unbeatable. With all his men, he couldn't even kill Flash.
Prince: [incredulous] Gordon's alive?

Augustus: [Warning Tiberius against mistreating Julia] Now you listen to me: Mark Antony was twice the man you are, and when he spat on my sister, he learned a lesson that he didn't live long enough to profit from!

Yrcanos: [expansively] I am Yrcanos, King of the Krontep, Lord of Dingtem, Conquer of Tomcomp Empire. But you, no doubt, know this.
Peri: Oh, well, we caught some of it about round seven.

[On seeing your ex-spouse in secret]
Livia: You saw Julia's mother after your divorce.
Augustus: Yes, but not in secret.
Livia: Well I don't remember being present...

Jane: [telling her father about Tarzan] The point is, think about what we could learn from him. We must find him.
Clayton: [frustrated] Professor! You're here to find gorillas. Not indulge some girlish fantasy!
Jane: [also frustrated] Fantasy? I didn't imagine him! Tarzan is...
[Tarzan suddenly appears right between them. Clayton gasps in surprise and Jane smiles]
Jane: Real.

[to the senate]
Augustus: I called you all here to talk about the level of opposition to my new law against bachelorism. Do you know what I say? I say: "STOP COMPLAINING AND GET MARRIED."

Professor: Moves like an ape but looks like a man. He could be the missing link!
Clayton: Or our link to the gorillas.

Livia: No one can talk to you anymore.
Augustus: Anyone can talk to me at any time, except you. You don't talk to people. You bully them.
Livia: This conversation is becoming ridiculous.
Augustus: No, this conversation was ridiculous from the start.

Augustus: Look everyone, it's the cake.
Julia: [wittily] Do we get one each?
Augustus: [laughing] Julia, for heaven's sake.
[all laugh at her comment]
Marcus: It's my ship.
Augustus: Yes, the one you made your headquarters.
Marcus: She was a fine ship.
Marcellus: Ah.
[short pause; pointing to the cherry on the top]
Marcellus: That must be you, Marcus; The candied-cherry in the prow.

Augustus: You wouldn't believe the liars there are. Livia it seems is the worse of them all. And it's taken me *this* long for me to realise it.