Top 50 Quotes From Frazer Hines

Jamie: Can you see anything?
Dr. Who: No, it's too dark, Jamie. Not a sign of Van Lutyens.
Jamie: Well, no point hanging about here.
Dr. Who: Wait a minute.
[foam and weed emerge further down the corridor]
Dr. Who: Come on Jamie. Let's get out of here. Push the lift button!
Jamie,49523: Get us out of here. Take the lift up!
Jamie: Victoria, why aren't you listening?
Dr. Who: Why doesn't this thing work? Jamie, look!

Jamie: Why did you run away from them in the first place?
The: What? Well, I was bored.
Zoe: What do you mean, you were bored?
The: Well, the Time Lords are an immensely civilised race. We can control our own environment, we can live forever, barring accidents, and we have the secret of space time travel.
Jamie: Well what's so wrong in all that?
The: Well we hardly ever use our great powers. We consent simply to observe and to gather knowledge.
Zoe: And that wasn't enough for you?
The: No, of course not. With a whole galaxy to explore? Millions of planets, eons of time, countless civilisations to meet?
Jamie: Well, why do they object to you doing all that?
The: Well, It is a fact, Jamie, that I do tend to get involved with things.

The: Now, I think Victoria might find that dress a little impracticable if she's going to join us in our adventures. Jamie, show her where she can find some new ones, will you?
Jamie: Right. This way, Victoria...
The: Mustn't stand about, Jamie.
Jamie: Try to give us a smooth take-off, Doctor. We don't want to frighten her.
The: A smooth take-off? A smooth take-off! What a nerve!

[last lines]
Jamie: [after the departure of Ben and Polly] I'm sad to see them go.
Dr. Who: Yes Jamie, so am I.
[heaves a sigh]
Dr. Who: Well, we've got things to do.
Jamie: What things?
Dr. Who: Well, I didn't tell the others but... we've lost the TARDIS!
Jamie: We can't have done.
Dr. Who: It was outside - it's not there now.
Jamie: You mean somebody's stolen it?
Dr. Who: [solemnly] I don't know, but that's what we're going to find out! Come on!

[a food dispenser has just produced a number of food cubes]
Jamie: I've heard of a square meal, but this is ridiculous!

[first lines]
Jamie: Miss Waterfield? Can you open the door? We've come to get you. Quick, before we see any more of those mechanical beasties.

[last lines]
Jamie: [about Travers] Do you think he'll ever find his abominable snowman, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Well, that we shall never know, Jamie.
[he notices Jamie is shivering]
Dr. Who: What's the matter with you, are you cold or something?
Jamie: Oh, it's all right for you in your home made Yeti kit.
[referring to the Doctor's large furry coat]
Dr. Who: Yes, I suppose there is a little bit of a nip in the air.
Jamie: A nip! A nip, just look at my knees, they're bright blue.
Dr. Who: A horrible sight.
Jamie: Could you not land us somewhere warmer next time?
Dr. Who: Jamie, you never know, do you?

Jamie: [as the Tardis lands] What have I come upon?

[first lines]
Jamie: It's you. The phantom piper!
[a Cyberman moves forward towards Jamie]
Jamie: No! No, I'll not go with ya. Do you hear me piper? No, leave me. Leave me, I'll not go with ya. Do you hear me? Leave me. No, I'll not go with ya. I'll fight ya every inch of the way. I'll not go with ya. No.
[the Cyberman walks away]

[last lines]
Jamie: Err, Victoria.
Victoria: What?
Jamie: You see how those lassies were dressed?
Victoria: Yes, I did. And trust you to think of something like that.
Jamie: What? Couldn't help thinking about it.
Victoria: Well, I think it's disgusting, wearing that kind of thing.
Jamie: [mocking] Oh, aye, so it is, so it is. You, err, you don't see yourself dressed like that then?
Victoria: Jamie!
Jamie: Oh, I'm sorry, it was just an idea.
Victoria: We will now change the subject, please. I want to look at this man.
[Behind the cover, the warrior is now completely unfrozen. Somehow it has returned to life. It flexes its hand, and moves its head towards the approaching Victoria]

Jamie: Hey, have you seen Victoria?
Harris: No I haven't.
Jamie: Look, haven't you found her yet?
Dr. Who: No, I was hoping you had.
Jamie: But she was standing right beside us...
Dr. Who: No, no, no, no...
Harris: Doctor, it's Robson. He's trying to get away in one of the company helicopters.
Jamie: What?
Harris: I'm afraid he's got your young girl with him.
Dr. Who: Oh no. Oh no. Can I speak to him from here?
Harris: Yes. Price, switch to RT.
Price: Yes, Sir.
Dr. Who: This one?
Price: Yes.
Dr. Who: [into the screen] Robson. Robson. Robson, listen to me. Can you hear me? Robson. Come back, man. Come back! Robson, don't you realise what they're trying to do to you? They're trying to control you!
Robson: Now, listen to me.
Dr. Who: Robson. Robson.
Robson: Listen! Listen! I have the girl. She is my prisoner. She is my hostage. Do you understand? If you want her to live, come over to us. Come over to us.
Dr. Who: Robson. Robson!
Price: He's switched off, Sir.

[first lines]
The: [unable to catch the lorry driving off with the TARDIS on its bed, The Doctor and Jamie go into the hangar, where a man in overalls is sitting, listening to a radio] Jamie!
Jamie: The TARDIS! Doctor!
The: Excuse me!
Bob: Ey?
The: I wonder if you could help us?
Bob: My mate likes the wireless turned on at full blast.
[points to his hearing aid]
Bob: I have to keep this turned down.
The: Oh, I see.
Jamie: Who's taken the TARDIS?
The: He means the police telephone box.
Bob: He said "TARDIS" or something.
The: Yes. Well, TARDIS... That's, uh... That's another name for it.
Bob: Oh, foreign is he?
Jamie: Me, foreign? You're the one that's foreign! I'm Scottish!
The: Uh, that's right. TARDIS is a... is a Gaelic word.
[Whispers to Jamie]
The: Jamie, hush!
Jamie: [whispering back] It's getting further away all the time!
The: Yes, I know.

The: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
Victoria: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit... , uh?
The: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.
Jamie: Ey, I'll have you know that... Oh, aye!
The: Come along. Come along, let's go and see what the others are doing, shall we? Come along.

The: Jamie, Victoria, Callum, wake up! Wake up!
Victoria: What is it?
The: [a Cybermat is crawling up Jim Callum's chest] Callum, Callum.
Victoria: What are those terrible things?
The: Don't move, Callum. Don't move.
[the Doctor knocks it onto the floor]
The: Now, get back to the controls, all of you. Steady. Don't make any sudden movements. Parry, Parry, wake up, Parry. Wake up. Wake up. Don't panic. Come back with us. Steady. Now, we'll all go in the other room and lock them out.
Victoria: [screaming] Aagh!
Jim: Let's get out of here. The main doors.
[runs over to the main doors where another Cybermat is coming]
Jim: No, look!
Victoria: Oh! Oh, Doctor, we're trapped!
The: Back against the controls, everybody! Here.
[picks up a power cable]
The: Give me a hand, quick!
Professor: The what?
The: Lay this down on the ground. Come on!
Jamie: We can't move it, Doctor!
The: Come on!
Jim: Well, let's blast the filthy things!
[begins shooting at them]
The: You're wasting your time. There are too many of them! Now, do what I say. Come back!
[the Doctor switches the power on and the Cybermats begin to die]
The: There you are, you see?
Professor: What are those creatures?
The: Well, they're... They're a form of metallic life. They home on human brainwaves and attack.
Victoria: Urgh! Are they safe now?
The: Oh, yes, quite safe now.

Jamie: Now don't move for that box! Not if you value your life. Now all of you, back over there! That's it. Not as well protected as you think you are, eh? Now when I say "duck"... Duck, get down!

Perry: This old police box was for a collector of curios.
Dr. Who: But it belongs to me!
Perry: But why is it so important to you?
Dr. Who: Because... because of what's inside it and because it happens to be my property!
Jamie: Look, where is it?
Perry: At the back.
Dr. Who: Well, is there another way through? This door is locked.
Perry: We might be able to get over the yard gates. You see, this door has an electric lock on it.
Dr. Who: You're going to show me where this yard of yours is.
Perry: I say, if it's a police box, shouldn't we get the police?
Jamie: [the door leading to Waterfield's study opens. JAMIE notices and points it out to the Doctor] Doctor...

[last lines]
Jamie: Doctor!
Victoria: I think.
Dr. Who: Khrisong, I have found the control.
Khrisong: It is too late, Doctor, I can no longer help you.
Dr. Who: But you don't understand! It's here! In the monastery.
Travers: What? That's impossible!
Sapan: But the monastery is empty, we are all here.
Dr. Who: Are we? Are we all here?
Thonmi: The Master!
Sapan: Songsten is with him!
Khrisong: Then he is in great danger! Stay where you are. All of you.
Travers: I remember. Songsten, the Yeti, on the mountain. Yes, yes, it's all coming back to me.
Jamie: Tell us.
Travers: There was this cave...

Dr. Who: Well Jamie, the experiment's nearly over. I've had no sleep. I've been up all night, but it's been worth it.
Jamie: Ah, don't touch me!
Dr. Who: Now what's the matter?
Jamie: Anyone would think this was a little game.
Dr. Who: No. It is not a game.
Jamie: Of course it isn't Doctor. People have died. The Daleks are all over the place, fit to murder the lot of us, and all you can say is you've had a good night's work.
Dr. Who: Jamie.
Jamie: No, Doctor. Look, I'm telling you this. You and me -- we're finished. You're just too callous for me. Anything goes by the board, anything at all.
Dr. Who: That's just not true, Jamie. I've never held that the end justifies the means.
Jamie: Ach, words. What do I care about words? You don't give that much for a living soul except yourself.
Dr. Who: I care about life. I care about human beings. Do you think I let you go through that Dalek test lightly?
Jamie: I don't know. Did you? Look, Doctor, just whose side are you on?

Cyberman Controller: We must survive! We must survive!
Toberman: You are evil!
The: Toberman, come away!
Jamie: Careful, you'll get killed man!
Toberman: They shall never pass Toberman. The door is closed.

[first lines]
Commandant: You're quite sure you've never met these men? They say they know you.
Polly: But they can't know me. This is my first visit to England!
Jamie: But Polly, it's us, me and the Doctor!
Dr. Who: Would you mind telling us your name?
Polly: I am Michelle Leuppi from Zurich.
Dr. Who: You have a passport?
Polly: Yes, of course. Here.
[she hands it over]
Polly: Have I done something wrong?
Commandant: Oh no, I don't suppose there's anything for you to worry about, Miss. May I just ask what you're doing in England?
Polly: I have come here to work. Look, here is my work permit.
Commandant: Oh, yes, that's quite in order. Thank you. Excuse me.
Dr. Who: Where did you learn such excellent English?
Polly: I had an English governess. Would you mind telling me what's happening?
Commandant: Nothing that need concern you, miss, everything's perfectly order. Now if you'd just like to go through there?
Polly: Thank you.
Jamie: Polly, wait!
Commandant: Just a minute young man.
Jamie: But she's a friend of ours - and she saw the murder!
Commandant: You're going to wait here until the Superintendent of police arrives - now understand that?
Dr. Who: Ah, you're going to tell him about the dead body, very sensible.
Commandant: No. I am going to tell him about you.
[into the phone]
Commandant: Put me through to Superintendent Reynolds.
Dr. Who: [whispering] Jamie, I don't think we're very welcome here. When I say run, we run!
Commandant: [into the phone] Hello Super, Commandant. I've got a couple of illegal entrants here. Yes... Immigration Desk Number Five.
Dr. Who: Run!
[before anyone can stop them the Doctor and Jamie shoot past the barrier and run out of the reception area, disappearing into the crowds that throng the main concourse]

The: Jamie, I hope you made those ropes secure.
Jamie: Oh, the King of the Beasties himself couldnae get out of that one.
[the Cyberman Controller bursts free]
The: Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots sometime.
Cyberman Controller: You will remain still.

Dr. Who: Oh, yes. Yes. I don't think I like the look of this. Let's go.
Victoria: Why, what's the matter?
Dr. Who: Come on, run.
Jamie: Yeah, but...
Dr. Who: Don't argue, run. Come on. Come on!
Jamie: If only we had a gun!
Victoria: But why would they want to harm us?
Dr. Who: Why indeed? Oh, what now?
Victoria: Look, Doctor, can't we go back to the TARDIS?
Dr. Who: No, we'd never make it. There's not much cover here.
Victoria: Perhaps we've landed in a world of mad men.
Dr. Who: They're human beings, if that's what you mean. Indulging their favorite past time - trying to destroy each other. Time we went, come on.
Jamie: [seeing Rod aiming a gun at them] Creag an tuire.
[punches Rod unconscious]
Victoria: Oh, well done.
Jamie: [the sound of a helicopter is heard] What's that?

Jamie: [the TARDIS lands] That wasn't too bad. Let's go outside, Doctor.
Ben: Yeah, Come on, Jamie, you and me first. We never know, you know.
Jamie: What?
Ben: We don't know what could be waiting for us out there, do we? Come on, Doctor, open up.
The: Yes, I don't see why not. It looks alright to me.
[the doors open]
The: Wait!
[the others stop in their tracks]
The: ... For me. Ha-ha-ha...

Zoe: [whooshing] Doctor, if we've landed, where are we?
Dr. Who: That is what I'm trying to find out, Zoë.
Zoe: A rocket?
Jamie: Hey, we're just hanging in space!
Dr. Who: Well, we can't be!
Zoe: Well, let's try and find a star we know.
Dr. Who: [groans with effort] There we are. Oh... What in heaven's name...?
Jamie: Hey, what's he up to?
Zoe: He's trying to climb aboard.
Dr. Who: Just a minute... Just a minute... Oh, this control is... There we are. No, now that's an ion-jet rocket of the twenty first century, but... but... this helmet, if I can... There we are! That's not nearly so sophisticated. It's certainly not later than nineteen sixty.
Jamie: Those letters on his helmet?
Zoe: C-C-C-P.
Dr. Who: Of course!
Jamie: What?
Dr. Who: Just a minute. Yes, I... I think that explains it!
Zoe: Well, Doctor, what is it?
Dr. Who: Well, it's a... it's a flying machine, designed by a gentleman by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci in about umm fifteen hundred.
Jamie: Well, what's it doing up here?
Zoe: Doctor, where are we?
Dr. Who: We're in a museum!
Jamie,108149: A what?
Dr. Who: A space museum! Look! There you are. A balloon... That's a transport plane. Now, those initials, they stand for Russia. That's Gagarin, the first earthman in space. Look. Come on, let's have a look round, shall we?
Jamie: Right.
Dr. Who: Wait for me!

Dr. Who: [finding the secret door] Jamie, look!
Jamie: Hey...!
[opening an empty cabinet]
Jamie: What's that, Doctor.
Dr. Who: [sniffs] Someone who's not used to the Earth's atmosphere. Very interesting... Ah, TV monitor set. Let's see what we can see.
Jamie: Hey, wh-what's that?
Dr. Who: Well it looks like a hospital. Jamie, we're getting warmer, which is a change from the last time I was here. Come on. Let's see if there's a first aid post in Gatwick Airport.
Jamie: Should we clear up the mess, Doctor?
Dr. Who: No. Let's get along to the first aid post.
[the Doctor collapses]
Dr. Who: My back!
Jamie: What?
Dr. Who: Jamie, my back!

Jamie: Hello? Who's there?

[last lines]
Jamie: Miss Waterfield? Can you open the door? We've come to get you.

The: [Jamie enters] Ah! You look better for your change of clothes and a bath. You should try it more often.
Jamie: Thank you. What?

The: There we are. That's done. Now, we just have to close the main doors, and the circuit is complete.
Jamie: Oh, thank goodness for that.
[seeing the Cyberman Controller is still alive]
Jamie: Doctor! Doctor!
The: Jamie... You go that way. I'll go this way. That gives us more of a chance. When I say "run", - run. Run! Quickly!

Jamie: Hey, what on Earth?
Professor: Behold, gentlemen, the Tombs of the Cybermen.
Jamie: Tombs? I don't see any tombs.
Dr. Who: [pointing] There, Jamie. Frozen forever. All their evil locked away with them. And so it must remain.
Eric: Like a gigantic honeycomb. Like bees waiting for the signal to arise from their winter sleep.
Dr. Who: A signal that they are never going to get.
John: We'd better get busy, Everything must be recorded. It's too cold to remain for long...
Eric: Unless we find some way to warm things up.

[first lines]
Controller: Keep away. Don't touch me. I'll obey!
[a claw is seen on screen dragging the old man off]
Jamie: What's that? What's happening!
Polly: Doctor, that was it - that thing in the picture! That was the claw! They're in control.
Pilot: Take them out of here. They're condemned to the pits.
Ola: Come on. Get out, all of you. Out! Get out!

Jamie: He's not the doctor I know.
The: I am so, Jamie McKimmon. I am another aspect of him, just as he is of me.
Jamie: Ay?
The: I was him; he will be me.
Jamie: [confused] Who will I be?

Dr. Who: Back, Everybody, Back! Onto the platform.
[to Price]
Dr. Who: Switch it on, man! Switch it on! Oh! Hold that, Jamie!
[gives a portable speaker to Jamie and goes over to Price]
Dr. Who: Which is the connector switch?
Price: Wh-what?
Dr. Who: The connector switch! Come on! Switch on your speakers and point them on the creature. Point them at the creature! Go on!
Jamie: What's going on?
Megan: It's not working!
Dr. Who: Give it a minute.
Megan: It's not working, I tell you! We're finished!
Harris: No!
Dr. Who: Look! Behind you! Look behind you! The corridor!

[last lines]
The: The experiment is over?
Dr. Who: Yes. I have implanted the human factor in the three Daleks that you gave me.
[to Waterfield and Jamie]
Dr. Who: When I say "run", - run!
The: Speak louder!
Dr. Who: I was merely telling my friend that the day of the Daleks is coming to an end.
The: Explain.
Dr. Who: It's very simple. Somewhere in the Dalek race there are three Daleks with the "Human Factor". Gradually, they will come to question. They will persuade other Daleks to question. You will have a rebellion on your planet!
The: No!
Dr. Who: I say, yes! I've beaten you, and I don't care what you do to me now!
The: Silence. The "Human Factor" showed us what the "Dalek Factor" was.
Dr. Who: [his "triumphant" face falling] What?
Jamie: Well, what does that mean?
The: Without knowing, you have shown the Daleks what their own strength is.
Edward: While you were doing one thing, they were really making you do another.
The: The "Human Factor" is useless.
Dr. Who: You still have those three Daleks to contend with.
The: They will be impregnated with the "Dalek Factor". Your discovery, but your work is not over.
Dr. Who: I won't work for you!
The: You will obey!
Jamie: What is the "Dalek Factor"?
Dr. Who: You want me to guess? It means to obey, to fight, to destroy, to exterminate. I won't do it.
The: Watch!
[a light comes on, revealing the TARDIS]
Jamie: The TARDIS, Doctor!
The: You will take the "Dalek Factor". You will spread it to the entire history of Earth!

Jamie: We don't usually get to where you say we're going.
The: I got Victoria to where she wanted to go. Why she wants to learn graphology, I have no idea!

[first lines]
Jamie: Where are we, Doctor?
Dr. Who: We're by the seaside, that's where we are. That's all that matters.
Jamie: Aye, but where?
Victoria: Yes, Doctor, we must know.
Dr. Who: Oh, stop fussing, you two, come on.
[runs for the water]
Dr. Who: Come on, you two. No wait a minute. See if there's any buckets and spades in the TARDIS.
[Takes off his shoes and socks and paddles in the sea]
Jamie: Buckets and spades? Is he going to dig for worms?
Victoria: No, he wants us to play sand castles.
Jamie: Sand castles? What does he think we are? A couple of children?

Jamie: It's you! The phantom piper!
[a Cyberman moves forward towards Jamie]

Jamie: Doctor.
Dr. Who: Jamie! Jamie!
Jamie: A Dalek nearly caught us, but, I... I tossed it over the edge. But,... poor Kemel.
Dr. Who: [half puzzled and then remembering who Kemel was] Kemel?
Jamie: Aye. You see, he was trying.
Victoria: Where is my father? Is... is he dead?
Dr. Who: [gently] Yes. Yes, I'm afraid he is. But, he didn't die in vain. I think we have seen the end of the Daleks forever! Jamie, we must move along to the TARDIS. It's over there.
Jamie: [about Victoria] We can't leave her alone, Doctor.
Dr. Who: We're not going to leave her. She's coming with us! The end. The final end!

[last lines]
Jamie: Now, that really is the end of the Cybermen, isn't it?
The: Yes, Jamie. On the other hand... I never like to make predictions.

[first lines]
Jamie: It's a flying beastie!

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [one of the Daleks lifts The Doctor up with its arm.] What is it? What do you want? Hmm? What are you up to? Ah! What are you doing?
Jamie: Doctor, where are they taking you?
Dr. Who: Where are you taking me? Jamie! They're taking me for a ride! Jamie, they're playing a game. It's a game! They're taking me for a ride!
Theodore: A rather amusing little game, don't you think Jamie?

Dr. Who: I- I wouldn't leave you in the tender mercy of Salamander.
Jamie: Doctor?
Dr. Who: You don't believe me? Oh. Ha.
[the Doctor clears his throat, exaggeratedly reaches into his shirt and mimes taking out his recorder. He whistles 5 bars of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", the fifth repeating the first, all the while fingering the air as if he were playing it, then suddenly making a listening gesture at his right ear]
Jamie: [points and whistles "Shave and a Haircut"]
Dr. Who: [whistles and fingers "Two Bits"] Only *you* made me leave it in the TARDIS!
Jamie: It *is* him!
Victoria: Oh, Doctor!
Jamie: Doctor, why didn't you tell...
[Jaime and Victoria talk over each other, hugging the Doctor in joy, until interrupted by]
Donald: Tardis? Tardis, what's that?
Dr. Who: Uh, well, it's a little place that we three have in common. You must admit, they thought I was Salamander to begin with.
Donald: Yes, I concede that. But there's still no proof.
Dr. Who: No, but there's enough doubt in your mind to make you go on asking questions, isn't there? That's why we came here!

Dr. Who: [the Doctor is thinking of an idea of getting inside the TARDIS] Yes.
Jamie: Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Yes, Jamie, I believe I have.
Jamie: What are you going to do?
Dr. Who: Bung a rock at it.
Jamie: Oh be serious, Doctor!
Dr. Who: Jamie, I am.
Jamie: Hey no, Doctor!
Dr. Who: [the Doctor bungs a rock at it, however the Yeti does not react] There you are, you see? Just as I thought. It can't see and it can't feel. Come on.
Jamie: Don't be daft, Doctor.
Dr. Who: Well it's quite all right, Jamie. It's like those three back there, it's either switched off or not receiving. Come along.
Jamie: Are you sure it's quite safe?
Dr. Who: Well, quite frankly no, Jamie. But there's only one way of finding out.
[the Doctor starts to look inside the creature's centre for its flap]
Jamie: Don't, Doctor, you might switch it on.
Dr. Who: No I don't think so, Jamie. There, just as I thought. Now then.
[He gets the flap open]
Dr. Who: Now, Jamie, will you hold this flap open for me please? Thank you.
[He starts to take the control unit from its chest with a screwdriver]
Jamie: Hey you're taking an awful risk, Doctor.
Dr. Who: [removes the Yeti's sphere] Well I'm glad that's over. Catch!
[He throws it at Jamie who catches it]
Jamie: Hey I just thought of something, Doctor. The man that made these robots is very clever, right?
Dr. Who: Yes.
Jamie: And yet we were able to walk right up to it and put it out of action just like that!
Dr. Who: You mean why didn't they build in some sort of protective device?
Jamie: Aye.
Dr. Who: Well perhaps they didn't think it was necessary. I mean look at him. Would you walk up to a creature like that with just a screwdriver in your hand?
Jamie: No, I would not.
Dr. Who: No, there you are. I'm really rather pleased with myself.

[first lines]
Jamie: Hello. Who are you?

Isobel: Well, the answer's simple, surely. Go and get some proof.
Brigadier: And how do I prove that in the sewers of London there are creatures from outer space waiting to attack us? Go and get one?
Zoe: You wouldn't stand a chance against them, Isobel.
Isobel: Ah, you wouldn't have to go anywhere near them.Photograph them.
Brigadier: That's not a bad idea... Now wait a minute, it'd be pitch-dark down in those tunnels.
Isobel: You could use infrared film, a twenty-five filter on a thirty-five mil camera with a telephoto lens, and why, you could take frame after frame without getting anywhere near them.
Brigadier: Is all that gibberish or do you really know what you're talking about?
Isobel: Of course I know.
Brigadier: If you're right, it could well be the sort of proof I need to get some action.
Isobel: Well, all I need is my camera from the house and then I'm all set.
Brigadier: Now, wait a minute, this is hardly a job for you.
Isobel: Why ever not?
Brigadier: Well... you're a young woman. This is a job for my men.
Isobel: Well, of all the bigoted, anti-feminist... cretinous remarks!
Brigadier: This is no job for a girl like you. Now that's final.
Isobel: Oh you... you man!
Brigadier: I'll get in touch with my photographic unit and get them onto it.
[the Brigadier leaves]
Isobel: Oh, that stupid bigoted idiotic...
Jamie: Ah, well he's right, you know.
Zoe: Jamie McCrimmon!
Jamie: Well, he is!
Zoe: Just because you're a man you think that you're superior, do you?
Jamie: Now I didn't say that. Of course, it's true.
Zoe: Is it really?... Right... Coming, Isobel?
Isobel: What a splendid idea.
Jamie: Where are you going?
Zoe: Do you think we should let him come with us?
Isobel: Oh, I don't know. Men aren't much good in situations like this.

[last lines]
The: Oh, Jamie don't touch that control!
Jamie: I already have. What's the matter, Doctor?
The: Which one was it?
Jamie: Which one what?
Victoria: Aagh!

[first lines]
Jamie: [upon entering the TARDIS for the first time, he looks around him. The central column rises and falls] What's this?
The: You'll find out.
[operates the controls]
Jamie: Ah, I don't think I want to.
Ben: It's a machine, my old haggis; it's taken you away from Scotland forever.
Jamie: Where to?
Ben: Ah, well, that as the Doctor would say, that is in the lap of the gods. We never know.
Jamie: Ah, you'd not be leading me on now, would you? It's a fact; you don't know where we're going?
Polly: Quite true, and what's more we don't even know what year it will be either.
Jamie: Och, now, I don't believe it.
The: "Nae man can tether time nor tide" - Robert Burns.
Jamie: Hey? Who's Robert Burns?
The: Oh, I should have remembered.
Polly: What?
The: Well to Jamie, it's seventeen forty six. Robert Burns wasn't born until seventeen fifty nine.
Ben: It's all complicated, isn't it?
Jamie: What's happening now?
The: We're just beginning to land. Hold tight, everyone.
Jamie: Land?
Polly: Don't be scared, Jamie, it's alright, really.
Ben: I get a sort of queer feeling. See, we never know what we're going to find, do we?
The: Ah that's the fun. Stand by, here we go.
Polly: Please let it be Chelsea nineteen sixty six.
Ben: Hope it's the Daleks, I don't think.
The: Prehistoric monsters...

[first lines]
Jamie: The TARDIS, Doctor!
The: You will take the "Dalek Factor." You will spread it to the entire history of Earth!
Dr. Who: [half-shocked and half-defiant] No. You can't make me do it! You can't!
The: You will obey!
Black: Move!
The: Doctor. You will obey!

Jamie: [seeing the Emperor Dalek] Look at the size of that thing!

Jamie: We can't tell you anything.
Dr. Who: [as Salamander] Of course not. We know everything. We know about Giles Kent, we know about the girl called Astrid, and we know about your friend, the Doctor.
Victoria: [steps forward] I don't believe you.
Dr. Who: A childish plan to impersonate me. That's the truth, isn't it?
Jamie: [steps forward] Ah, but he didn't agree to it.
Dr. Who: You two were sent to the Central European Zone to start trouble.
Victoria: If you want to know the truth, Giles Kent told us a story and we weren't sure. Before the Doctor could do anything, we had to come here and find out what person you're like.
Jamie: Yeah, we found out right enough.
Dr. Who: You see, Bruce, they're just terrorists. Not very big-fry either. All this nonsense about proof against me.
Victoria: If you're doing so much good for the world, why are you so afraid for your own life?
Jamie: Aye, why do you have so many enemies?
Victoria: Personal guards...
Jamie: Your own food taster...
Victoria: And why destroy the one man people trusted, Alexander Denes?
Jamie: Aye!
Donald: What do you mean, "destroy"?
Victoria: One of your men shot him.
Donald: Trying to escape?
Victoria: He shot him deliberately.
Jamie: [walks up to Bruce] Aye, and that girl, Fariah, well, she was close to Salamander. She'd speak against him. I know she would.
Dr. Who: Fariah is dead.
Victoria: [shocked mad] Dead?
Jamie: You've had her murdered, too, have you?
Victoria: [attacks "Salamander"] Why, you...
Dr. Who: [as himself, cowers out of his chair] Oh, Victoria, don't hit me! You wouldn't hit your old friend the Doctor, would you?