The Best Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart Quotes

Mordred: My mother will destroy you!
Brigadier: Just between you and me, Mordred, I'm getting a little tired of hearing about your mother.

[the Brigadier knocks out the Doctor]
Brigadier: Sorry, Doctor, but I think I'm rather more expendable than you!

Lethbridge: In the last decade, we've been sending probes deeper and deeper into space. We've drawn attention to ourselves, Miss Shaw.

Brigadier: Oh dear. Women, not really my field.
The: Don't worry, Brigadier, people will be shooting at you soon.

Morgaine: How goes the day?
Brigadier: I've had better.
Morgaine: I am Morgaine, the sun-killer. Dominator of the thirteen worlds and battle queen of the S'Rax. What say you?
Brigadier: I am Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Surrender now and we can avoid bloodshed.

Mordred: [to Doctor] Look me in the eye, end my life.
[the Doctor does nothing]
Mordred: Ha! It is a weakness, this lack of spirit!
[the Brigadier points his revolver at Mordred's head]
Brigadier: Try ME.
Morgaine: Ware this man, Mordred, he is steeped in blood.

The: Ah... little man. What do you want of me?
Brigadier: Get off my world!
The: Pitiful. Can this world do no better than you as their champion?
Brigadier: Probably. I just do the best I can.

Brigadier: [showing the Doctor their ammunition] Armor-piercing, solid core with a teflon coating. Go through a Dalek.
The: A nasty bullet.
Brigadier: UNIT's been very busy, Doctor. We've also got high explosive rounds for yetis and very efficient armor-piercing rounds for robots. And we've even got gold-tipped bullets for you-know-what.
The: No silver?
Brigadier: Silver bullets?
The: Well, you never know.
Brigadier: Quartermaster Sergeant! Silver bullets! Have we any?

The: [sees the Brigadier's body] You stupid, stubborn, pigheaded numbskull! You were supposed to die in bed!
Brigadier: Nonsense, Doctor!... Oh, really, Doctor, do you think I'd be so stupid as to stay inside, do you? Have a little faith!
[gets up]

Isobel: Well, the answer's simple, surely. Go and get some proof.
Brigadier: And how do I prove that in the sewers of London there are creatures from outer space waiting to attack us? Go and get one?
Zoe: You wouldn't stand a chance against them, Isobel.
Isobel: Ah, you wouldn't have to go anywhere near them.Photograph them.
Brigadier: That's not a bad idea... Now wait a minute, it'd be pitch-dark down in those tunnels.
Isobel: You could use infrared film, a twenty-five filter on a thirty-five mil camera with a telephoto lens, and why, you could take frame after frame without getting anywhere near them.
Brigadier: Is all that gibberish or do you really know what you're talking about?
Isobel: Of course I know.
Brigadier: If you're right, it could well be the sort of proof I need to get some action.
Isobel: Well, all I need is my camera from the house and then I'm all set.
Brigadier: Now, wait a minute, this is hardly a job for you.
Isobel: Why ever not?
Brigadier: Well... you're a young woman. This is a job for my men.
Isobel: Well, of all the bigoted, anti-feminist... cretinous remarks!
Brigadier: This is no job for a girl like you. Now that's final.
Isobel: Oh you... you man!
Brigadier: I'll get in touch with my photographic unit and get them onto it.
[the Brigadier leaves]
Isobel: Oh, that stupid bigoted idiotic...
Jamie: Ah, well he's right, you know.
Zoe: Jamie McCrimmon!
Jamie: Well, he is!
Zoe: Just because you're a man you think that you're superior, do you?
Jamie: Now I didn't say that. Of course, it's true.
Zoe: Is it really?... Right... Coming, Isobel?
Isobel: What a splendid idea.
Jamie: Where are you going?
Zoe: Do you think we should let him come with us?
Isobel: Oh, I don't know. Men aren't much good in situations like this.

The: Pitiful. Can this world do no better than you as a champion?
Brigadier: Probably. I just do the best I can.

Ancelyn: [to the Doctor] My Lord Merlin.
Brigadier: Merlin?
Ancelyn: He has many names.
Brigadier: He also has many faces.
[seeing Ace]
Brigadier: And he has many companions. This must be the latest one.

[the Brigadier comes across the Doctor saving him from the defence system]
Brigadier: I just can't let you out of my sight, can I, Doctor?
The: Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. So you recognise me, then?
Brigadier: Yes. Who else would it be?

Brigadier: Oh, dear. Women. Not really my field.
The: Don't worry, Brigadier. People will be shooting at you soon.

Lethbridge: What was that?
The: That Brigadier, was the beginning of the end of the world.
Lethbridge: Same as ever, eh, Doctor?

Flight: [the Brigadier and Lavel have just escaped from a helicopter crash] Sir, we don't know what the situation is here!
Brigadier: The situation, Lavel, is normal, and it doesn't get much worse than that. You know, I'm rather enjoying this.

Brigadier: Ace?
Ace: Yes Brigadier?
Brigadier: I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. He's all yours from now on. I'm going home to Doris.
The: Doris?
Brigadier: Yes, my wife.
The: [chuckles] So she caught you in the end?