The Best Osgood Quotes

Osgood: The Tardis.
The: The Tardis.
Osgood: What does it stand for?
The: What? You're kidding me? Surely you know that?
Osgood: Well, I've heard a couple of different versions.
The: I made it up from the initials. It stands for Totally And Radically Driving In Space.

Osgood: Why didn't that Zygon blow us up with her big bazooka?
The: She did blow us up with her big bazooka. This is us being blown up with a big bazooka.

Osgood: Why do you have a Union Jack parachute?
The: Um, camouflage.
Osgood: Camouflage?
The: Yes, we're in Britain.

The: What's your name?
Osgood: Osgood.
The: No, no, no, your first name.
Osgood: What's your first name?
The: Basil.
Osgood: Petronella.
The: Let's just, uh, stick with what we had.

The: [as they enter the command aircraft] Where are we going? Cloudbase?
Kate: You mean the Valiant?
Osgood: Cloudbase was the Thunderbirds'.

Osgood: The first thing I'd do if I was to invade the world would be to kill you.
The: Thanks.
Osgood: I wouldn't even let you get talking, like you always do. Bullet between the eyes, first thing.
The: Again, thank you.
Osgood: Twelve times if necessary.
The: Ah, yes, well why limit yourself? You've really thought this through, haven't you?
Osgood: I'm a big fan.

Clara: Take care of you.
Osgood: You take care of him. Don't let him die or anything.
Clara: What if he's really annoying?
Osgood: Then it's fine.
Clara: Got you.

The: London! What a dump.
Osgood: London's okay.
The: Not it's not. It's a dump.
Osgood: You spend an awful lot of time here, considering it's a dump.
The: I spend an awful lot of time being kidnapped, tortured, shot at, exterminated - doesn't mean I like it.

The: [points to the question marks on Osgood's lapels] Oh, I see you've accessorized it.
Osgood: Yes
The: The old question marks.
Osgood: You used to wear question marks.
The: Oh I know, yes I did.
Osgood: They were nice. Why don't you wear them anymore?
The: Oh, I do. I've got question mark underpants.
Osgood: Makes one wonder what the question is.

The: Which one are you? Human or Zygon?
Osgood: I don't answer that question
The: Why not?
Osgood: Because there is no question to answer. I don't accept it. My sister and I were the living embodiment of the peace we made. I will give all the lives that I have to protect it. You want to know who I am, Doctor? I am the peace. I am human and Zygon.
The: Like a hybrid.

Colonel: It was Captain Scarlet.
Osgood: Sorry?
Colonel: Not Thunderbirds.
Osgood: Oh, God, so it was.
The: My confidence is growing every minute.
Kate: [into the plane's phone] The President is on board.
The: Mind you, me and Sylvia Anderson, you've never seen a foxtrot like it.