The Best Kate Lethbridge-Stewart Quotes

Colonel: It was Captain Scarlet.
Osgood: Sorry?
Colonel: Not Thunderbirds.
Osgood: Oh, God, so it was.
The: My confidence is growing every minute.
Kate: [into the plane's phone] The President is on board.
The: Mind you, me and Sylvia Anderson, you've never seen a foxtrot like it.

Kate: So now that I have your attention, welcome to the only planet in the universe where we get to say this. He's on the payroll.
The: Am I?
Kate: Well, technically.
The: How much?
Kate: Shush.

Kate: Has it exploded?
Missy: More than that. Cybermen don't just blow themselves up for no good reason, dear. They're not human.

Kate: Kate Stewart. Divorcee, mother of two, keen gardener, outstanding bridge player. Also chief scientific officer, Unified Intelligence Taskforce - who currently have you surrounded.

The: [as they enter the command aircraft] Where are we going? Cloudbase?
Kate: You mean the Valiant?
Osgood: Cloudbase was the Thunderbirds'.