30 Best Sophie Aldred Quotes

Harold: There are three ways of disappearing on Terra Alpha: The Late Show with the Forum, a visit to the Kandy Kitchen... something else.
Ace: What sort of something else?
Harold: I don't know exactly. Rumor has it that Helen A favors the firing squad.

Ace: What about the spaceship in the cellar? It's knackered, isn't it?
The: Yes. I fixed it. Uncle Josiah knows as much about its secrets as a hamburger knows about the Amazon desert.
Ace: Sounds a bit like you and the Tardis.

Ace: [driving the Doctor back to the school] These Dayleks...
The: Daleks.
Ace: Oh, Daleks. Where are they from?
The: From Skaro. At least originally. They're the mutated remains of a species called the Kaleds. Left here.
Ace: When were they left here?
The: No! Turn left here.
Ace: Oh, right.
The: No, left! You've missed the turning!
Ace: What turn, where?
The: Why don't you concentrate on where you're going?
Ace: Well, I'm doing the best I can. If you don't like it, you drive!

Karra: Are you hungry? The chase.
Ace: What?
Karra: The hunt. The smell of the blood on the wind. Hear the blood in your ears. Run, run, beyond the horizon and catch your hunger!
[Karra howls and two horses come to them]
Karra: Are you hungry sister? Come hunting.

Ace: Have to move faster than that if you want to keep up with me. Faster than light.
Sgt. Leigh: Faster than a second hand on a watch?
Ace: We're hardly moving yet... Sometimes I travel so fast I don't exist.

The: I didn't expect two Dalek factions. And now I've got to make sure that the wrong ones don't get their grubby little protuberances on it.
Ace: Shouldn't we take Mike?
The: No, Dalek hunting is a terminal pastime.
Ace: So what are we doing?
The: Dalek hunting.

Ace: How can a statue destroy the world?
The: I'll tell you, three hundred and fifty years ago.

Ace: I'm sorry we fell out. I'm sorry I judged you. I didn't understand the burden you carried.
Seventh: All children leave home sooner or later. The joy is to watch them fly.
Ace: So, we're good?
Seventh: Oh, we're more than good. We're ace!

Ace: Doctor, where are you going?
The: To bury the past.
Ace: I'm coming with you.
The: It is not your past. You haven't been born yet.

Ace: You know what's going on.
The: Yes.
Ace: You always know. You just can't be bothered to tell anyone. It's like it's some kind of a and only you know the rules. You knew all about that inscription being a computer programme, but you didn't tell me! You know about that old bottle and you're not telling me! Am I so stupid?
The: No that's not it.
Ace: Why then, I want to know!
The: Evil, evil since the dawn of time!
Ace: What do you mean?
The: Oh will you stop asking me these questions!
Ace: [shouts] Tell me!
The: [powerfully] The dawn of time. The beginning of all beginnings. Two forces, only good and evil. Then chaos. Time is born, matter, space. The universe cries out like a newborn. The forces shatter as the universe explodes outwards. Only echoes remain, and yet somehow, somehow, the evil force survives. An intelligence. Pure evil!
Ace: And that's Fenric?
The: No. That's just Millington's name for it. Evil has no name. Trapped inside a flask like a genie in a bottle.
Ace: Can we stop it?
The: We need to get that flask.
Ace: We can release Captain Sorin to help us. I can distract the guard.
The: How?
Ace: Professor... I'm not a little girl.

The: It was Omega who created the supernova that was the initial power source for Gallifreyan time travel experiments. He left behind him the basis on which Rassilon founded Time Lord society, and he left behind the Hand of Omega.
Ace: His hand? What good was that?
The: No, no, not his hand literally. No, no, it's called that because Time Lords have an infinite capacity for pretension.
Ace: I've notice that.

Yaz: Ace, how would you feel about me dropping you under a Bolivian volcano so you can stop the Daleks from flooding the world with lava?
Ace: Wicked.

Ace: Professor, I'm hungry! Lack of food makes me hungry, you know.
The: Lack of food makes you obstreperous!

Ace: So no more Daleks can be transported through here?
The: Well, It'll slow them down a bit, until the operator can repair the systems.
Ace: The Operator?
The: Yes, the Daleks usually leave an operator on station in case of any malfunction.
Ace: And... that would be another Dalek.
The: [realizing] Yes.
[a Dalek appears]
Dalek: Stay... where... you... are! Do... not... move!

Rachel: Doctor, we've had a report of a radar contact.
The: A re-entry curvital orb?
Rachel: Yes.
The: That'll be the Imperial Dalek shuttlecraft.
Gilmore: What! They're not landing a spaceship here?
The: Here? No. They're much too far from the main action.
[a rocket-like rumble is heard outside]
Gilmore: You're sure?
Ace: [at the window] Whoa!
The: Ace, get away form the window!
[a Dalek shuttlecraft approaches the school courtyard]
The: DOWN!
[Everyone takes cover while a Dalek Imperial shuttle lands outside the school, shattering glass in the windows]
The: I think I might have miscalculated.

The: And I trust you remember my strict instructions never to cause any further explosions.
Ace: I'm a better person as a result, Doctor.

Ace: And the half time score: Perivale, six hundred million; Rest of the Universe, nil!

Junk: Scared?
Ace: What?
Junk: Scared to come to the Psychic Circus?
Ace: No.
Junk: Scared to take part?
Ace: No, of course not.
Junk: Well, if you are then go right ahead. Ignore me. I quite understand.
Ace: I don't believe it. Junk mail that talks back.

Ace: Doctor, we did good, didn't we?
The: Perhaps. Time will tell. It always does.

Dalek: Small human female sighted on level 3.
Ace: Who are you calling "small"?
[Ace begins to destroy it with her baseball bat]
Dalek: Under attack! Under attack! Vision impaired! Reinforcements requested!

[Wainwright is standing in the misty daylight of his churchyard. Behind him the sinister figures of the transformed teenagers, Jean and Phyllis approach as if stalking him. They have become vampiric haemovores]
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: I know who you are.
Jean: You've always known us.
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: [turning nervously to confront them] But vampires are just superstition. Why?
Jean: We have black hearts. We were lost on the day we were born.
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: That's not true. No-one is lost.
Phyllis: Everyone is lost.
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: No further.
[Brandishes a bible in front of him]
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: This is holy. It will destroy you.
Phyllis: Objects can't harm us. It's human belief, and you stopped believing when the bombs started falling.
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: I'm not frightened of German bombs.
Jean: Not German. British.
Phyllis: Falling on German cities. Killing German children.
Reverand Mr. Wainwright: [His faith starting to buckle under the weight of the the vampiric duo's verbal onslaught] No... No!
The: [the Doctor coming out of nowhere and suddenly comes stepping in between Wanwright and the two undead teenagers. He has stopped them in their tracks. Shouting] Stop!
Ace: [Who's been with the Doctor] What's happened to you? What are you doing?
Phyllis: [beginning to approach Ace] You should have come in to the water with us, then we'd have been together.
The: [not allowing Phyllis to go any further] Go! Go!
Jean: We go... but we'll return for you, Wainwright.
[they turn and slowly move away from the Doctor and the others]

The: [the Doctor is knelt coughing on the ground having blown up a Dalek with some nitro-9 explosive. The fuse had a shorter time on it than Ace told him] Ace! You said ten seconds.
Ace: Nobody's perfect, Professor.

Ace: Don't you have things you hate?
The: I can't stand burnt toast. I loathe bus stations - terrible places, full of lost luggage and lost souls. And then there's unrequited love, and tyranny, and cruelty.
Ace: Too right.
The: We all have a world of our own terrors to face.
Ace: I face mine on my own terms!

The: I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever.
Ace: The planet's gone, but it lives on inside you, and it always will.

The: Don't you find it embarrassing asking for autographs?
Ace: Not as embarrassing as forgetting what you set your alarm for.

Squeak: Over there. Midge and the bad cat man. Midge went away and then he came back. He's my big brother. He's got funny eyes now.
Ace: Where's your mum, Squeak?
Squeak: [shouts] He made her go away!

The: [seeing the Headmaster doubled up on the floor, whom Ace slugged] What's wrong with him?
Ace: Stomach ache.
The: [as if to explain it] School dinners.

The: We need to get that flask.
Ace: We can release Captain Sorin to help us. I could distract the guard.
The: How?
Ace: Professor, I'm not a little girl.

Ace: What are you expecting to find down here, anyway?
The: The unknown.
Ace: Oh, isn't that a bit dangerous?
The: Probably. But then if I knew what was down here, I wouldn't have to look.

Ace: Where's Nimrod?
The: Gone to see a man about a God.