20 Best The Doctor Quotes

Second: [the Second Doctor's visit of his old friend Brigadier Allister Gordon Lethgridge Stewart is drawing to a close] Now Brigadier I must bid hail and farewell. I shouldn't even be here at all. I'm not exactly breaking the laws of time but I am bending them a little.
Brigadier: [Nodding slightly] Yes. You never did care much for rules as I remember.

Brigadier: [the Second Doctor and the Brigadier have only just arrived in the Zone on Gallifrey] Charming spot, Doctor.
Second: [crossly] My dear, Brigadier, there's no use blaming me.
Brigadier: You attract trouble, Doctor. You always did.

The: Jamie, some of the most brilliant scientists in the universe have assembled here to work together in pure research. I don't want them to know that I've arrived.
Jamie: Why not?
The: Just think of the commotion. They'll all be scrambling around wanting my autograph.

Dastari: [having administered an anesthetic injection] Count backwards from ten, Doctor.
The: Certainly not!
Dastari: As you wish.
The: Do you expect me to co-operate in my own murder? I'm dinyey... oik... phaarll...

Second: Goodbye... fancypants!
Third: Scarecrow!

The: Dastari, you have more letters after your name than anyone else I know - enough for two alphabets. How is it that you can be such a stupid, stubborn, irrational, and thoroughly objectionable old idiot?
[Jamie laughs. The Doctor looks at him]
The: What are you smiling at, you hairy-legged Highlander?
The: I'm just admiring your diplomatic skills.

Rassilon: Others have claimed immortality throughout the ages. It was given to them as it shall be given to you. Your place is prepared, Lord President Borusa.
Borusa: Oh! Oh!
[Lord Borusa looks backwards at the space Lord Rassilon has prepared for him. His face appears etched in stone. Lord Borusa's eyes twitch before turning to stone]
Rassilon: And what of you, Doctors? Do you claim immortality too?
First: No!
Second: No, no!
Third: No!
Fifth: That's quite alright.

Jamie: We don't usually get to where you say we're going.
The: I got Victoria to where she wanted to go. Why she wants to learn graphology, I have no idea!

Shockeye: [about Jamie] Let me buy it from you.
The: My companion is not for sale!
Shockeye: I promise you, Lord, no chef in the nine planets would do more to bring out the flavor of the beast.

The: Give a monkey control of its environment it will fill the world with bananas.

Second: We can't allow it, you know.
Third: The tomb is sealed for the best of reasons.
First: And when we get back to our own time-streams, it must be sealed again.
Second: Doctor, we need you! Join us!
First: He can't. It's some kind of mind lock. Fight it, my boy, fight it! Concentrate!
Second: We must be one!
Fifth: [the first three Doctors break Borusa's control over the Fifth Doctor] You see, Borusa? Together, we're a match for you!
Borusa: Perhaps, but you will never overcome it.
Fifth: But Chancellor Flavia will be here with her guards... or will you overcome the entire High Council?
Rassilon: [suddenly appearing as a hologram above the crypt] This is the Game of Rassilon!
Borusa: I am Borusa, Lord and President of Gallifrey.
Rassilon: Why have you come here?
Borusa: I come to claim that which is promised.
Rassilon: You seek immortality?
Borusa: Yes.
Rassilon: And who are these three?
Borusa: These are my servants.
Second: [angrily] We most certainly are not!
Third: Don't believe him!
Fifth: That's nonsense!
First: Don't believe them, Lord Rassilon! President Borusa speaks the truth!
Rassilon: You believe that President Borusa deserves the immortality he seeks?
First: Indeed I do.
Rassilon: He shall have it. Take the ring. Do you claim immortality, Lord Borusa? You will not turn back?
Borusa: Never!

Jamie: Look at the size of that thing, Doctor.
The: Yes, Jamie, that is a big one.

The: [the TARDIS shakes as if it has collided into something] Splendid! We've hit conterminous time again.
Jamie: Well, we've certainly hit something!

The: [strapped to a table as Stike wheels in operating equipment for his dissection] Tea time already, nurse?
Stike: I do not understand.
The: Just as well. A face like yours was
The: made for laughing.

Second: Have faith, Brigadier. Have I ever led you astray?
Brigadier: On many occasions.
Second: Yes, well, this will be the exception.

[the Second Doctor tries to get into U.N.I.T. headquarters]
Sergeant: I'm sorry, sir, you're not allowed in there!
Second: Not allowed? Me? I'm allowed everywhere!

[the second Doctor is peering around the office of Colonel Crichton, the Brigadiers replacement]
Second: You've had this place redecorated, haven't you?
[shaking head]
Second: I don't like it.

Dastari: [before the dissection begins] Afraid I'm unable to give you a full anesthetic.
The: Doing the job on the cheap, are you?

The: Let go of me!
The: This way!
The: No! This way!
The: Now, look! You got me into this mess!

Stike: It is not easy being commander. The loneliness of supreme responsibility.
The: Why don't you resign, Stike? Take a pension?