The Best The Doctor Quotes

Second: Goodbye... fancypants!
Third: Scarecrow!

Second: We can't allow it, you know.
Third: The tomb is sealed for the best of reasons.
First: And when we get back to our own time-streams, it must be sealed again.
Second: Doctor, we need you! Join us!
First: He can't. It's some kind of mind lock. Fight it, my boy, fight it! Concentrate!
Second: We must be one!
Fifth: [the first three Doctors break Borusa's control over the Fifth Doctor] You see, Borusa? Together, we're a match for you!
Borusa: Perhaps, but you will never overcome it.
Fifth: But Chancellor Flavia will be here with her guards... or will you overcome the entire High Council?
Rassilon: [suddenly appearing as a hologram above the crypt] This is the Game of Rassilon!
Borusa: I am Borusa, Lord and President of Gallifrey.
Rassilon: Why have you come here?
Borusa: I come to claim that which is promised.
Rassilon: You seek immortality?
Borusa: Yes.
Rassilon: And who are these three?
Borusa: These are my servants.
Second: [angrily] We most certainly are not!
Third: Don't believe him!
Fifth: That's nonsense!
First: Don't believe them, Lord Rassilon! President Borusa speaks the truth!
Rassilon: You believe that President Borusa deserves the immortality he seeks?
First: Indeed I do.
Rassilon: He shall have it. Take the ring. Do you claim immortality, Lord Borusa? You will not turn back?
Borusa: Never!

Second: So, you're the latest model?
Fifth: Yes, and the most agreeable.
Second: Well, certainly the most impudent.
Third: And our dress code hasn't improved much, has it?
First: Neither our manners.

Rassilon: Others have claimed immortality throughout the ages. It was given to them as it shall be given to you. Your place is prepared, Lord President Borusa.
Borusa: Oh! Oh!
[Lord Borusa looks backwards at the space Lord Rassilon has prepared for him. His face appears etched in stone. Lord Borusa's eyes twitch before turning to stone]
Rassilon: And what of you, Doctors? Do you claim immortality too?
First: No!
Second: No, no!
Third: No!
Fifth: That's quite alright.

Third: Well, I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow so the TARDIS should be free of the forcefield now.

[Bram separates a section of the TARDIS console. Voices from the past start leaking out and overlapping each other]
Susan: [as said to Ian and Barbara] Well, I made up the name TARDIS from the initials: Time And Relative Dimension In Space.
The: ...dimensionally transcendental.
Jo: What's that mean?
The: You sexy thing!
Idris: See, you do call me that! Is it my name?
The: You bet it's your name!
The: [as said to Leela] That's trans-dimensional engineering. A key Time Lord discovery.
The: [as said to Rose Tyler] The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and, believe me, they've tried.
Martha: It's just a box...
Amy: We are in space!
Martha: ...with that room crammed in!
Ian: That thing that looks like a Police Box, standing in a junkyard, it can move anywhere in time and space?