Top 30 Quotes From Rory Williams

The: Urgh. Kissing and crying. I'll, I'll be back in a bit.
Rory: [Turns to face the doorway] Oi! You - get in here - now!

River: Hello, Dad.
Rory: Where am I?
Rory: How the hell did I get here?
River: I haven't the faintest idea. But you'll probably want to put your hands up.

The: These are all coma patients?
Rory: Yeah
The: No, they're all the multiform. Eight comas, eight disguises for Prisoner Zero
Amy: He had a dog, though. There's a dog in a coma?
The: Well, coma patient dreams he's walking a dog, Prisoner Zero gets a dog. Laptop! Your friend, what was his name, not him, the good looking one!
Rory: Thanks!
Amy: Jeff.
Rory: Oh, thanks.

The: [Prisoner Zero is disguised as the Doctor] Well, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?
Rory: It's you.
The: Me?
[looks down]
The: Is that what I look like?
Rory: You don't know?
The: Busy day! Why me, though? You're linked with her. Why are you copying me?
Young: [Prisoner Zero version] I'm not
[appears from behind the fake Doctor]
Young: Poor Amy Pond. Still such a child inside. Dreaming of the magic Doctor she knows will return to save her. What a disappointment you've been
The: No. She's dreaming about me cos she can still hear me!

The: Er, Centurian, permission to hug?
Rory: Be aware, I do have a sword.
The: [salutes him] At all times.
[hugs Amy]

The: [Dialling a number on the phone] Sorry in advance, by the way
Rory: What for?
The: The bill!

River: It's my birthday. The Doctor took me ice skating on the River Thames in 1814. The last of the great frost fairs. He got Stevie Wonder to sing for me under London Bridge.
Rory: Stevie Wonder sang in 1814?
River: Yes, he did! But you must never tell him.
Rory: I've come from the Doctor too.
River: Yes, but at a different point in time.
Rory: Unless there's two of them.
River: No, that's a whole different birthday.

Rory: We're all ears!
Amy: There's a nose joke goin' if someone wants to pick that one off.

Rory: Amy, he's taking his clothes off.
The: Turn your back if it embarrasses you.
Rory: Are you stealing clothes now? Those clothes belong to people you know.
[turns around]
Rory: [to Amy] Are you not going to turn your back?
Amy: [gazing intently at The Doctor] Nope.

Rory: My daughter. What do you think?
The: Hello. Hello... uh... baby.
Amy: Melody.
The: Melody? Hello Melody Pond.
Rory: Melody Williams.
Amy: a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a super hero.

Amy: Can't chat, working.
Rory: Really? I thought you were just pouting at a camera.

Amy: What's the book?
The: "Melody Malone" She's a private detective in old town New York.
Amy: She's got ice in her heart, a kiss on her lips, and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden.
The: Oh, you've read it?
Rory: You read, aloud, and then went, "Yowzah!"

The: [On the phone to the Atraxi] Oi! I didn't say you could go! Article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation. This is a fully established, Level 5, planet, and you were going to burn it? What...? Did you think no one was watching? You lot, back here, now!
[Ends the call and tosses phone to Rory]
The: Ok. Now I've done it!
Rory: Did he just bring them back? Did he just save the world from aliens, and then bring all the aliens back again?

Rory: Right. I'm off to work
The: What? You've got a job?
Rory: Of course I've got a... What do you think we do when we're not with you?
The: I imagine mostly kissing.

Rory: Okay. I'm going to go and get us some more coffee. Who wants more coffee?
[without waiting for an answer]
Rory: Me, too. I'll go.
[turns quickly to leave]
Amy: Rory? Do I have noticeable lines on my eyes now?
The: Yes.
Rory: [without turning around] No.
Amy: You didn't look.
Rory: I noticed them earlier... Didn't notice them. I specifically remember not noticing them.
Amy: You're welcome on the firepit, Centurion.

Amy: [to Rory, in the kitchen] Good job, mister. Civilisations saved. surfaces wiped. What more could a woman ask for? I mean it.
Rory: Where's the Doctor?
Amy: On the Wii again.

Rory: So how much trouble are we in?
The: How much trouble, Mr. Pond? Out of ten? Eleven.

Daleks: Eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs.
Rory: [frowns] What? Sorry, what?
Daleks: Eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs.
Rory: "Eggs"? You mean those things?
[shines his torch on the Dalek's armor, which has multiple round pieces missing]
Daleks: Eggs...
Rory: I don't... I don't know what you want. Uh... those things, are... are those things "eggs"?
[bends down and picks up a round piece from the ground]
Rory: This? You want this?
Daleks: [slowly] Eggs... ter... min... ate.

Rory: The beach is humming.
The: Oh yes. Well, don't just stand there, you two. Dig! I'm going to look at rocks. Love a rock.
Rory: Dig with what?
Brian: [pulls a fold-up trowel out of his pocket] Ah! Well.
Rory: Did you just have that on you?
Brian: [starts digging] Course. What sort of a man doesn't carry a trowel? Put it on your Christmas list.
Rory: Dad, I'm 31, I don't have a Christmas list anymore.
The: I do!

The: [the Doctor has grabbed Rory's cameraphone and looked at the picture] The sun's going out and you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?
Rory: [Notices Amy standing next to him] Amy!
Amy: Hi
[Turns to the Doctor]
Amy: Oh, this is Rory, he's a... friend.
Rory: Boyfriend.
Amy: Kind of boyfriend.
Rory: Amy!
The: Man and dog, why?
Rory: [Looks the Doctor up and down] Oh, my god, It's him!
Amy: Just answer his question, please!
Rory: But it's him though, the Doctor, the Raggady Doctor!
Amy: Yes, he came back!
Rory: He was a story, he was a game...
The: [Grabs Rory by the lapels] Man and dog, why, tell me, now!
Rory: Sorry, it's just, he can't be there because he's
The: In a hospital, in a coma.
Rory: Yes

Amy: Rory, no offence to the others, but uh, you let them all die first, okay?
Rory: You're so Scottish.

[first lines]
["Demon's Run"]
Amy: [to her baby] I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved, that you'll be safe, and cared for, and protected, but this isn't the time for lies. What you are going to be, Melody, is very, very brave.
Madame: Two minutes.
Amy: But not as brave as they all have to be, because there's somebody coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me: he's on his way.
["Twenty Thousand Light Years Away"]
Amy: [continuing, V.O] There's a man who's never going to let us down, and not even an army can get in the way. He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone, because this man is your father. He has a name, but the people of our world know him better... as The Last Centurion.
Rory: [dressed in Roman Centurion garb] I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor, and a question from me: *Where* *is* *my* *wife*?
[the Cybermen stare at him, saying nothing]
Rory: [walking into the room] Oh, don't give me those blank looks. The Twelfth Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. You hear everything. So you tell me what I need to know. You tell me now, and I'll be on my way.
[Rory stops in front of an observation window]
Cyber: What is the Doctor's message?
[outside, the fleet begins exploding, startling the Cybermen]
Rory: [unfazed] Would you like me to repeat the question?

The: [eating fish fingers and custard with Rory and Amy] If I had a restaurant, this'd be all I'd serve.
Amy: Yeah, right. You running a restaurant.
The: I've run restaurants. Who do you think invented Yorkshire pudding?
Rory: You didn't.
The: Pudding yet savory. Sound familiar?

Rory: [Rory walks in wearing only underpants, and escorted by soldiers] There are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants.
Amy: My whole life I've dreamed of saying that. And I miss it by being someone else.

[Amy and Rory wave as the Tardis dematerialises, Amy looks at Rory, smiles at him and enters their house]
Rory: [raises his fists] Yes!
Amy: [from inside the house] I can see you.
Rory: [instantly stops] OK.
[Rory quickly follows Amy into the house]

Darla: The asylum. It occupies the entire planet, right to the core.
The: How many Daleks are in there?
Darla: A count has not been made. Millions, certainly.
The: All still alive?
Darla: It has to be assumed. The asylum is fully automated. Supervision is not required.
Amy: Armed?
Darla: The Daleks are always armed.
Rory: What colour?
[they look at Rory]
Rory: Sorry, there weren't any good questions left.

Oswin: [over the intercom] So, anyway, I'm Oswin. What do I call you?
Rory: Uh... Rory.
Oswin: Lovely name, Rory. First boy I ever fancied was called Rory.
Rory: Okay.
Oswin: Actually she was called Nina. I was going through a phase.

Rory: So, what do we do with Jex?
Isaac: "What do we do with him"?
Rory: Yeah. I mean, he's a war criminal.
Isaac: No, he's the guy who saved the town from cholera. The guy who gave us heat and light.
Amy: Look, Jex may be a criminal, and yeah, kinda creepy -...
Kahler: ...And still in the room.

Rory: We have two lives. Real life and Doctor life. Doesn't feel like real life gets much of a look-in.
Amy: What do we do?
Rory: Choose.
[sounds of the Tardis appearing]
Amy: Not today, though.
Rory: No, not today.

Rory: So this is the kind of escape plan where you survive about 4 seconds longer?
The: What's wrong with 4 seconds? You can do loads in 4 seconds.