The Best Victoria Waterfield Quotes

Dalek: Hurry!
Victoria: Why am I being moved? Are you taking me back to my father?
Dalek: No, you are being moved. Pick up your cover. Follow. Do not be afraid. You are not to be exterminated. Do not delay.
Dalek: Move!

Jamie: Doctor.
Dr. Who: Jamie! Jamie!
Jamie: A Dalek nearly caught us, but, I... I tossed it over the edge. But,... poor Kemel.
Dr. Who: [half puzzled and then remembering who Kemel was] Kemel?
Jamie: Aye. You see, he was trying.
Victoria: Where is my father? Is... is he dead?
Dr. Who: [gently] Yes. Yes, I'm afraid he is. But, he didn't die in vain. I think we have seen the end of the Daleks forever! Jamie, we must move along to the TARDIS. It's over there.
Jamie: [about Victoria] We can't leave her alone, Doctor.
Dr. Who: We're not going to leave her. She's coming with us! The end. The final end!

Dr. Who: Well where's the helicopter then?
Victoria: I can't see anything except this awful foam.
Jamie: Don't worry, Victoria, it won't hurt you.
Dr. Who: [looking up at the sky spots the helicopter] There it is!
Dr. Who,108155: [shouting] Hey! Hey!
Victoria: Oh, can't he see us?
Dr. Who: Probably not.
Jamie: No, he's probably just too scared.
Dr. Who: Oh, Jamie, help me get this hatchway covered. We can't hang around here. The helicopter will never see us.
Jamie: But we'll never get off the rig without it!
Dr. Who: [points to the other landing pad] There's Robson's helicopter in there.
Jamie: But it hasn't got a driver!
Dr. Who: I've been dying to get my hands on one of those things. Come on. Go on.
[they rush over to the other pad]

Dalek: You have not eaten. You will eat. That is an order. Answer!
Victoria: [obviously terrified] Yes.
Dalek: You will not feed the flying pests outside. Answer!
Victoria: Yes.
Dalek: Move to the machine. Move! Move, move! The weight of your body has fallen by seventeen ounces.
Victoria: What do you expect?
Victoria: What do you expect? For pity's sake, let me go!
Dalek: Speak when you are told to speak! More food will come. Eat it, or you will be fed by force!
[Victoria sobs]