50 Best Janet Fielding Quotes

The: It seems this race is getting serious. Someone is prepared to kill in order to win.
Tegan: But what... what's the prize?
The: Oh, that we must find out.

Tegan: [Tegan #1] Come on. What are you thinking?
Tegan: [Tegan #2] Don't you know?
Tegan: [Tegan #1] Maybe I do.
Tegan: [Tegan #2] After all, apparently you will've been thinking it, too, won't you?
Tegan: [Tegan #1] But I asked first.
Tegan: [Tegan #2] So did I.
Tegan: [Tegan #1] But... Stop it. If you must know, I was thinking about eating ice cream.
Tegan: [Tegan #2] Yes.
Tegan: [Tegan #1] What do you mean, "yes?"
Tegan: [Tegan #2] So was I. I was three years old and I didn't like the taste.
Tegan: [Tegan #1] But that's my memory!
Tegan: [Tegan #2] And mine! Stop it.

Tegan: Ladies and gentlemen, we do apologize for the delay. Your flight is now ready for boarding. Would you care to proceed to your aircraft immediately?

Bigon: Sooner or later he is bound to make you as I am. All of you.
Tegan: No. He'll kill us?
Bigon: It is not death. First you are hypnotized. Under hypnosis you are made to recall your whole life. This is recorded and microchipped. Your body is then disposed of and you are remade as I.

Tegan: [wondering about the Eternals] Are they like TIme Lords?
The: Oh, no, no. They exist outside of time.
Tegan: How?
The: They're eternal. They exist in eternity. It's, uh... It's not really what you'd call living.
Tegan: So what makes 'em tick?
The: We do. Their minds are empty, used up. They need ideas from us. They're desperate for them.

Richard: [explaining his possession of guns] I was once a noted thespian until forced into rural exile by the closure of the theaters. But it is only with the aid of these properties I'm able to command the attention of an audience nowadays.
Tegan: You sound like a highwayman or a robber.
Richard: A gentleman of the road, madam.

Tegan: [to arresting officers] We're perfectly harmless, unfortunately.

Tegan: That's not Hyde Park. That's Heathrow Airport!
The: You're right.
Tegan: Well, I never thought I'd say this, but let's get out of here: We could be in the path of an oncoming aircraft.

Tegan: Perhaps he's in trouble
[referring to The Doctor]
Adric: Oh he's always in trouble, Tegan, or haven't you noticed? It amuses him.

Vislor: We're running out of places to run.
Tegan: It's the story of our lives.

Tegan: I'm just a mouth on legs.

Terileptil: And where is this Doctor from?
Tegan: He's never told us. He likes to be mysterious, although he talks a lot about... uh... Guildford. I think that's where he comes from.
Terileptil: You are being a very stupid woman.
Tegan: That isn't a very original observation.

Tegan: Doctor, why can't you help them?
The: Don't you understand? If I did, it would be the end of me as a Time Lord.
Tegan: What do you mean?
The: I can only regenerate twelve times. I have already done so four times.
Tegan: So?
The: Don't you see? Eight of them; eight of me.
Tegan: They want your remaining regenerations?
The: It's the only way to end their mutation.

Tegan: You call three hundred years a small error?
The: It's probably due to nothing more than a temperamental cellanoid on the lateral balance cones.

Captain: There's no need to whisper, Doctor. You and your companions are free to come and go as you wish. You are our guests, not our prisoners.
Tegan: I wanna die.

Tegan: What year are we in?
The: Around two thousand and eighty-four.
Tegan: Little seems to have changed since my time.
The: Absolutely nothing, Tegan. There are still two power blocs, fingers poised to annihilate each other.

The: Veruna is where one of the last surviving groups of mankind took shelter in the Great... er. Yes. Well, I suppose you've got all that to look forward to, haven't you.
Tegan: In the Great what, Doctor?
The: All civilisations have their ups and downs.
Vislor: [Reading gleefully from the TARDIS log] Fleeing from the imminence of a catastrophic collision with the Sun, refugees from the doomed planet Earth...
The: Yes, that's enough, Turlough.

Tegan: Aren't you forgetting something rather important? Adric is dead.

Tegan: [shaking hands with Nyssa] Hi, I'm Tegan. Did they hijack you too?

[last lines]
Tegan: You mean you're deliberately choosing to go on the run from your own people, in a rackety old TARDIS?
Fifth: Why not? After all, that's how it all started.

Tegan: Is that supposed to be Heathrow?
Adric: It is.
Tegan: Well, they've certainly let the grass grow since I was last there.
Adric: Well, actually they haven't built the airport yet. We're about three hundred years early.
Tegan: That's great. Perhaps I can go out, file a claim on the land. When they get 'round to inventing aircraft I'll make a fortune!

Marriner: You are life itself. Without you, I'm nothing. Don't you understand?
Tegan: What?
Marriner: I am empty. You give me being. I look into your mind and see life, energy, excitement. I want them. I want you. Your thought shall be MY thoughts, your feelings MY feelings.
Tegan: Wait a minute. You tryin' to tell me you're in love?
Marriner: Love! What is love? I want existence.

Turlough: Tegan, why do you dislike me so much?
Tegan: You're unreliable.
Turlough: You hardly know me.

Tegan: If... My dad used to say that "if" was the most powerful word in the English language

The: How do you feel now?
Tegan: Groggy, sore and bad-tempered.
The: Oh, almost your old self.

Tegan: Maybe the capsule's malfunctioned. I hate those transmat things. Like travelling in a food mixer and just as dangerous. I'd be afraid of coming out puréed.

Tegan: What's a Zero Room, anyway? Doctor said something about non-interfaces.
Nyssa: I suppose it's some sort of neutral environment, an isolated space cut off form the rest of the universe.
Tegan: He should have told me that's what he wanted. I coulda shown him Brisbane.

Tegan: You call yourself a Time Lord? A broken clock keeps better time than you do! At least it's accurate twice a day... which is more than you ever are!

Captain: Hello. I thought you were going with the Doctor.
Tegan: So did I.

Tegan: When did you meet the Silurians, Doctor.
The: A long time ago. I let them down then; seems I'll do so again.
Tegan: Are they hostile?
The: They're honorable. All they ever wanted to do was live in peace.

[about the Master]
Susan: Is this man a friend of the Doctor?
Tegan: Anything but.
Susan: But they talk as if they're friends.
Tegan: That's what worries me.

The: What is the one thing evil can not face? Not ever!
Tegan: What?
The: Itself.

The: I might be able to help.
Tegan: That's what worries me.

Turlough: Oh, you're so typical of your planet, reduced to shouting if you can't have your own way.
Tegan: I AM NOT!
Turlough: No?

Nyssa: Hurry, Doctor! We must get Adric off the freighter!
The: [referring to the TARDIS console which was earlier hit by a laser blast fired by a Cyberman] The controls are damaged!
Nyssa: We must save Adric! There's so little time!
Tegan: [seeing the freighter about to crash into the prehistoric Earth] Look!
Nyssa: [realising what is about to happen] Adric!
[On board the freighter, Adric stands stoically, his late brother's belt clutched in his hands. His grip tightens as he braces himself for the end. The freighter then crashes and explodes on impact]
Tegan: Adric?
[the Doctor doesn't respond]
Tegan: Doctor!
[the look on the Doctor's face confirms what she and Nyssa already know]
Tegan: [barely audible] Oh, no!
[She and Nyssa bury their faces on each other's shoulders as both of them start to cry]

The: [dying] Too late, Peri. Going soon. It's time to say goodbye...
Peri: Don't give up! You can't leave me now!
The: I might regenerate... I don't know...
[he lies down]
The: Feels different this time...
[one by one, images of the faces of his old companions start to appear and swirl around his head, repeating their words]
Tegan: What was that you always told me Doctor? Brave heart? You'll survive, Doctor.
Turlough: You must survive, Doctor. Too many of your enemies will delight in your death, Doctor.
Kamelion: Turlough speaks the truth.
Nyssa: You're needed. You mustn't die, Doctor.
Adric: You know that, Doctor.
The: Adric?
[then we hear laughter and an image of the Master appears]
The: No, my dear Doctor, you must die! Die, Doctor! Die, Doctor!
[he laughs evilly. A vortex of vertical wavy lines fill the screen. Then a boom and suddenly the newly regenerated Doctor sits up, now in the form of his sixth life]
Peri: Doctor?
The: You're expecting someone else?
Peri: [stammering] I... I... I...
The: That's three I's in one breath, makes you sound a rather egotistical young lady.
Peri: What's happened?
The: [looking straight into the camera] Change my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.
[cue end credits]

Tegan: Where did the other spacecraft come from?
The: TARDIS found it. There's a fail-safe. On impending breakup it seeks out and locks onto the nearest spacecraft.
Tegan: You never mentioned it before.
The: Well, it never worked before.

[last lines]
Tegan: My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an airline stewardess, "If you stop enjoying it, give it up."
The: Tegan...
Tegan: It's stopped being fun, Doctor! Goodbye.
[she shakes the Doctor's hand]
Tegan: Turlough.
[she shakes his hand]
Tegan: I'll miss you both.
[she runs away]
The: No! No, don't leave, not like this!
Tegan: I must. I'm sorry! Goodbye.
[she leaves]
The: It's strange. I left Galifrey for similar reasons. I'd grown tired of their lifestyle. It seems I must mend my ways. Come on.
[he and Turlough leave in the TARDIS]
Tegan: [seeing the TARDIS go] Brave heart, Tegan. Doctor, I will miss you.

Tegan: It's fancy dress, isn't it?
Charles: Yes.
Tegan: Well, we haven't got any costumes.
Sir: Oh. I was just thinking how charming yours was.'

Tegan: I don't fancy a non-stop mystery tour of the galaxy.

Tegan: My aunt's waiting in a car to take me to the airport.
Doctor: Your aunt! Woman in a white hat, red sports car?
Tegan: You've seen her.
Doctor: [recalling she was tissue compressed to the size of a doll] Well, a little of her.

Tegan: I was an air hostess in the early 80s. And trust me, compared to that, a building full of Cybermen is nothing.

Tegan: [feeling the TARDIS lurch] Crazy idiot of a pilot! Wait till I have a word with him.

Tegan: Look at the size of that bed.
The: Hm. Another way of keeping warm.

[With difficultly, the TARDIS materializes inside the manor house]
Tegan: [to the Doctor] At last! You really should get this crate serviced, you know?

Tegan: You could go back!
[the Doctor looks up from the console at her, shocked by the outlandish suggestion tempered with an understanding of why]
Nyssa: Could you?
The: [firmly] No.
Nyssa: Surely the TARDIS is quite capable of...
Tegan: We can change what happened if we materialise before Adric was killed!
The: And change your own history?
Tegan: Look, the freighter could still crash into Earth, that doesn't have to be changed. Only Adric doesn't have to be on board.
The: [angrily] Now listen to me, both of you: there are some rules that cannot be broken, even with the TARDIS!
Nyssa: Doctor...
The: Don't *ever* ask me to do *anything* like that again! You must accept that Adric is dead. His life wasn't wasted, he- he died trying to save others, just like his brother, Varsh.

Adric: Look, we're fifth dimensional in this thing, he'll get you on your flight if he's out there a week.
Tegan: And what do we do in the meantime?
Adric: Well you could always read.
Tegan: Read?
Adric: Yes, there's a fascinating book on maths through there by a chap called Bert Russell.
Tegan: Maths?
Adric: That's the trouble with women, mindless, Impatient, and bossy.
Tegan: You chauvinist, I heard that.
Adric: You were meant to.
Nyssa: I heard it too. You mean this?
[Holds up the aforementioned book]
Nyssa: Mindless!
Adric: Well yes, but you're not a woman.
Nyssa: I'm not?
Adric: No, you're only a girl.

The: Definitely Jurassic. There's a nip in the air, though... we can't be far off the Pleistocene Era.
Tegan: The ice age?
The: It's times like this I wish I still had my scarf.

Tegan: How do we find the index file? Of course if we had an index file we could look it up in the index file under Index File.

First: As it happens, I am the Doctor. The original, you might say!
Tegan: But you shouldn't be here at the same time, with him.
First: Certainly not.
Fifth: It only happens in the gravest emergencies.
First: Like now.