The Best Eric Klieg Quotes

The: [Klieg is holding The Doctor, Jamie, and Toberman at gunpoint] Yes. As you say, such a combination between intelligence and... *power* would make you formidable indeed. Why, you would be... Commander of the *Universe* with your brilliance! It... It makes the imagination reel with the possibilities!
Eric: Why, Doctor, if I had only known you shared my imagination, you might even have worked for me.
The: Perhaps it's not too late.
Jamie: Doctor!
The: No, Jamie. Don't you see? Don't you see what this is going to mean to all the people who come to serve... Klieg - the All-Powerful? Why, no country, no person, would dare to have a single thought that was not your own! - Eric Klieg's own conception of the... *Of the way of life!*
Eric: Brilliant! Yes. Yes, you're right! Master of the world!
The: Well, now I know you're mad; I just wanted to make sure.

Professor: You've killed him, you murderer.
Eric: No, he is fortunate. I spared him.
Jamie: You mean you missed him.
Eric: Silence! I could have destroyed him if I wanted to. Shall I kill them now?
Kaftan: No, no, that will not be necessary. I'm sure the Cybermen will have a good use for them. You will make excellent experimental specimens.
[Jim Callum sobs]
Victoria: Oh, let me help him, please!
Eric: No tricks.

The: You still think you can bargain with the Cybermen?
Eric: Certainly. This time on our terms.

[first lines]
Jamie: Watch out, Doctor!
[Klieg fires and shoots Ian Callum]
Eric: [to Professor Parry] Keep back! Your gun.

Eric: Doctor, you seem to be very familiar with this place.
The: Oh, no, not really. Umm, it's all based on symbolic logic. The same as you use in computers. The opening mechanism for this door - an O.R. gate, you call it.
Eric: Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?
The: Oh, I use my own special technique.
Eric: Oh really, Doctor. And may we know what that is?
The: Keeping my eyes open, and my mouth shut.

[last lines]
Victoria: What about Klieg and Kaftan? They'll probably attack them as well.
Professor: The testing room.
The: Now, come on. Mind your feet.
Eric: Most ingenious, Doctor. Now, let's see what you can do against this.
[holds up a Cyberman X-ray gun]
Jamie: Watch out, Doctor!
[Klieg fires]

Eric: That's it! I've got it! Finally, Boolean function of symbolic logic!
Dr. Who: Logic, yes, but...
Kaftan: Everything yields to logic. Our basic assumption, Doctor.
Dr. Who: Really?
Eric: Six, cap B four... If and only if... C is cap function of two A.
Dr. Who: I think perhaps your logic is wearing a little thin.
Eric: I must have made a mistake. I - I'll do it again more carefully. Six, cup B four... If and only if... C is cup function of... Ah!
Dr. Who: Ah!
Eric: That's it! Two F not two A!
[the Tomb of the Cybermen opens]
Eric: I've done it! I've done it!
Dr. Who: Congratulations!
Jamie: But, Doctor, you...

Jamie: Hey, what on Earth?
Professor: Behold, gentlemen, the Tombs of the Cybermen.
Jamie: Tombs? I don't see any tombs.
Dr. Who: [pointing] There, Jamie. Frozen forever. All their evil locked away with them. And so it must remain.
Eric: Like a gigantic honeycomb. Like bees waiting for the signal to arise from their winter sleep.
Dr. Who: A signal that they are never going to get.
John: We'd better get busy, Everything must be recorded. It's too cold to remain for long...
Eric: Unless we find some way to warm things up.