20 Best Barbara Wright Quotes

Barbara: It's like a silence you can almost hear...

Barbara: What is that awful noise?
Dr. Who: I beg your pardon? "Awful noise"? That's no way to talk about my singing!
Barbara: No, Doctor, not that awful noise! The other one!

Barbara: It's beautiful, Prapillus. Oh, it's absolutely beautiful.
Prapillus: It must be a Temple Of Light. The ancient song-spinners of our race sang of their beauty, but I thought they could never be found again.
Barbara: There are others?
Prapillus: So the legends say. Sewn into the craters and plateaus of Vortis, being slowly unwoven by the silence of time, and their entrances long forgotten by our species. But our Gods have not forgotten us, Barbara. This was indeed deliverance.

Barbara: They've gone.
Dr. Who: Yes, my dear. And we've arrived.

Hilio: Who is this creature?
Prapillus: Our ally.
Hilio: I do not trust her.
Barbara: You have no choice.

Prapillus: What should we do?
Barbara: Well... uh what would have happened if the Spearhead had been successful?

[seeing a Dalek on display in the museum]
Vicki: So, that's what a Dalek looks like.
Dr. Who: [stammers] Don't touch, child.
Barbara: What do you know about them, Vicki?
Vicki: Only what I've read in history books. That they invaded Earth about... 300 years ago, was it?
Ian: We were there, Vicki. That was one of the periods we visited.
Dr. Who: I don't mind admitting, my boy, that that thing gave me a start. Coming face to face to it again.
[the Doctor and Ian chuckle]
Vicki: It's not a bit the way I imagined it. Oh, I mean, the books describe them all right, but... Well, this one looks quite friendly.
Barbara: Friendly?
Ian: You wouldn't say that, young lady, if ever we meet them again. Which, to say the least, is very unlikely. I hope.

Dr. Who: Well, mow, I think you two must admit that my assumption as to where we are, has been proved correct.
Ian: Yes. We might almost be in a museum at home.
Vicki: Except there are no little men following you about, telling you not to touch things.
Dr. Who: Well, you just pretend they are young lady, and keep your hands to yourself.
Barbara: Well, everything seems quite normal.
Dr. Who: Well, why not? Why shouldn't it be? It's quite natural. After all, you have objects of historial interest on Earth, so why not a museum in space? I always thought I'd find one someday.

Barbara: The best idea is still that we create a mock attack here in the south in order to draw off the Zarbi. Then while this is happening, one of us tries to get in the centre from the north.

Barbara: You're from Earth?
Morton: No... no, ma'am, I... I'm from Alabama.

Dr. Who: Our friend here has suggested that the creature goes along with your party, hmmm?
Prapillus: And I was thanking the Doctor for his faith in our Isop-tope.
Barbara: That's a very good idea, Doctor.
Dr. Who: Hmm?

The: Now, I suppose, the TARDIS will materialize when it's ready.
Barbara: [teasing] Yes, and uh, where it likes.
The: [annoyed] Oh my dear young woman, why don't you go have a cup of... tea or something.
Ian: What's happening?
The: I don't know. Hmm!

Barbara: All we do is stand around saying, "this whole thing is a nightmare." Why don't we do something?

William: As for you, I can make no guess. But I am King Richard, Couer de Lion, leader of the mighty host, scourge of the infidel.
Barbara: But I thought Richard had red hair.
William: Had?
William: Still has if the ruse has worked.

Barbara: That's us! That's not models or pictures. That's us!
Dr. Who: Yes. Exhibits in a Space Museum.

Dr. Who: Well, look, look. You see where we've landed? On a museum.
Ian: A museum?
Barbara: A space museum. Yes.

Barbara: Well, you must admit it was funny.
Ian: Oh, really? Haven't seen the joke yet, I must say.

Barbara: Vicki, do you think there's something strange going on around here?

Barbara: Well, I could say that I'm from another world. A world ruled by insects. And before that, we were in Rome at the time of Nero. Before that, were in England, far, far, into the future...

Barbara: Then we're left with the mock attack. It isn't perfect, I know, but it's all we have.