30 Best Steven Taylor Quotes

Dr. Who: [running away from a Chumbley] Oh! Oh, good gracious!
Vicki: Are you all right?
Dr. Who: Yes, I think so. Ahh, it's all this physical exercise at my age. Huh, huh.
Drahvin: They're nearly here. Quickly! Inside! Close external door.
Drahvin: Close external door.
Steven: Well, it, ah, was a decent space ship once.
Dr. Who: [breathlessly] It's pretty backward now, isn't it? Yes, it's almost fossilized. Huh, huh.
Steven: Oh, I don't know, it's got one or two good features...
Vicki: We've, uh, just beat those Chumblies... they're still outside.
Dr. Who: Are we safe yet?
Drahvin: Yes. They cannot enter.
Drahvin: Silence! Maaga is coming!
Dr. Who: Maaga! Whoo, whoo! We're back there again.

[first lines]
The: [the TARDIS materialises] Hmm, highly satisfactory. Hmm, hmm.
Steven: If anyone opens that gate they'll find the TARDIS.
The: Oh nonsense, my boy. It's perfectly safe in there. Yes, France. Heh, yes, most certainly.
Steven: Well how do you know that?
The: Hmm!
Steven: [to himself] And there he goes. Date?
[out loud]
Steven: Any idea of the date, Doctor?
The: Well, by the look of those houses I would say medieval. Although I suppose it might be as late as the seventeenth century. I...
Steven: [interrupting] Look out!
[there is the sound of someone knocking on a door which is opened]

Dodo: Steven, there's something wrong. It shouldn't be so easy to get in.
Steven: Chal and his people will be too terrified to break in.
Dodo: Surely they should have some security?
Steven: Maybe they thought one guard was enough.

[last lines]
Maaga: Why do you not give up, Earthman?
Steven: [gasping, and heavy breathing] I'd rather face the Chumblies than you any day.
Maaga: [evil laughter] That will not work now. The pressure has locked the door. You must surrender, or die!

[first lines]
Sara: Something's gone wrong.
Dr. Who: What's the matter, my dear, hm?
Sara: It's stopped going up and down.
Steven: That's alright, it means we've landed.
Dr. Who: Tut, tut, tut. Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, yes that scanner's not working.
Sara: Can you mend it?
Dr. Who: Yes I can repair it, of course, which means checking the whole circuit.
Steven: Right let's get started.
Dr. Who: Ah, ah, ah. Don't you dare touch anything.
Steven: Why not?
Dr. Who: Well, just look at those dials my dear boy! Sara. look at those dials, now you know what that means? If either of you went outside, it would be extremely dangerous. The whole atmosphere is poisonous.

Dr. Who: Yes, yes you must find someone who you can trust. Someone in a high enough position that may be able to help.
Bret: Well, Karlton is the man in charge of all Space Security. But he's very close to Chen.
Steven: Yes, this chap Karlton, he may be part of the plan with the Daleks.
Bret: It's possible...
Katarina: Whatever's happening?
Dr. Who: I think we're changing course!
Bret: The steering boosters won't fire! I can't get her round.
Steven: Switch to manual control!
Bret: I can't!... We're picking up speed!
Dr. Who: You know, I believe we're approaching the gravitation point of that planet.
Bret: [snaps] Desperus!
Dr. Who: Mm. Has it any kind of atmosphere?
Bret: Yes. But we can't get off there, we'll never be able to get off again.
Steven: Why not? What's wrong with it?
Bret: Desperus is the penal planet of the Solar System.
Dr. Who: Well, if it's one of your prison planets, surely there are guards and warders there to help us.
Bret: They're aren't any. The only craft which stop there are prison ships bringing other criminals. If we crash there, we'll be left there to rot for the rest of our lives away.
Dr. Who: You must try to land softly somewhere!
Bret: I can't! This vessel is out of my control!

[last lines]
Dr. Who: There we are. That's finished. It's a pity we haven't got a more reliable way of testing it. Well...
Sara: Well, come on, I thought you said that it's was finished.
Dr. Who: Oh yes, it is finished my dear. But...
Steven: Oh, come on, Doctor. We haven't got time for "buts"! This is our only hope.
Dr. Who: Yes, you realize, of course, we're taking a terrible chance.
Steven: Then you can save your breath. We've got to try it!
Dr. Who: [the Doctor grasps his lapels and turns away] Very well, my boy. Pull the main switch!
[Steven halts for a moment and then pulls the lever. The sound of take-off can be heard but then a massive explosion flings them to the floor...]

Maaga: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Won't you sit down?
Dr. Who: Ahh, yes, heh, heh. Thank you, I will. Hmm.
Maaga: I have to hear the report first.
Dr. Who: Oh, naturally!
Maaga: It is necessary when you are at war.
Steven: [surprised] At war?
Maaga: With the Rills and their machines.
Vicki: The Chumblies!
Maaga: This is a fight to the death. For existence itself...
Dr. Who: I see.
Maaga: ...in which one of us will be obliterated.
Dr. Who: Oh, as bad as that?
Maaga: Yes. So bad that it is conceivable that you, too, will be obliterated.
Dr. Who: Oh, come now! There is no need to exaggerate.
Maaga: It's no exaggeration!
Vicki: [with suspicion] You want to kill us, don't you? You want to.
Maaga: When a planet disintegrates, nothing survives.
Dr. Who: Disintegrates? This planet? Hmm?
Maaga: Yes, it's in its last moments of life. Soon it will explode.
Dr. Who: When?
Maaga: In fourteen dawn's time.
Steven: Look, how do you know? How can you be so certain?
Maaga: The Rills told us. That is why they're repairing their spaceship - so that they can escape.
Dr. Who: Hmm, hmm. Well, that sounds reasonable enough to me. Hmm, hmm...

Steven: Hey, you know, there might be a lake or a river around, Doctor. Do you fancy a swim?
Dr. Who: [annoyed] My dear young man, this isn't a joy ride! This is a scientific expedition!
Steven: Oh, come off it, Doctor! You can't be scientific all the time. Anyway, uh, you look as if you could do with a good wash-down.

Steven: Anne, do you know who the 'Sea Beggar' is?
Anne: What?
Steven: Who is the 'Sea Beggar'?
Anne: I don't know, monsieur. Why?
Steven: He's going to be killed tomorrow.

[first lines]
Vicki: Arrived have we?
Dr. Who: We have my dear.
Steven: Good. Where?
Dr. Who: Well, we should know about that when we have a look at the scanner, shan't we.
[switches on the scanner]
Dr. Who: Now, you can both take a look.
Steven: Where are we Doctor? Is it a planet you recognize?
Vicki: Keep still you nuisance! It's...
Steven: ...Where we are.
Dr. Who: Quiet, both of you, will you? Listen. Listen.
[there is silence]
Steven: [whispering] Listen to what? I can't hear a thing?
Dr. Who: Exactly. Exactly. There isn't a sound out there. Not a sound! Just silence.

[first lines]
Steven: Just where do you think you're going?
Dorothea: Out.
Steven: Out?
Dorothea: Yes, I thought I'd get some fresh air. Somebody opened the door.
Steven: But nobody said you could go out.

Dr. Who: You know, I think you rather underestimate the Rills. Why should they tell you that this planet is going to die, hmm?
Maaga: They were trying to tempt us on board their spaceship so that they may kill us!
Steven: You know, it seems to me as if they offered you help.
Maaga: That is what they maintain.
Vicki: They might have been speaking the truth. They might have meant it.
Dr. Who: On the other hand, it might have been a pack of lies.
Maaga: What do you mean?
Dr. Who: Well this planet could last another million years.
Maaga: Yes, but we have no way of proving.
Dr. Who: I have! I'm a scientist!
Maaga: Very well! I should be grateful if you would find out.
Dr. Who: Oh, thank you! Thank you!

Dr. Who: Now, I suggest we take a walk along the beach and try and find a spot where the cliffs run down to sea level.
Steven: Yeah, but that could be miles! It'd be much quicker to go up here.
Dr. Who: Yes, and possibly it might, but I'm not a mountain goat, and I prefer walking to any day. And I hate climbing.

[last lines]
Vicki: Steven! What on earth are you...
Steven: Shh, Vicki!
King: What was that he called her?
Cassandra: You heard, didn't you? That was the name she called herself when we found her. And she recognized him, too. Since he's a Greek, what more proof do you need that she's a spy? Guards! Kill her! Kill both of them!

[last lines]
Steven: Doctor! Doctor!
[he turns to Sara]
Steven: No Doctor!
Sara: [sees the Tardis] Unless he's inside.
Steven: [They try to open the TARDIS door but it is still locked] Doctor! Doctor!
Sara: [Sara sees something behind them. She calls to Steven] Steven. Steven! Look!
[He turns around. The lid of the coffin is being slowly lifted from within by a bandaged hand...]

Dr. Who: [talking about needing a leader] Jano, since you have destroyed the power you held over Chal and his people, you realize now, of course, that you've got to learn to live together.
Jano: Yes. But the fear and hatred of the past will only die slowly. We need someone like yourself as a mediator until we have become one people.
Dr. Who: I see. But in my case, I am afraid that is utterly impossible.
Jano: The man we need must inspire trust. His judgments must come from his heart even more than his head.
Chal: [the Doctor smiles knowingly, as Chal and Jano turn to Steven] Here is the leader we want, Jano.
Jano: This is what I thought.
Steven: [struggling for words and looking surprised at the choice of him for leader] Just a minute. I couldn't...
Dr. Who: A great honour, dear boy.
Steven: But I can't walk out on you and Dodo!
Dr. Who: Just think of the challenge to be able to set up the people on this planet for a new life. You're quite ready for this task.
Steven: You think I can do it?
Dr. Who: Yes, I do. And you're the only man who can, my boy.
Steven: [to Chal] And the offer come from both sides?
Chal: You would give us new hope. Our people will become great again - we will learn to live as equals - without bitterness.
Steven: What about Tor?
Tor: I should accept your decisions.
Steven: [there is a moment's silence as Steven considers the momentous decision] Very well. I will stay.
Chal: Thank you... and thank you! You have justified our faith.
Dodo: [running over to Steven to be comforted] Oh Steven!
Steven: [giving Dodo a hug] I shall miss you both, Dodo.

[first lines]
Katarina: Great One, don't leave us!
Bret: He said we had to! He meant it.
Steven: No!
Katarina: Stop! Without the Doctor we'll never reach the place of perfection.
Steven: We won't. We're going without him! We're going into countdown.

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [a little happy] Well, my boy we finally rid this planet of Daleks!
Steven: [Steven is upset that the Doctor is celebrating their victory, as he thinks about the three companions killed in this story, in a slightly crying and slightly angry tone] Brett! Katarina! Sara.
Dr. Who: [the Doctor thinks while Steven goes back on board the TARDIS] What a waste. What a terrible waste.
[Without another word he turns and boards the TARDIS and with its usual sound the TARDIS leaves Kembel]

Steven: And just why, if it isn't safe for us, is it safe for you?
Dr. Who: Will neither of you understand?
Sara: For heaven's sake, let's go and fix the scanner!
Dr. Who: No! Where you come from, in both places, the air is pure. Outside there is the worst kind of pollution I've met in years!
Steven: Right. Then you shouldn't go out there, either.
Dr. Who: Ah, my dear boy, I'm used to all sorts of atmospheres. Won't affect me. I shall have to go out and do the repairing myself.
Sara: But suppose something happens to you?
Dr. Who: Then, and only then, can you come out. But you must be very, very careful...
Steven: And how are we supposed to know that something has happened to you?
Dr. Who: My dear young man, just give me a few minutes and, if all is well, I shall be back inside again to tell you.
Steven: And if not, we come out and find you? I seem to have been through all this before!
Dr. Who: Now, look here my boy. You will do as you're told! Now you just open the doors and remember to close them after I've gone.
Steven: Yes, sir!

[first lines]
Steven: We're landing now Doctor.
Dr. Who: Good. That means the gravitational bearing must have rectified itself.
Dorothea: [enters from one of the other rooms] Hey, look at this!
[models her groovy new outfit, a sleeveless mini dress. The upper portion is light-colored with a dark, misshaped circle in the center. The bottom portion is dark-colored with light, misshaped circles all around. On her head she wears a cap with a visor. She looks like she just came from Carnaby Street. Meanwhile, the Doctor switches off the TARDIS]
Dorothea: Ain't it fab?
Steven: [walks over to her and examines her clothes with approval] Yes... hmm, very nice.
[the Doctor sneezes and as he does so he slowly fades away. Steven and Dodo don't notice right away because they are facing each other]
Steven: Bless you.
Dorothea: Oh Doctor, don't say you're catching a cold now.
Steven: [Now Steven and Dodo turn toward the Doctor and discover that he's disappeared] Doctor? Well, where are you?
Dr. Who: [the Doctor briefly fades in and out of sight but then completely disappears] What do you mean, dear boy? I'm still here, hmm?
Steven: Huh?
Dorothea: Doctor, you've vanished!
Dr. Who: What? Oh nonsense child! Nonsense! Hmm!
Dorothea: You have! Do you think this is something to do with the Refusians?
Steven: Why... it must be!
Dr. Who: You're wrong! This is something far more serious. We're in grave danger. This is some form of attack!
Steven: But we're still in the TARDIS!
Dr. Who: That may be, my boy, but wherever it is, it has great power and can penetrate our safety barrier.

Steven: You gave this ship a name just now, what was it?
Vicki: TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S. It's stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
Steven: IDBI.
Vicki: What? IDBI?
Steven: I-D-B-I.
Vicki: Yeah.
Steven: Means I Don't Believe It.

[first lines]
Steven: [Steven shouts] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor? Doctor!
[he turns to Sara]
Steven: No Doctor!
Sara: [sees the TARDIS] Perhaps he's inside.
Steven: [They try to open the TARDIS door but it is still locked] Doctor! Doctor!
Sara: [Sara sees something behind them. She calls to Steven] Steven... Look!
[Steven turns and looks. A bandaged hand has opened the lid of the coffin and is moving about. The coffin lid fully opens and a near fully bandaged person rises. He spots Sara and Steven and starts trying to talk, but the bandages muffle the sound]
Steven: He is trying to say something.
[Sara and Steven move over to the mummy and start to unravel the bandages. When all of the bandages have been removed from the face they see that it is the Meddling Monk]
The: Well, thank goodness for that!

Steven: [watching the Doctor outside on the Tardis scanner] Where's he off to now? It's a fine time to go looking at the view!
Vicki: After all, that's why he went out there, to find out where we are. Anyway, that man looks quite friendly now. He's probably showing him the way to the nearest town.
Steven: Hmm, I wonder. I think I'd better try and find some more suitable clothes.

Maaga: We must capture that spaceship from them.
Steven: What for? This is a spaceship as well, isn't it?
Maaga: Yes, but it cannot fly! The Rills shot us down! We cannot move!
Steven: You... you don't belong here?
Maaga: No. Nor do the Rills. There is no life on this planet. We come from Drahva. Some four hundred dawns ago. We were investigating this particular section of the galaxy. We were looking for a planet such as this, capable of supporting life, so that we might colonize it. There are too many of us on Drahva.
Steven: All women?
Maaga: Women?
[Steven stammers]
Dr. Who: Yes, ah,
Dr. Who: feminine. Ah, female. Hmm, hmm.
Maaga: Oh, hah... Oh, we have a small number of men - as many as we need. The rest we kill. They consume valuable food and fulfill no particular function. And these are not what you would call human! They are cultivated in test tubes. We have very good scientists. I am a living being. They are products - and inferior products! Grown for a purpose and capable of nothing more.
Steven: Grown for what purpose?
Maaga: To fight. To kill.
Dr. Who: Yours must be a very interesting civilization. Hmm, hmm, hmm. You attacked the Rills?
Maaga: No. We were in space above this planet. When we saw a ship such as we had never seen before. We did not know it, but it was a Rill ship. It fired on us, and we crashed. But before we did, we managed to fire back, so that they'd crashed, too. On landing they killed one of my soldiers.
Steven: What are they like, these Rills?
Maaga: [whispers] Disgusting!
Dr. Who: Well, heh, heh, that's no description, no description at all. Hmm, hmm.
Maaga: That's all I'll say.
Dr. Who: Yes, I... I think I'm beginning to understand.
Steven: Well, so am I, Doctor. This planet's about to explode. The Rills have managed to repair their ship in time so they can escape. You haven't, so you want their ship.
Maaga: We have no desire to be here when this planet ceases to exist.
Drahvin: Machine approaching!

[last lines]
Steven: Daleks!
Sara: You're right Doctor. They've come.
Dalek: You are surrounded. You will come with us.
Dr. Who: I'm afraid, my friends, that the Daleks have won.

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [Steven saying goodbye] Well, I must say, young man, I'm very proud of you.
Steven: Doctor, I don't know if...
Dr. Who: I know, I know my boy. Well, go on, you mustn't keep them waiting.
Steven: [shaking hands with the Doctor] Goodbye, Doctor.
Dr. Who: [shaking Steven's hand] Goodbye Steven, and good luck.
[Steven turns and hurries away. But at the door, he hesitates and sadly turns back to give a last look at the Doctor and Dodo. He gives a small wave, and disappears]
Dodo: [sobbing] Doctor, do you think we'll ever see him again?
Dr. Who: [comforting Dodo] Well, who knows, my dear? In this strange complex of time and space, anything can happen.
[turning to leave]
Dr. Who: Come along, little one, we must go.
[arm-in-arm, the Doctor and Dodo stroll out of the devastated laboratory]
Dr. Who: We mustn't look back.

[first lines]
Zentos: I invoke the special galactic law against them. Hold them, take them into custody and later they will be made to answer for the crimes that they have committed.
Steven: Oh, listen to us!
Zentos: Take them away!
Mellium: What about my father?
Zentos: He may well die. But then again, so might all of us. In which case it was pointless leaving.

[first lines]
Maaga: Why do you not give up, Earthman?
Steven: [gasping, and heavy breathing] I'd rather face the Chumblies than you any day.
Maaga: [evil laughter] That will not work now. The pressure has locked the door. You must surrender, or die!

[first lines]
Sara: [the Doctor has just wired in the Meddling Monk's directorial circuit which hopefully would take them back to the planet Kembel] I thought that you said that it was finished.
Dr. Who: Yes my dear, I've finished but...
Steven: Oh, come on, Doctor, we haven't got time for "buts". This is our only hope!
Dr. Who: You realize my boy we're taking a terrible chance.
Steven: You can save your breath. We've got to try it!
Dr. Who: Very well. Pull the main switch!