The Best Katarina Quotes

[last lines]
Katarina: Great One, don't leave us! Don't let the strange beings catch you...
Bret: He's been caught! We've got to leave!
Steven: No! He said we had to...
Bret: No!
Katarina: Stop! Without him, we can't reach the place of perfection!
Bret: We won't! We're going without him!

[first lines]
Katarina: He has a strange sickness. Can you not help him?
Dr. Who: I'm doing the very best I can, my child. Oh dear, dear, dear. It is such a worry. This poison seems to be spreading throughout the whole of his system. Yes, we need a special drug. I shall have to land somewhere.
Katarina: [lights on the console start flashing] What is that?
Dr. Who: Oh, we're slowing down, my dear. We're going to land in a moment.
Katarina: Can we have reached the place of perfection so soon?
Dr. Who: Ah, well, I rather doubt it. At least, that is, we shall be stopping at a lot of places before that. Now, I want you to look after Steven, if you will. And, see that you keep that wound clean. Please, hmm. That's a good girl.

[last lines]
The: Now, I want you to keep an eye on that young man, will you. Hmm?
Katarina: [believing the Doctor is still Zeus] Yes, great god.
The: His name is Steven. And remember, Katarina, you must call me "Doctor".
Katarina: Oh, as you wish Doc.
The: I'm not a "Doc". And I am not a god. Oh, my dear Vicki, I hope you'll be all right. Hmm.
[overcome with emotion]
The: I shall miss you child. Oh, yes. Now, those drugs. Those drugs. What am I going to do? I must stop somewhere. But, how? I've got to! Yes! I must! I must!

[first lines]
Katarina: Great One, don't leave us!
Bret: He said we had to! He meant it.
Steven: No!
Katarina: Stop! Without the Doctor we'll never reach the place of perfection.
Steven: We won't. We're going without him! We're going into countdown.

Dr. Who: Yes, yes you must find someone who you can trust. Someone in a high enough position that may be able to help.
Bret: Well, Karlton is the man in charge of all Space Security. But he's very close to Chen.
Steven: Yes, this chap Karlton, he may be part of the plan with the Daleks.
Bret: It's possible...
Katarina: Whatever's happening?
Dr. Who: I think we're changing course!
Bret: The steering boosters won't fire! I can't get her round.
Steven: Switch to manual control!
Bret: I can't!... We're picking up speed!
Dr. Who: You know, I believe we're approaching the gravitation point of that planet.
Bret: [snaps] Desperus!
Dr. Who: Mm. Has it any kind of atmosphere?
Bret: Yes. But we can't get off there, we'll never be able to get off again.
Steven: Why not? What's wrong with it?
Bret: Desperus is the penal planet of the Solar System.
Dr. Who: Well, if it's one of your prison planets, surely there are guards and warders there to help us.
Bret: They're aren't any. The only craft which stop there are prison ships bringing other criminals. If we crash there, we'll be left there to rot for the rest of our lives away.
Dr. Who: You must try to land softly somewhere!
Bret: I can't! This vessel is out of my control!