Top 20 Quotes From Vicki

Maaga: Report!
Drahvin: Mission accomplished! We have brought the prisoners.
Vicki: [in disbelief] Prisoners?
Maaga: And the metal mesh?
Drahvin: [with fear] It stopped the machine.
Maaga: Good.
Drahvin: [with fear] We... could not get the mesh back.
Maaga: What?
Drahvin: [with fear] It became affixed to the machine.
Steven: She's got them pretty frightened, hasn't she, Doctor?
Dr. Who: [to Maaga] Yes, ah, madam, the young lady speaks the truth. The Chumblies are magnetized.
Maaga: [to the two Drahvin's] I will deal with you both later. Sit.

Maaga: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Won't you sit down?
Dr. Who: Ahh, yes, heh, heh. Thank you, I will. Hmm.
Maaga: I have to hear the report first.
Dr. Who: Oh, naturally!
Maaga: It is necessary when you are at war.
Steven: [surprised] At war?
Maaga: With the Rills and their machines.
Vicki: The Chumblies!
Maaga: This is a fight to the death. For existence itself...
Dr. Who: I see.
Maaga: which one of us will be obliterated.
Dr. Who: Oh, as bad as that?
Maaga: Yes. So bad that it is conceivable that you, too, will be obliterated.
Dr. Who: Oh, come now! There is no need to exaggerate.
Maaga: It's no exaggeration!
Vicki: [with suspicion] You want to kill us, don't you? You want to.
Maaga: When a planet disintegrates, nothing survives.
Dr. Who: Disintegrates? This planet? Hmm?
Maaga: Yes, it's in its last moments of life. Soon it will explode.
Dr. Who: When?
Maaga: In fourteen dawn's time.
Steven: Look, how do you know? How can you be so certain?
Maaga: The Rills told us. That is why they're repairing their spaceship - so that they can escape.
Dr. Who: Hmm, hmm. Well, that sounds reasonable enough to me. Hmm, hmm...

Richard the Lionheart: [shouting] Are you deaf? We do not trade with Saladin today. Not today, nor tomorrow, nor any day henceforth.
Dr. Who: Our young friend is a woman, Sire. Have pity. Let us help her.
Vicki: [meekly] Please, Your Majesty.
Richard the Lionheart: [now fuming] Understand this! This woman can rot in one of Saladin's prisons until her hair turns white before I'll trade with the man that killed my friends!

Dr. Who: Our young friend is a woman, Sire. Have pity. Let us help her.
Vicki: [meekly] Please, Your Majesty.
Richard the Lionheart: [now fuming] Understand this! This woman can rot in one of Saladin's prisons until her hair turns white before I'll trade with the man that killed my friends!

Maaga: To your stations! Switch off the outside radio!
Vicki: What are they doing now?
Steven: They're going to have another go at the Chumblies, by the look of things.
Dr. Who: Switch off the outside radio? Why, I wonder?
Maaga: They send the machines to tell us lies. We do not wish to hear them.
Dr. Who: Yes, yes, Madam! You may not, but I'd like to, ah, hear it. Heh, heh.
Maaga: It's not good for my soldiers!
Dr. Who: Ah, I see. It's stopped.
Maaga: Yes. Now it is sending its message. Fire!
Dr. Who: [chuckled] Hmm, hmm. You didn't do it very much damage, did you? Hmm, hmm?
Maaga: My only intention was to scare it off. We've succeeded.
[to her people]
Maaga: To your places.
Dr. Who: And you haven't destroyed one Chumbley yet.
Maaga: We will.

Vicki: [on The Beatles] I didn't know they played classical music.

[first lines]
Vicki: Arrived have we?
Dr. Who: We have my dear.
Steven: Good. Where?
Dr. Who: Well, we should know about that when we have a look at the scanner, shan't we.
[switches on the scanner]
Dr. Who: Now, you can both take a look.
Steven: Where are we Doctor? Is it a planet you recognize?
Vicki: Keep still you nuisance! It's...
Steven: ...Where we are.
Dr. Who: Quiet, both of you, will you? Listen. Listen.
[there is silence]
Steven: [whispering] Listen to what? I can't hear a thing?
Dr. Who: Exactly. Exactly. There isn't a sound out there. Not a sound! Just silence.

Vicki: [about King Richard] Doctor, will he really see Jerusalem?
The: Only from afar. He won't be able to capture it. Even now his armies are marching on a campaign that he can never win.
Vicki: That's terrible.
The: Hmm!
Vicki: Can't we tell him?
The: I'm afraid not, my dear. No. History must take its course...

King: Now don't be frightened, child. You shall die when I say so, and not a moment before.
Vicki: That's very comforting!

Animus: What Vortis is, I am. What you are, I will become.
Dr. Who: Oh, no!
Vicki: Doctor. Leave us alone, you parasite!
Animus: Parasite? A power. Absorbing territory, riches, energy, culture. You come to me.
Vicki: You filthy, great spider! You won't get us because... we won't move.
Animus: Do not fight against it. Approach, approach. Both of you.

Steven: I am going after him. I'm sure he's been taken prisoner.
Vicki: Oh, come on. The big man was laughing!
Steven: It didn't look as though the Doctor made a joke.
Vicki: Anyway, we don't even know where we are.
Steven: Well, the Doctor said they were Greeks. We're probably in Greece.
Vicki: Oh, but that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? We might meet the Heroes. We might...
Steven: Those men who carried off the Doctor wouldn't be heroes, or anything like them. That's why I've got to go and get him.
Vicki: Well, I'm coming with you.
Steven: And how far do you think you can get on that ankle?
Vicki: It's not so bad now, I... I'll manage!
Steven: No. You stay here. Rest your ankle. Watch the scanners. You'll be perfectly safe. When you see the Doctor and me coming, open the doors. But, not otherwise!
Vicki: But Steven, we mustn't...
Steven: No! I haven't got time to argue. I want to get to the Doctor before they cut his head off. Now stay here!
Vicki: Goodbye. I hope you find the Doctor, that's all.

[last lines]
Vicki: Steven! What on earth are you...
Steven: Shh, Vicki!
King: What was that he called her?
Cassandra: You heard, didn't you? That was the name she called herself when we found her. And she recognized him, too. Since he's a Greek, what more proof do you need that she's a spy? Guards! Kill her! Kill both of them!

Dr. Who: You know, I think you rather underestimate the Rills. Why should they tell you that this planet is going to die, hmm?
Maaga: They were trying to tempt us on board their spaceship so that they may kill us!
Steven: You know, it seems to me as if they offered you help.
Maaga: That is what they maintain.
Vicki: They might have been speaking the truth. They might have meant it.
Dr. Who: On the other hand, it might have been a pack of lies.
Maaga: What do you mean?
Dr. Who: Well this planet could last another million years.
Maaga: Yes, but we have no way of proving.
Dr. Who: I have! I'm a scientist!
Maaga: Very well! I should be grateful if you would find out.
Dr. Who: Oh, thank you! Thank you!

[seeing a Dalek on display in the museum]
Vicki: So, that's what a Dalek looks like.
Dr. Who: [stammers] Don't touch, child.
Barbara: What do you know about them, Vicki?
Vicki: Only what I've read in history books. That they invaded Earth about... 300 years ago, was it?
Ian: We were there, Vicki. That was one of the periods we visited.
Dr. Who: I don't mind admitting, my boy, that that thing gave me a start. Coming face to face to it again.
[the Doctor and Ian chuckle]
Vicki: It's not a bit the way I imagined it. Oh, I mean, the books describe them all right, but... Well, this one looks quite friendly.
Barbara: Friendly?
Ian: You wouldn't say that, young lady, if ever we meet them again. Which, to say the least, is very unlikely. I hope.

Steven: [watching the Doctor outside on the Tardis scanner] Where's he off to now? It's a fine time to go looking at the view!
Vicki: After all, that's why he went out there, to find out where we are. Anyway, that man looks quite friendly now. He's probably showing him the way to the nearest town.
Steven: Hmm, I wonder. I think I'd better try and find some more suitable clothes.

Dr. Who: [after Ian is knighted by King Richard] I almost wish I'd been knighted, too.
Vicki: That'll be the day!
[the two start laughing]
Vicki: Come on, let's go and tidy Ian's things.

[last lines]
Vicki: [whispering] Doctor?
Dr. Who: Hmm?
Vicki: [whispering] Do you think it's a baby one?
Dr. Who: Not awake just yet. Hmm, hmm. Well, hmm, hmm. Ah, heh, heh. Hmm.
[Vicki screams]

Vicki: What do they want now?
Dr. Who: We're to be taken to the Centre, child. Try...
Dr. Who: Try not to be afraid.

[first lines]
Dr. Who: There's a Chumbley coming! Quickly!
Vicki: Oh, Doctor!
Dr. Who: Hurry! Quick!

Dr. Who: Well, mow, I think you two must admit that my assumption as to where we are, has been proved correct.
Ian: Yes. We might almost be in a museum at home.
Vicki: Except there are no little men following you about, telling you not to touch things.
Dr. Who: Well, you just pretend they are young lady, and keep your hands to yourself.
Barbara: Well, everything seems quite normal.
Dr. Who: Well, why not? Why shouldn't it be? It's quite natural. After all, you have objects of historial interest on Earth, so why not a museum in space? I always thought I'd find one someday.