The Best Zentos Quotes

[first lines]
Zentos: I invoke the special galactic law against them. Hold them, take them into custody and later they will be made to answer for the crimes that they have committed.
Steven: Oh, listen to us!
Zentos: Take them away!
Mellium: What about my father?
Zentos: He may well die. But then again, so might all of us. In which case it was pointless leaving.

Steven: That unfortunately tells me only one thing.
Zentos: What's that?
Steven: That the nature of Man, even in this day and age, hasn't altered at all.You still fear... the unknown like everyone else before you.

[last lines]
Zentos: Seize them! All of you, listen! Success of all we stand for, everything aboard this space ship is suddenly endangered by the strange fever. A fever brought by these strangers in our midst. I invoke the special galactic law against them. Hold them, take them into custody and later they will be made to suffer for the crimes that they have committed.
[Several Guardians seize the Doctor and his companions]
Steven: [fighting to be heard] Oh, listen to us!
Zentos: Take them away!
[the TARDIS crew are led away]
Mellium: What about my father?
Zentos: He may well die. But then again, so might all of us. In which case it was pointless leaving.