The Best Tor Quotes

Dr. Who: [talking about needing a leader] Jano, since you have destroyed the power you held over Chal and his people, you realize now, of course, that you've got to learn to live together.
Jano: Yes. But the fear and hatred of the past will only die slowly. We need someone like yourself as a mediator until we have become one people.
Dr. Who: I see. But in my case, I am afraid that is utterly impossible.
Jano: The man we need must inspire trust. His judgments must come from his heart even more than his head.
Chal: [the Doctor smiles knowingly, as Chal and Jano turn to Steven] Here is the leader we want, Jano.
Jano: This is what I thought.
Steven: [struggling for words and looking surprised at the choice of him for leader] Just a minute. I couldn't...
Dr. Who: A great honour, dear boy.
Steven: But I can't walk out on you and Dodo!
Dr. Who: Just think of the challenge to be able to set up the people on this planet for a new life. You're quite ready for this task.
Steven: You think I can do it?
Dr. Who: Yes, I do. And you're the only man who can, my boy.
Steven: [to Chal] And the offer come from both sides?
Chal: You would give us new hope. Our people will become great again - we will learn to live as equals - without bitterness.
Steven: What about Tor?
Tor: I should accept your decisions.
Steven: [there is a moment's silence as Steven considers the momentous decision] Very well. I will stay.
Chal: Thank you... and thank you! You have justified our faith.
Dodo: [running over to Steven to be comforted] Oh Steven!
Steven: [giving Dodo a hug] I shall miss you both, Dodo.