The Best Khrisong Quotes

[last lines]
Jamie: Doctor!
Victoria: I think.
Dr. Who: Khrisong, I have found the control.
Khrisong: It is too late, Doctor, I can no longer help you.
Dr. Who: But you don't understand! It's here! In the monastery.
Travers: What? That's impossible!
Sapan: But the monastery is empty, we are all here.
Dr. Who: Are we? Are we all here?
Thonmi: The Master!
Sapan: Songsten is with him!
Khrisong: Then he is in great danger! Stay where you are. All of you.
Travers: I remember. Songsten, the Yeti, on the mountain. Yes, yes, it's all coming back to me.
Jamie: Tell us.
Travers: There was this cave...

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [looking at the Yeti] You were right about one thing, Victoria. This creature... certainly doesn't seem to be flesh and blood.
Travers: What?
Dr. Who: It's not your Abominable Snowman either, Travers. Look.
[He taps it and it is a hard surface. The creature gives off a strange metallic sound]
Dr. Who: Metal.
Travers: That's incredible!
Thonmi: What is it?
Khrisong: A devils warrior.
Dr. Who: No, I don't think so. It's more like a robot.
Travers: A robot? My dear chap, don't let your imagination run away with you!
Dr. Who: Now, why has it stopped? Wait a minute... Wait a minute!
[discovers an empty round pouch on the creature's stomach]
Victoria: Nothing there.
Dr. Who: [puts his hands in the pouch] No. But there has been!

[first lines]
Victoria: Oh no! Thomni! Help, Thomni!
Thonmi: Run, Miss Victoria, run! Fetch Khrisong!
Victoria: The Yeti! The Yeti! Fetch help! Where's Khrisong?
Sapan: But where is Thomni? What has happened?
Victoria: He's in there. He's coming, now hurry!
Sapan: Khrisong, the Yeti, it is alive!
Khrisong: What!
Victoria: It's true Khrisong! Quick, its coming, do something!
Khrisong: Get back! Get back! Ralpachan, help him! Get him! Get up! We can't stop it! Get a net! We must destroy it!

Khrisong: Come with me.
Dr. Who: It's about time you let me help you.
Khrisong: Help? I want to make sure you don't disappear as well.

[first lines]
Dr. Who: Jamie, when you captured this creature, you must have dislodged its control unit.
Jamie: Then it must still be lying out there.
Dr. Who: Precisely!
Khrisong: Where are you going?
Dr. Who: To have a look outside the gates. I want that unit. Come on, Jamie.
Khrisong: No! I will not allow it.
Dr. Who: But why not?
Khrisong: I trust no one to leave the monastery. You say this creature is not a real Yeti.
Dr. Who: It's metal. It's been made.
Khrisong: And sent against us. Why? Why does someone wish harm to the monks of Detsen. I will trust no stranger until these questions are answered.
Jamie: Ah, but we're on your side! Have we not convinced you yet?
Khrisong: I am convinced of nothing.
Victoria: The Doctor knows all about this sort of thing. Why not let him help you?
Dr. Who: Well if you don't trust us at least send Thomni, or one of your other warriors.
Khrisong: No! I will not allow the gates to be opened!
Dr. Who: If you want us to help...
Khrisong: I do not need your help! Thomni, guard them!
[walks out]
Dr. Who: Oh dear, a very obstinate man.
Travers: Yes, well that's that I suppose. Nothing we can do about it now.
[Moving towards the door]
Travers: Um, well I... I think I'll just go and get a bit of shut-eye. Good night all.

Khrisong: Rapalchan, watch from the window, there. Get up. You, the other window.
[to the Doctor]
Khrisong: Any attempt to rescue you will now be highly dangerous, for you.
Dr. Who: Look, nobody is going to rescue me, least of all an Abominable Snowman! And hasn't it occurred to you, that innocent or guilty, whatever's been killing your monks might very well kill me?
Khrisong: If you are innocent, then let us hope that we will have the time to rescue you.