The Best Jake Lloyd Quotes

Anakin: Mom, you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other.

Yoda: How feel you?
Anakin: Cold, sir.
Yoda: Afraid are you?
Anakin: No, sir.
Yoda: See through you we can.
Mace: Be mindful of your feelings.
Ki: Your thoughts dwell on your mother.
Anakin: I miss her.
Yoda: Afraid to lose her I think, hmm?
Anakin: What has that got to do with anything?
Yoda: Everything! Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

- Your Majesty, it is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you.
- I welcome your help.
- Senator Palpatine fears that the
- Federation means to destroy me.
- I assure you I will not allow that to happen.
- Wesa goin' ho-o-o-me!
Anakin: Come on, R2.

Shmi: All slaves have a transmitter placed somewhere in their body.
Anakin: I've been working on a scanner to try and locate mine.
Shmi: Any attempt to escape...
Anakin: And they blow you up! BOOM!
Jar: How wude!

Queen: You're a slave?
Anakin: I'm a person and my name is Anakin.

Anakin: But what about mom? Is she free too? You're coming too, aren't you, mom?
Qui: I tried to free your mother, Anni, but Watto wouldn't have it.
Shmi: Son, my place is here, my future is here. It is time for you to let go.

Anakin: You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?
Qui: What makes you think that?
Anakin: I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi carry that kind of weapon.
Qui: Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.
Anakin: I don't think so. No one can kill a Jedi.
Qui: I wish that were so.

Anakin: Are you an angel?
Queen: What?
Anakin: An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe.
Queen: You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
Anakin: I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm going to fly away from this place.

Anakin: Now this is pod racing!

[Anakin is about to leave his mother behind to train as a Jedi]
Anakin: I can't do it, Mom. I just can't do it.
Shmi: Ani...
Anakin: Will I ever see you again?
Shmi: What does your heart tell you?
Anakin: I hope so. Yes... I guess.
Shmi: Then we will see each other again.
Anakin: I will come back and free you, Mom. I promise.
Shmi: Now, be brave, and don't look back. Don't look back.

- I can't believe it.
- The crowds are going nuts!
Jar: Yay, Ani!
Anakin: Mom, I did it! Yeah!