30 Best Jarod Quotes

Dr. Jason Earl: Jarod, why don't you tell the group what brought you here?
Jarod: A large cop with bad breath.

Kyle: [as he is dying in Jarod's arms] I'm sorry, Jarod.
Jarod: For what?
Kyle: For everything.
[Kyle's hand slips out of Jarod's and he dies]

Jarod: You make the rules.
Miss: That's just the way I like it.

Jarod: Love transcends death. The people we love touch our lives, even after they're gone.

Jarod: [after asking the foreman about the sulfuric chloride] One more question.
Foreman: Shoot.
Jarod: Valentine's Day. Specifically cupid.
Foreman: Yeah.
Jarod: A corpulent infant, who happens to be an archer, goes around shooting arrows into people and suddenly they're in love?
Foreman: That's about it.
Jarod: And to show that they love, people buy each other chocolate and other sweets? Do they want to be fat, like the infant?

Stan: So Forest, where did you do your mountain training?
Jarod: In the mountains, mostly.
Stan: Yeah. No, seriously, where were you stationed? Fort Lewis?
Jarod: You were in the Army too?
Stan: Fifteen years. You ever come across a Sgt. Tripcheck? A Ranger instructor at Benning?
Jarod: Sounds familiar.
Nia: He's lying, Stan. He's really one of the Stooges.
Stan: You two know each other?
Nia: We ran into each other once.

Tom: You up for a dogfight?
Jarod: Me? I was born for this moment.

Isaak: How long have you been a lawyer?
Jarod: About 7 minutes.

Jarod: Karma. Ain't it a bitch?

Sandi: Are you telling me you've never been to a strip club before? You know, strange men cramming sweaty wads of cash into strange women's panties?
Jarod: I think I would remember THAT.

Jarod: When are you due?
Martha: I should've made L.C. months ago but Commander Powell keeps putting it off.
Jarod: Not your promotion. Your baby. I'd say from your nausea and your sore back, you're about nine weeks.
Martha: My husband doesn't even know. What are you, a part-time obstetrician?
Jarod: No, but I was a midwife once.

Broots: [to Sydney who's on the phone with Jarod] Keep talkin' to him, we almost got him!
Jarod: [Jarod flips a switch to turn on a high pitched noise and force Broots off the tracking] Tell Broots I discovered Radio Shack.

[on the phone]
Jarod: I killed a man today, Sydney. I killed him as if I'd pulled the trigger myself.
Sydney: Jarod...
Jarod: Simulation 2578. You told me it was a rescue scenario. And then I see it used in the killing of a federal agent and the abduction of an innocent woman.
Miss: The Centre is not in the abduction business.
Jarod: Well, you tell that to Emma Barrett. It's Lyle, isn't it?
Miss: What are you talking about?
Jarod: I'm talking about lies. I'm talking about how innocent people have died because of the way you use my simulations. You used me! Well, no one is going to die anymore. If it's a war the Centre wants, it's what you will get. But I promise you, Emma Barrett will not be the next casualty.

Claire: The superior mind always has a way out: a tiny little door marked 'exit.'
Jarod: Well maybe it's time to run for it.

[Miss: 44 a.m., waking her up]
Miss: What?
Jarod: Oh, I intentially wake you in your deepest sleep phase and all I get is a lifeless 'what'?

Isaac: So, how long have you been a lawyer?
Jarod: About... seven minutes.

Claire: Jarod, if you ever wanta get together, pick each other's brains, little one-on-one...
Jarod: Careful Claire, don't cross a line you can't come back from.

Jarod: Here you go. Breakfast.
Young: That isn't wheat grass and tomato juice.

Miss: [phone rings] What?
Jarod: Well, well, well, long time no see. And how's life treating you?
Miss: Like he caught me in bed with his wife.

Jarod: Tell me who I am.
Sydney: I don't know either. At the time, I had on reason to question what the Centre told me. I swear.
Jarod: Then prove it. Give me tomorrow's code to the Centre's mainframe. The truth about who I am has to be in there.
Sydney: You know I can't do that.
Jarod: Sydney, you stole my life! Please give it back to me.

Jarod: Get back to me, Sydney. I'm running late.
Sydney: For what?
Jarod: Justice.

[Sydney is on the phone with Jarod and Broots is trying to trace the call]
Broots: Keep talking. We've almost got him.
[Jarod flips a switch on a box near his phone, causing a high-pitched sound to terminate any sort of trace to his phone]
Jarod: Tell Broots I discovered RadioShack.

Jarod: Is that pig wearing a baseball cap?

Mrs. Nikkos: You a doctor?
Jarod: I am today.

Jarod: Listen, these people, this organization, they will kill you. Trust me.
Argyle: Trust you? No, you listen to me. Trust. Trust. Great word, right? Trust. It's on every coin, every bill, every buck, and every bond in this country and yet it is still the one thing that you cannot buy.

Jarod: I want each of you to understand that there is only one unforgivable sin in my class. I will not, under any circumstance, tolerate any disrespect for these cadavers. Underneath each of these plastic sheets lies a human being. Many of these bodies, they come to us unknown and unclaimed, which means that they died alone and afraid. With no friends, no homes. Forgotten by their families and thrown away by society. Therefore, they will not be disrespected in this classroom.

Jarod: Trust your inner sense, Miss Parker. I do.

Miss: Why did you save my life?
Jarod: Because I still remember the little girl who gave me my first kiss.

Jarod: You're a garbage man?
Axe: "Sanitation Engineer."

Miss: Maybe I should send you to every Y.M.C.A. in the country first. Or lock you in the Bates Motel with Sydney and Broots.
Jarod: This is about that strip search in Las Vegas, isn't it?