The Best Sydney Quotes

Jarod: Tell me who I am.
Sydney: I don't know either. At the time, I had on reason to question what the Centre told me. I swear.
Jarod: Then prove it. Give me tomorrow's code to the Centre's mainframe. The truth about who I am has to be in there.
Sydney: You know I can't do that.
Jarod: Sydney, you stole my life! Please give it back to me.

Jarod: Get back to me, Sydney. I'm running late.
Sydney: For what?
Jarod: Justice.

Sydney: You can't save them all, Jarod. You may be a Pretender, but you're human.

Sydney: You believe someone stole your mother's body?
Miss: Except for this Scotch-induced earthquake rattling between my ears, I'm not sure exactly what to believe anymore.
Broots: Let's face it, Sydney. Catherine Parker's body being gone fits in with all the other bizarre happenings around here. The reappearance of Edna Raines, who, after 30 years, everyone thought was dead...
Miss: And now who really is dead, thanks to the Bald Butcher she called hubby.

[on the phone]
Jarod: I killed a man today, Sydney. I killed him as if I'd pulled the trigger myself.
Sydney: Jarod...
Jarod: Simulation 2578. You told me it was a rescue scenario. And then I see it used in the killing of a federal agent and the abduction of an innocent woman.
Miss: The Centre is not in the abduction business.
Jarod: Well, you tell that to Emma Barrett. It's Lyle, isn't it?
Miss: What are you talking about?
Jarod: I'm talking about lies. I'm talking about how innocent people have died because of the way you use my simulations. You used me! Well, no one is going to die anymore. If it's a war the Centre wants, it's what you will get. But I promise you, Emma Barrett will not be the next casualty.

Sydney: Sometimes, even the Devil deserves a little privacy.

Sydney: How come you know so much about Greek lore?
Miss: I did a lot of frat boys in college.

Sydney: [laughing] Here I am, trying to comfort you.
Miss: [looking hurt] As if anything you could ever do would give me comfort?
Sydney: [quickly sobers] It did once.

Miss: Jarod will take the use of his simulation as a personal attack.
Mr. Lyle: That sounds like a threat.
Sydney: To involve Jarod as an accessory to murder and kidnapping, that is asking for retribution the likes of which you can't even imagine.
Mr. Lyle: I'll take that under advisement.

Sydney: Good morning, Miss Parker. Broots.
Broots: Sydney.
Miss: You're looking... refreshed.
Sydney: New underpants will do that to you.
[Miss Parker and Broots look at each other silently]
Miss: Sydney, you made a funny.
Sydney: Stole it, I'm afraid. Last night, I went on a date.
Broots: You had a date!
Miss: [to Broots] That's when two people actually meet instead of typing to each other on a computer keyboard.
[to Sydney]
Miss: So, if it was a date, how can you be sure that those are *your* underpants?

Jarod: Who am I? Did the Centre adopt me? Was I bought or was I stolen? And where are my mom and dad?
Sydney: Jarod, we've been over this a thousand times. Your parents died in a plane crash.
Jarod: Yes, I know the story, Sydney. It's been burned into my brain for thirty years. But, you see, I did a little checking. There's this genetic anomaly that's in my blood that should be in my supposed parents. But it's not. Therefore, it's impossible that I'm their son. So, the truth, for once.

Sydney: Just let this quack handle it, hmm?

Sydney: The Centre wants him alive.
Miss: Preferably.

Sydney: How do you think he will hold up?
Miss: Before or after he wets his pants?