The Best Foundation Quotes

Hober: You have this way of making people realise things aren't completely fucking hopeless. You make people feel hope. Even nihilistic shit-heels like me.
Brother: Even them?
Hober: Yes. You want to know my dirty secret Constant? I always wanted to shorten the darkness. Always. I just couldn't swallow the religious stuff. But you reminded me of who I used to be, and you have to go and do that for the rest of them, okay? Will you do that for me?
Brother: [Weeping] How typical. Denying me a martyr's death.
[the kiss passionately, before breaking off]
Bel: Good luck, Brother Constant.
Brother: And to you, General Riose.
[Boards the capsule]
Brother: Wait. Do you still want to know my name?
Hober: Yeah, of course.
Brother: It's Hope
Hober: Really?
Brother: No. But wouldn't that be something.
[the capsule door closes]

Hari: I take it you know how to sell Foundation?
Poly: Seven planets so far.
Hari: This is graduation day.

Brother: Well, High Claric. How do you feel about your mission now? I would've imagined it to be uncomfortable, being stared at by Empire.
Poly: [Quips] I've met Hari Seldon. I'm used to fame.

Gaal: History isn't fact. It's narrative, one carefully curated and shaped. Under the pen strokes of the right scribe, a villain becomes a hero, a lie becomes the truth.

Gaal: Close you eyes; listen to my words; and dream.

Gaal: Once I prayed in the words of my parents.
Gaal: But then my world expanded, and the words fell short of my reality.
Gaal: I pray in a different language now.

Hari: We're going to lose more people along the way, Gaal. Those losses matter if we make them matter.

Tellem: Don't worship a child as a God. It's not good for them

Gaal: [narration] We pair to procreate, or so we are taught. Love itself is inconsequential, when measured against the scale of the galaxy

Brother: Are we not enough? Is that why you miss him?
Demerzel: Oh, no, sweet brother. You are enough. It's just that you always leave me.

Salvor: Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right.

Salvor: When all the facts fall short of believability, fantasy feels reassuringly solid.

Brother: The dream lives on in you.
Brother: Because you kept it alive in you.

Hugo: It's not love if it doesn't hurt.

Abbas: Violence is the last refuge of the stupid

Hari: When you feel the tug of history, give it a pull.