The Best Frank Quotes

Frank: Look, you wanna pinch me then pinch me... I'll be out in 5 minutes. If not, GET THA FUCK OFF MY CAR!

Frank: Your criteria are so far up your ass, they can't see daylight! This is bullshit!

Frank: [discovers the coffee creamer at the diner has gone bad] Can we get some new cream here?
Hojo: What's wrong with it?
Frank: What's wrong with it? It's cottage cheese.

Frank: I come here to discuss a piece of business with you, and whadda you gonna do? You gonna tell me fairy tales?
Attaglia: Hey, who da fuck are you slick? Somebody knows you? Whadda you, crazy or what?

Frank: I got some A-B-C type information for you, lady. I was state-raised, and this is a dead place. A child in eight-by-four green walls, after awhile you tell the walls 'my life is yours.' What, didja grow up in the suburbs?
Mrs. Knowles: Yes.
Frank: Right! Right!

Joe: Look, uh, these people wanna meet you.
Frank: What?
Gags: They're stand-up guys
Frank: If I wanna meet people, I'll go to a fuckin' country club.

Frank: You're marking time is what you are. You're backing off. You're hiding out. You're waiting for a bus that you hope never comes because you dont wanna get on it anyway because you don't wanna go anywhere. Ok?

Frank: He down our merch? Is it gone? Does he carry the cash on him, what?
Barry: I'm talking to somebody's somebody. I will know in about 25 minutes.

Frank: You talking to me or somebody else walk in this room?

Mrs. Knowles: I see on your application here - by the way, you misspelled mail, it's M-A-L-E, the other's what we put in post boxes - I see you put under employer: 1959 to 1976, Joliet State Penitentiary.
Frank: Yes.
Mrs. Knowles: You worked for the state, I take it?
Frank: After a fashion.
Mrs. Knowles: And what did you do at the prison?
Frank: Desks. I, uh, I spot-welded desks, and then I got promoted to shoes.
Mrs. Knowles: You were in charge of the shop?
Frank: Lady, I was a convict, I was doing time.
Mrs. Knowles: You were what?
Jessie: Frank, let's go.
Mrs. Knowles: Umm, you have to understand, we have more applicants than children...
Frank: Then why do you still have kids here? As a kid I would not be falling all over myself to stay in one of these places. We will relieve you of some of the burden.
Mrs. Knowles: But the point is, we establish criteria for parenting, and an ex-convict compared to other desirables...
Frank: Great, so we'll take a kid that's not so desirable. You got a black kid? We'll take a black kid. You got a chink kid?
Mrs. Knowles: You don't seem to understand...
Frank: Nobody likes older kids. You got an eight-year old black chink kid, we'll take him.
Jessie: Frank...
Frank: Wait.
[removes ring from finger]
Frank: If it's a matter of, uh, y'know, here.
Mrs. Knowles: What is that?
Frank: What is that? That is D-flawless, three-point-two karats, emerald cut.
Mrs. Knowles: This is not a marketplace.
Frank: Right. Y'know, you're not smart enough to take this anymore than you are to, to, recognize good parents.
Mrs. Knowles: Get out of my office.
Frank: You did not ask about us. You didn't ask what kind of people we are. There is a child waiting, and you are denying us him, and him us. Who the hell are you?

Frank: I have run out of time. I have lost it all. So I can't work fast enough to catch up. I can't run fast enough to catch up. And the only thing that catches me up is doing my magic act.

Urrizi: Hey, car salesman. Urizzi. You remember my name now?
Frank: How can I not? Since the police department does not hire too many Puerto Ricans.
Urrizi: Hey asshole, I'm Italian.
Frank: I'm pleased to meet you ugly wop son of a bitch.
Urrizi: You motherfucker.

Frank: Did it ever occur to you, to try to work for a living? Take down your own scores?
Unnamed: OK, fuck this guy.
Urrizi: I'll tell you something, I'm gonna be on your ass so much, you're gonna get careless. And on that day I'm gonna be in that place.
Frank: And that, is the last place that you wanna be. 'Cause no matter what happens, I will never, ever take a pinch from a greasy motherfucker like you.

Frank: Look, in what I do there are sometimes pressures. What the hell do you think that I do? Come on. Come on, every morning I walk in for five months, say hi - what the hell do you think that I do?
Jessie: You sell little fucking cars, that's what you do.
Frank: I wear $150 slacks, I wear silk shirts, I wear $800 suits, I wear a gold watch, I wear a perfect, D-flawless three carat ring. I change cars like other guys change their fucking shoes. I'm a thief. I've been in prison, all right?
Jessie: So what, I don't care.
Frank: So what?
Jessie: Don't tell me.
Frank: So what? I never even told my wife that...
Jessie: I don't care.
Frank: Who is now gone. Did I ever come on to you?
Jessie: No.
Frank: Well you see.
Jessie: See? See what?
Frank: See, I - I am a straight arrow. I am a true blue kind of a guy. I've been cool. I am now unmarried. So let's cut the mini-moves and the bullshit, and get on with this big romance.
Jessie: ...What? I don't believe it. Do you think that I've been waiting for you to come along? What is this shit.
Frank: You think I'm kidding, I can tell. This is strictly on the up and up.
Jessie: Jesus Christ.

Frank: I am the last guy in the world that you wanna fuck with.

Frank: What are you doing in your life that is so terrific?

Frank: You are making big profits from my work, my risk, my sweat. But that is okay, because I elected to make that deal. But now, the deal is over. I want my end, and I am out.
Leo: Why don't you join a labor union?
Frank: I am wearing it.
Mitch: Frank, don't.
Attaglia: Do it slick.
Frank: My money in 24 hours, or you will wear your ass for a hat.