The Best Frasier, Season 10, Episode 8 Quotes

[Frasier's blathering before Niles' surgery is annoying Niles]
Roz: I'm so sorry you have to go through all this, Niles.
Dr. Niles Crane: Oh, I'm pretty used to him by now.
Dr. Niles Crane: Oh, right, the - yes.

Roz: Oh, Daphne, it's okay, it's okay; everything's gonna be fine.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Daphne, I know you're in hell right now, but, in just about twenty minutes comes the disconnecting of the ventilator and the extubation. You can see it all in the diagram on page 24 -
Daphne: He's not a diagram! He's my husband! And he's on a table with his chest cut open! I'm sorry if I can't handle this as well as the rest of you, but I'm terrified.
Roz: Daphne, it's okay; just calm down. I mean, when all this is over we're just gonna -
Daphne: There is no "when this is over"! There's no tomorrow, no next week, no next year - there's *nothing* until he comes out of there and I know he's okay!

Roz: [Frasier and Martin are making a lot of noise at the vending machine, Frasier sticks his hand in the slot to get Martin's candy bar] What is going on over there?
Martin: [about his candy bar] Chunky's stuck.
Roz: Well why did Chunky stick his arm in there in the first place?
[Frasier glares at her]

Dr. Niles Crane: All roads lead to the hospital. We're born here, we get sick here, we get well here, all these big dramatic moments in the hospital just gobbles me up. Do you think a hospital has memories? I bet it does. I bet when I walked in it thought, 'Oh you again. You're the little boy who broke his leg in 1966, hello old friend!' Wow, a talking hospital, that would be cool. When're these drugs going to kick in? I don't know why I need surgery, this is the best I've felt.

Roz: [in hospital flashback, coming in with Alice, anxious] Excuse me... my baby has a rash. I looked in the book and I don't think it's chickenpox, but it does kind of look like scarlet fever.
Colleen: [looks at Alice] Is this your first child?
Roz: Yes, why?
Colleen: It's just lipstick.

Martin: [about to get a Chunky bar from the machine] Oh... but there's a Marathon bar... oh now I'm not sure what to get.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Go with your first pick, get Chunky.
Martin: But I haven't had a Marathon bar in years.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Then get Marathon.
Martin: Come to think of it, I think they stopped making Marathon bars in the '80s.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Then definitely get Chunky.

Martin: Remember when you were little and you convinced Niles that we were all figments of his imagination, the whole world was just in his mind?
Dr. Frasier Crane: I told him we disappeared whenever he left the room.
Martin: Yeah, months afterward, he was always darting into rooms to make sure we were all still there. Scared the crap outta me, I was ready to kill you.

Dr. Niles Crane: Oh, this one's from your mom.
[he opens a note card]
Dr. Niles Crane: "Dear Niles, I know we haven't always gotten along..."
[confused, he checks the back and finds nothing further]
Dr. Niles Crane: Isn't that sweet?