The Best Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Season 3, Episode 4 Quotes

Michael: Your warrant says I have to let you search his office. It doesn't say I have to answer your questions.

Detective: [watching Goren playing with the flesh on a corpse] Uck. You keep doing that, I'm gonna drop this kid right here.

Detective: [sarcastically] Self-defense works for me.

Detective: We were about to sign off on your self-defense story, Earl, until your wife told us that, well, that you knocked the gun out of Bennie's hand.
[to Isobel]
Detective: That was an unnecessary, damning embellishment. Why'd you do that?
Detective: I think she didn't want Earl skating by on a self-defense rap.
Detective: When did you find out, Isobel? Last May? When Earl and Bennie were working on that coin shop heist? You saw them together, overheard them talking. Thinks fell into place who killed Dan... your Dan.
Isobel: I wanna go home.

ADA: I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You have an offended mobster and his son. A case of mistaken identity. An incompetent hitman. A hitman's widow. A hitman's missing sister. A corrupt cop. And now another dead killer. It's... it's operatic.

Captain: [referring to a case of mistaken identity] They wacked the wrong lawyer. That beats all.

Detective: Sweet... isn't it? Revenge.

Detective: [after reading an article by a lawyer killed by a hitman] Sounds like Old MacDonald rubbed some people the wrong way.

Captain: [referring to a cop being taken away] So much for passing out brains with those gold shields.

Detective: [opening up a container of very nasty smelling cheese] That's Rochette. Made from sheep's milk.
Detective: You can tell that just from the smell?
Detective: It's, uh... on the label.

Captain: [referring to a car-jacking/murder case in that happened on 9-11] I'd say they put about two hours work into this and called it quits.
Detective: Maybe because they had 2,000 other homicides to solve that day.

Detective: [entering a warehouse with a strong coffee smell] Do you smell it?
Detective: I'm getting a caffeine buzz just breathing it in.