The Best Frederick Weller Quotes

Master Patrolman Andy Landers: [making an arrest] Black bitch, you get this Black Panther out of Colorado Springs before sunrise, you hear me? Or you'll all go to jail.
Kwame: We were born in jail!

Novak: You religious?
Martine: Seriously? That's the line you're going with?
Novak: No, I'm just curious if you believe in a higher power. Imagine if the world had utterly changed, and no one had noticed a thing. I'm talking about an international stealth operation to acquire and shutter every company researching artificial intelligence.
Martine: Artificial intelligence? That's a real thing?
Novak: Oh, it's here. I think an AI slipped into the world unannounced, then set out to strangle its rivals in the crib. And I know I'm on to something, because my sources keep disappearing. My editor got reassigned. And now my job's gone. More and more, it just feels like I was the only one investigating the story
[Looks at his companion]
Novak: I'm sorry. I'm sure I sound like a real conspiracy nut.
Martine: No, I understand. You're saying an artificial intelligence bought your paper so you'd lose your job and your flight would be canceled. And you'd end up back at this bar
[Mood suddenly turns ominous]
Martine: where the only security camera would go out. And the bartender would have to leave suddenly after getting an emergency text. The world has changed. You should know you're not the only one who figured it out. You're one of three. The other two will die in a traffic accident in Seattle in 14 minutes.

Dan: [the President asks about the size of the asteroid] lt's the size of Texas, Mr President.
President: Dan, we didn't see this thing coming?
Dan: Well, our object collison budget's a million dollars, that allows us to track about 3% of the sky, and beg'n your pardon sir, but it's a big-ass sky.
President: And the ones this morning?
Dan: Uh, those are nothing. Uh, they're the size of basketballs... and, uh, Volkswagens, things like that.
President: Is this going to hit us?
Dan: We're obtaining that as we speak, sir.
President: What kind of damage are we...
Dan: Damage? Total, sir. It's what we call a global killer. The end of mankind. Doesn't matter where it hits. Nothing would survive, not even bacteria.
President: My God. What do we do?
NASA: [a NASA tech comes running into the room] We have 18 days before it hits Earth.