The Best General Calvet Quotes

[in French]
General: He's good, this Sharpe?
Major: [dismissively] He's just lucky.
General: When Napoleon picks a general, he doesn't ask, "is he good?" He asks, "is he lucky?"

[in French]
Compte: General, my mother is dying. Can I get her out of the castle before the battle?
General: You think the Englishman will let her go?
Compte: He will let her go.
Major: He's a romantic.
General: Very well. Tomorrow, you and Ducos go under a flag of parlay.
Major: He will kill me.
General: Under a white flag?
[Ducos shrugs]
General: He's not as romantic as all that.

[as his men are retreating from the fort; in French]
General: Poor Gaston. Was it bad?
Gaston: [nursing a scalp wound] Yes, General.
General: As bad as Moscow?
[Gaston nods]
General: Then it was truly bad.'
[He puts an arm around Gaston and helps him away]

General: [on Ducos] In Russia, we ate men like him for breakfast.
[He and Gaston laugh]