Top 30 Quotes From Guy

Guy: This is Free City. Look at this guy. He's one of the sunglasses people. And the people who wear sunglasses are heroes. They have a devil-may-care attitude and they run this town.
Bombshell: You are so hot.
Revenjamin: Oh, I know.
Guy: See? That's not even his car. Or his wife. For the sunglasses people, they get to do anything they want. They go on all sorts of missions. They got cool hair, cool clothes. I mean, laws aren't really laws to them. They're more like mild suggestions. Like, I don't think he's gonna return that car. Or that nice lady. See what I mean?

Ugga: What... is that on your head?
Gran: It's called desperation.
Grug: I call it a rug. Rhymes with Grug.
[points to boulder]
Grug: And I call this one, a "ride." Rhymes with Grug!
Guy: Uh, that doesn't rhyme...

Eep: Hey, do you have a minute? How did the tiger fly?
Guy: I only share when I'm outside the log. I'm funny that way.

[Guy intervenes in a bank robbery]
Buddy: This isn't you! You don't do this!
Guy: .... Maybe I do.

[Guy's catchphrase]
Guy: Don't have a good day, have a great day.

Guy: [watching Grug and Thunk "hunting"] What're they doing?
Ugga: Hunting!
[Guy watches them flail around]
Guy: No seriously, what're they doing?

Eep: So how did the tiger fly?
Guy: She jumped on the sun, and rode it to tomorrow.

Guy: You're being irrational and counter-productive!
Grug: Big words anger me! Keep talking!

Guy: [sees Eep watching Grug and Thunk hunt] You look tense.
Eep: [in denial] I'm not tense

Mouser: Lose the skin!
Guy: Lose...? Wha..? How am I supposed to get rid of my skin?
Mouser: Take it off, man. Just take it off. What are you doing?
Guy: What?
Keys: Seriously.
Mouser: The whole thing: the face, the outfit, everything.
Guy: How?
Mouser: Ditch it! If you don't, we're gonna kill you.
Guy: Why?
Keys: And we're gonna KEEP killing you.
Guy: Still why?
Mouser: Until we do find out who you are, and then we're going to ban you for life!
Guy: Okay. I WANT to comply. I just find the order of those threats very confusing.

- Rabbit's coming for you.
- Apex predator.
Guy: Whoa!
- Here we go. Y'all watching this?
- I'm about to end this fool.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- Keys, if you're there, a little help, please.

Molotov: So, what are you gonna to do
Guy: Anything I want. Thanks to you, I'm not stuck in a loop anymore and neither are you. I love you Milie. Maybe that's my programming talking, but guess what, someone wrote that program, I'm just a love letter to you. Somewhere out there is the author
[Millie begins to realize and plays a video clip from Keys]
Keys: You brought him to life, You brought him to life and he was alive because he met the one person he's been waiting for his whole life and I had to make it realistic, so I based it off of "you". The woman of his dreams, she was the same as mine.So she like bubble gum ice cream and swing sets and she had this very cute, but oddly specific habit of always humming to this classic Mariah Carey track, like all the time, she would repeat
[she gets up and tries to find Keys]
Mouser: [happily to see Millie] Finally

Guy: Stay here if you want, but let me go! I've got a dream! A mission! A reason to live!
Eep: Not anymore!

Guy: Millie, how many times a day are the banks robbed in your world?
Molotov: Hardly ever, Guy.
Guy: What about corpses, Mille? Do ya see a lot of those? How many an hour?
Molotov: None per hour, Guy.
Guy: What about gun violence? See a lot of gun violence in your world?
Molotov: Actually, that's a big problem, Guy, it's a massive problem

Buddy: I'm me, who I am right now, and I'm just trying to help a friend. I say, okay, so what if I'm not real?
Guy: I'm sorry. "So what?"
Buddy: Yeah. So what?
Guy: But if you're not real, doesn't that mean that nothing you do matters? What does that mean?
Buddy: I mean, what's more real than a person trying to help someone they love? Now, if that's not real, I don't know what is.

Buddy: Hey, so where's the bank?
Guy: There is no bank.
Buddy: So, what do we do?
Guy: Whatever we want.

Grug: I guess I was just busy keeping them all alive.
Guy: It's okay. That's what dads do.
Grug: That's right! But we can't do that from here. We need one of your ideas. Come on, you can do it.
Guy: Belt! Emergency Idea Generator, activate!
[Belt hits him in the head with a rock]
Guy: OW! Ooh! I've got it!

Guy: [to Eep, after making everyone shoes] Okay, now you can look.
Eep: [looks down at her shoes and screams in panic and excitement] AAAHHH! I *LOVE* them! Where are my feet?
Guy: [reassuring] They're still there!

Grug: [as they're about to cross water] Eep, looks dangerous.
Eep: [exasperated] Dad, you say that about everything!
[she steps toward the water]
Guy: Careful!
Eep: Oh. *Really?* Okay.
[Grug gasps in disbelief]

Guy: Your call, Grug.
Grug: Take us to Tomorrow.

Guy: He's just resting.
Buddy: In pieces! That man is dead!
Guy: He's so sleepy.

Guy: Oh. What, is one the best or the worst?
Molotov: There is literally nothing lower.

Guy: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger. She lived in a cave with the rest of her family. Her father and mother told her: "You may go anywhere you want, but never go near the cliff, for you could fall."
Grug: And die. Good story.
[the others start to leave but Guy goes on and they sit back down]
Guy: But when no one was looking, she'd go near the cliff, for the closer she came to the edge, the more could she hear, the more could she see, the more she could feel. Finally, she stood at the very edge. She saw a light. She leaned out to touch it... and she slipped.
Grug: And she fell.
Guy: And she *flew.*
[the others gasp]
Thunk: Where did she fly?
Guy: Tomorrow.
Eep: Tomorrow?
Guy: A place with more suns in the sky than you can count.
Thunk: It would be so bright!
Guy: A place not like today, or yesterday. A place where things are better.
Grug: Tomorrow isn't a place. It's... it's... Ugh! You can't see it!
Guy: Oh, yes, yes it is. I've seen it. That's where I'm going.

Guy: What is happening?
[GASPS] So much money.

Gran: What's a *pet*?
Guy: An animal you don't eat!
Gran: Ha! We call those *children*.

[Guy's routine coffee order]
Guy: Medium coffee, cream, two sugars.

Guy: I love you, Millie. Now maybe that's just my programming talking, but guess what? Somebody wrote that program. I'm just a love letter to you. Somewhere out there is the author.

Guy: Life doesn't have to be something that just happens to us.

Grug: No more dark. No more hiding. No more caves.
[to Eep]
Grug: What's the point of all this? To follow the light. I can't change. I don't have ideas. But I have my strength. And right now, that's all you need.
Ugga: No, we don't know what's over there. Maybe nothing! It's too risky!
Grug: It's a chance.
Guy: I'll take that chance.
Grug: [picking Guy up] You know, I've wanted to throw you away ever since I met you.
Guy: Heh. That's a joke, right?
Grug: [jokingly] What's a joke?
[throws him over to the other cliff]

[Molotov Girl is walking through Free City, quoting the NPC's lines along with them, then hums "Fantasy" by Mariah Carey to herself; Guy sees this and is entranced by her]
Molotov: [quoting Guy] Don't have a good day, have a great day.
Guy: I love that song.
[She stops, turns around and eyes him suspiciously]
Molotov: That's a new one.