The Best Halley Wolowitz Quotes

- Was that her first word?
Halley: Mama.
Penny: No, no, baby, I'm not your mama.
- Your mama's the nice lady we 're gonna go see right now so I can rub this in her face.
- Do you hear that, suckers?
- She called me "mama."

Penny: [Over the baby monitor, after she basically had it out against Howard and Bernadette for not trusting her with their baby, she goes in to address a crying Halley] Hey Halley, oh it's okay. Auntie Penny's here. Shhh. Okay, let's get you changed. Your mommy and daddy say they trust me, but they're both full of the same stuff your diaper is.
Bernadette: Now I feel bad.
Howard: Well, she never really liked me. It's kind of nice she hates you now.
Penny: [Continued, with feeling] Oh, but I'm here for you and would never let anything happen to you because your Auntie Penny loves you so much!
Halley: [Almost whispering] Mama.
Bernadette: [Freezing upon hearing that] Was that her first word?
Halley: [Clearer] Mama!
Penny: [Kind of panicking] No, no baby, I'm not your mama. Your mother is a nice lady that we're going to go see right now so I can rub this in her face.
[Bernadette, during this, has picked up the baby monitor speaker and eventually starts looking at it with anger in her eyes]
Penny: [Intentionally addressing the both of them] You hear that, suckers? She called me "mama"!