The Best Hank Green Quotes

Pembroke: [Lockhart now reading the letter sitting at boardroom table] There is a sickness inside us. Rising like the bile that leaves that bitter taste at the back of our throats. It's there in every one of you seated around the table. We deny its existence until one day the body rebels against the mind and screams out, "I am not a well man." No doubt you will think only of the merger. That unclean melding of two equally diseased institutions. But the truth cannot be ignored. For only when we know what ails us can we hope to find the cure. I will not return. Do not attempt to contact me again. Sincerely, Roland E. Pembroke.
Hank: Well, Mr. Lockhart, what do you make of that?
Lockhart: Clearly he's lost his mind.
Wilson: Our thought exactly.
Hollis: Man goes for two-week spa vacation and has a complete mental breakdown.
Humphrey: [viewing his smartphone] Who the hell takes the waters in the 21st century anyway?

Lockhart: [Re-enters the bar and goes to bartender] I need to make a phone call, long distance.
Bartender: We take credit cards.
[He hands Lockhart the phone and he gives Bartender the credit card]
Bartender: [Lockhart dials]
Hank: Lockhart.
Lockhart: Mr. Green.
Hank: Where the hell have you been?
Lockhart: [Urgent] I have a question. Did Pembroke have any pre-existing conditions? Before he got here, did he have any medical conditions? Was he sick?
Hank: No, the guy was a fucking health nut. Fucking drank kale for Christ sake. Now what the fuck is going on? You were supposed to be here four days ago.
Lockhart: Yeah, but there was an accident. Didn't-they said they contacted you and you knew.
[He turns his head and sees Hanna dancing in the background]
Hank: What accident? No, nobody called.
Lockhart: ...Are you sure about that?
Hank: [Irritated] Lockhart, do I have to reiterate to you the importance of what you've been sent there to do? Get Pembroke on the next plane in twenty-four hours, or this whole place goes ass over tits. Lockhart?
[Lockhart has dropped the phone]