The Best Holzgang Quotes

Mayor: How are we supposed to raise that kind of money with things the way they are?
The: You aren't.
Mayor: What the hell is he talking about?
The: We don't expect you to pay.
Holzgang: Let me refer you to our contract. "In the event of default, OCP shall have the uncontested right of foreclosure on all city assets."
Poulos: [reading contract for himself, then to the Mayor] You SIGNED this.
Mayor: So you're saying we miss one payment and you can foreclose.
The: We can and we will. We're taking Detroit private.

The: It's only money. How about criminal proceedings?
Holzgang: Well, we're looking at major indictments, sir. Prison terms.
The: What about me?
Holzgang: You know we'll do whatever we can.
The: That's not good enough, Holzgang.

Mayor: So you deliberately undermined our credit.
Holzgang: That was the easy part.
Mayor: And engineered the police strike. Do you want Detroit to-to... to tear itself apart so you can raid it like you would any other corporation? Do you know how many people are dying out there? You're murderers.
Holzgang: I'd advise you to say nothing further. It might be... actionable.
Poulos: All right, calm down.
Mayor: It's bullshit!
Poulos: I think we better get out of here.
Mayor: I'm okay!
Poulos: Calm down. I-I think we'd better leave.
Mayor: I'm calm.
Poulos: Calm down.
[Kuzack and Poulous head towards the door]
Mayor: I'm okay. I'm okay.
Poulos: All right. Good.
Mayor: I'm in control. Everything is fine. It's okay. I'm fine.
Mayor: [stops and turns around] One last thing, gentlemen: we will sue your asses.
The: Give it your best shot.
Mayor: FUCK YOU, YA OLD SENILE BASTARD! This is bullshit! Fuck you! This is bullshit!

Donald: Uh, sir, what if this was all the work of one individual person. A woman who had her own agenda that wasn't in sync with the goals of our company?
The: Well... that usually works.
Donald: A woman who was not a team player, who violated our trust?
[Clearly meaning Dr. Faxx]
The: Well, we'd need some evidence to support that.
Holzgang: Sir, whether it exists or not, I know I can find it.
Donald: She did choose the brain, sir.

Holzgang: It's serious trouble, sir.. So many dead and wounded.
Donald: Of course, there won't be trouble from the dead ones.
The: They'll have relatives. They always do.