The Best Old Man Quotes

The: And so, people of the press, city officials, in a few minutes, Omni Consumer Products and the troubled city of Detroit will join in a bold new venture. Now, I'd like to explain just what this will mean: Sometimes, we just have to start over from scratch to make things right, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build a brand new city where Detroit now stands, an example to the world.

The: This could look bad for OCP, Johnson. Scramble the best spin team we have.

The: It's only money. How about criminal proceedings?
Holzgang: Well, we're looking at major indictments, sir. Prison terms.
The: What about me?
Holzgang: You know we'll do whatever we can.
The: That's not good enough, Holzgang.

The: [Mayor Kuzack enters the room] My friends, welcome to our city as it should be, and as it will be in the hands of responsible private enterprise.
The: [applause] And a special welcome to mayor Kuzack and the outgoing administration.
Mayor: Oh, we're not going anywhere.
The: [murmurs] Your Honor.
Mayor: You'll have to tear down a lot of people's houses before you can make that thing and take away their homes.
The: We're going to raise towers of glass and steel. Every citizen will have a living unit. Safe, secure and clean. Now please, take your seat.
Mayor: Won't be much room for neighborhoods, huh? Not like the kind that we all grew up in.
The: These days, neighborhoods just seem to be the sort of places where bad things happen. Don't be nostalgic.
Mayor: What about democracy? Nobody elected you.
The: Anyone can buy OCP's stock and own a piece of our city. What could be more democratic than that?
Mayor: Well, let me tell you: there are a lot of people in this town who can't afford to buy your stock, and they're not gonna let you get away with this!
The: You haven't been following the polls. Sit down.

Donald: Uh, sir, what if this was all the work of one individual person. A woman who had her own agenda that wasn't in sync with the goals of our company?
The: Well... that usually works.
Donald: A woman who was not a team player, who violated our trust?
[Clearly meaning Dr. Faxx]
The: Well, we'd need some evidence to support that.
Holzgang: Sir, whether it exists or not, I know I can find it.
Donald: She did choose the brain, sir.

The: About a year ago, we gave this city RoboCop. I think he's worked out pretty well, but things have become a little rougher out there. And now, we need a law enforcement unit capable of meeting the enemy on his own ground, and carrying enough firepower... to get the job done.
The: [a prototype model of Robocop 2 rises from the model of the proposed new city] Ladies and gentlemen, with great pleasure, I give you RoboCop 2.

The: City Hall is the decaying symbol of mismanagement and corruption.

Mayor: How are we supposed to raise that kind of money with things the way they are?
The: You aren't.
Mayor: What the hell is he talking about?
The: We don't expect you to pay.
Holzgang: Let me refer you to our contract. "In the event of default, OCP shall have the uncontested right of foreclosure on all city assets."
Poulos: [reading contract for himself, then to the Mayor] You SIGNED this.
Mayor: So you're saying we miss one payment and you can foreclose.
The: We can and we will. We're taking Detroit private.

Mayor: So you deliberately undermined our credit.
Holzgang: That was the easy part.
Mayor: And engineered the police strike. Do you want Detroit to-to... to tear itself apart so you can raid it like you would any other corporation? Do you know how many people are dying out there? You're murderers.
Holzgang: I'd advise you to say nothing further. It might be... actionable.
Poulos: All right, calm down.
Mayor: It's bullshit!
Poulos: I think we better get out of here.
Mayor: I'm okay!
Poulos: Calm down. I-I think we'd better leave.
Mayor: I'm calm.
Poulos: Calm down.
[Kuzack and Poulous head towards the door]
Mayor: I'm okay. I'm okay.
Poulos: All right. Good.
Mayor: I'm in control. Everything is fine. It's okay. I'm fine.
Mayor: [stops and turns around] One last thing, gentlemen: we will sue your asses.
The: Give it your best shot.
Mayor: FUCK YOU, YA OLD SENILE BASTARD! This is bullshit! Fuck you! This is bullshit!

The: There's going to be a big call for this unit, and we'll make him right here in Detroit. That means jobs we can all be proud of, and make "Made in America" mean something again.

The: [watching the Robocops fight] *Behave* yourselves!

The: These days, neighborhoods just seem to be the sort of places where bad things happen. Don't be nostalgic.

The: Sometimes we just have to start over, from scratch, to make things right, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build a brand-new city where Detroit now stands - an example to the world.

Holzgang: It's serious trouble, sir.. So many dead and wounded.
Donald: Of course, there won't be trouble from the dead ones.
The: They'll have relatives. They always do.