The Best Iris Bennett Quotes

- Monument high is a great, great way to meet people your age.
- This is your new home now.
- You get a fresh start.
Iris: Ha ha! Yeah!
- "Did he who made the lab make thee?"

- I was very happy to get your call.
- You were right.
- I wasn't gonna make it alone.
- That's what you get.
Iris: [Breathing heavily]
- That's what you get.

- Uh, well, yes, but... not that.
- Why be on terra firma when you can be on summus locus?
Iris: Hope, remember how we begged dad to build us a tree house in the backyard?
Hope: Yeah. I remember.

Iris: [Sighs] This place looks turned out.
Hope: Maybe...
- Maybe not.
- Uh, split up and keep looking?

Iris: Felix!
- Felix!
- Get in!
- More has-beens are comin'!
- Come on!
- Let's go!
- Come on!

- They're gonna start a war.
Hope: [Faintly] Is he sure?
Iris: [Faintly] And she's coming over for dinner.
Percy: [Faintly]
- The hits just keep coming.

- It is. Let's go.
- Place like this, hidden from the world, maybe we find some supplies, something to eat if we're lucky.
- And ride out the rain.
Iris: I've never been inside a real high school before.

- They're rigged to blow!
- We're leaving! Now!
- We're not far enough away from the outpost yet.
- Okay, we need to move faster.
Iris: Faster through that?
- Get clear!

- Thank you.
Iris: Interesting collection.
- Very eclectic.
- What can I say?
- Uh...|'m a renaissance man.
- Well, if you need someone to read them to,
- I'm totally here for you.

- I didn't really think he knew the girls that well.
- The kid may be the wedge.
- Hey, why don't you talk to him, convince him to change his mind?
- I'll handle hope. Copy.
Iris: Hey! Come look at this!

- You tell him any of this, we're dead.
- They're liars.
- They're the reason the only family we got is dead.
Iris: I know it's a lot, but time's not on our side.
- And we can't do this without you.
- Are you in?

Iris: Hope.
Hope: So what?
- I brewed a iittlet of illegal alcohol.
- Yeah, this is a lifetime supply, hope.
- And here I thought you were finally getting your act together with your dad gone, but, nope.

Hope: Okay, maybe that was more than one drink.
Iris: Hope, we slept through it.

- Is it true?
- Is it?
- Are you... yeah.
- It's true.
- And I'm sorry.
Iris: No! Felix!

- Any regrets about this?
- None.
Iris: I just wish sometimes
- I had a map to figure you out.

- How can hope just be gone?
Iris: I think it was the crm.
- Theytfied to kill will.
- Why? I don't know.
Percy: I told you, kid...
- The world's a damn shitshow.
- You either accept it or you die.

Iris: What is it?
- I think it's a flare.
- Watch your eyes.
- Whoa!

- So, like, eight?
- Right.
- I only have red ones.
- That's the highest one.
- I'm gonna buy that...
- Electric company.
- Ohh! Okay.
Iris: I'm gonna...
- I'm gonna do this.

Iris: "Tyger tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night; what immortal hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmetry?"