Top 600 Quotes From The Walking Dead: World Beyond

- This is a very special horn.
- It keeps whomever's holding it safe.

- She reminds me a bit of you at that age.
- Is that why you took her on?
- She was lost.
- Angry.
- She needed someone to look up to, someone to believe in her.
- I could relate.

- Huck!
- I'll clear us a path. Follow me.

- I don't wanna leave tonight.
- Then don't.

- Woman: Silas?
- Silas?
- Mom, get out of the house!
- Mom, get out of the house!

- What if you never find this again?
- What if this is our last chance at a future and you blow it?
- Ignore him. He doesn't know shit about they've done.
- Yeah, maybe it's time we tell him.
Felix: Hope.
- C'mon, let's go.

- Elizabeth gave us a map to try and get us to trust her.
- He's somewhere in New York.
Silas: You're gonna go?
- All that way?
- It's 1,100 miles on foot.
- We've already mapped it out.

- They heard us.
- We can't let them hit the ground.

- I metal sport I what're you doing here?
- I'm so glad you're okay.
- Good to see you, big guy.

- It is.
- But...
- What if it's also the future?
- I don't mean the crm...
- The researchers?
- The research?
- Look, even if we could run, do you really think...

- Okay, oh.
- Hey, hey, hey! Look at me!
- Come on! Come on!
- Right here.
- Hey! Silas, door!
- Aah!

- We took out a good-sized piece of your wall on the way in.
- But you won't have a need for it after today.

Robin: They're all in front of the mill.
- Stay down.
- Robin!

- I mean thank you for believing in me.
- I'm stronger than
- I've ever been before, and it's because of you.
- Thanks, hope.
- I'm glad you feel this way.
- Give me a second, alright?

- Hey, Iris?
- Grin, girl.

- Out.
- Looks like we've located our missing soldier.
- I'm so sorry for the intrusion, indira.
- I hope that next time,
- I'll have an opportunity to talk more.
- I'm sure we will.

- Oh. You're coming to my party.
- There is no escape. Maybe.
- T-There is a small chance that this speech may kill me first.
- No, screw that. You're coming.
- Grin, girl.
- Tomorrow night, we rage.

- Thank you. Okay.
- Hey, is it cool if I meet you there?
- I think I saw a bathroom with four walls, and that's a pretty hard thing to pass up.
- Your dad's lab is right through this door, to the right, all the way at the end.

- Monument high's a great, great way to meet people your age.
- Well, he... he appreciates the opportunity.
- We both do.
- He's a good kid.
- No matter what anyone says, he's a good kid.

- It's along shot, but if he's where she says he is...
- I might know a way to get everybody out.
- Sorry.
- I-I-I can, uh... can come later.
- No, it's okay.
- Come in.

- How do we form our fate?!
- Mom: Hope, we have to go through, okay?
- It's the only way out.
- Health!
- Health!
- Friendship!
- Friendship!
Elton: Honesty!

- Let's check it out.
- Come on, hope.
- You're with me.
- See you on the flip.
- C'mon.
- I don't bite.

- and the gun went off and my mom...
- She died.
- I don't know if your mom meant to do it, but she dropped the gun, and I picked it up.
- I didn't know what to do, so I pointed it at her and it went off in my hand.

- Keep your eye on the ball.
- It's that one.
- What? No.
- No, no. That's crazy.
- I know it was there.
- Oh!

- on some microbiology later tonight, so yeah, you could stop by any time.
- Well, uh, I'm...
- I'm gonna go now.
- Great. I mean, uh, okay.
- Yeah. Um, I'll...
- I'll see you tonight.

- They're gonna start a war.
Hope: [Faintly] Is he sure?
Iris: [Faintly] And she's coming over for dinner.
Percy: [Faintly]
- The hits just keep coming.

- About all of us?
- I won't.
- You have my word.
- You have every reason to hate me.
- But like it or not,
- I'm the closest thing to a friend in the cr you got.

- Listen to me. There's no time.
- We can't wait for them.
- We need to start now.
- I'll do whatever I can to help, but if this plan is going to happen, it needs to happen now.

- You don't trust anybody else to take care of things.
- You're so controlling, you don't even trust me to make you a cup of coffee.
- What are you talking about?
- Just because someone saved your life doesn't mean you have to live the rest of it for them.

- Showing Dr. Bennett what happens to one or both of his daughters if he steps out of line.
- Lieutenant.
- My team is ready when yours is.
- Let's move.

- Soldier: Clear!
- So every now and again, that lets us see the path through the wind, even if it's just for a moment.
- And sometimes...
- A moment is all you need.

- This is about survival.
- Sometimes you don't get to choose your direction.
- Where's the fence?
- I can't see it.
- Sometimes you don't get to know where you're going.
Hope: There it is!
- It's this way!

- This is how we have tomorrow.
- This is how we have tomorrow.

- And your mom.
- They must've been pretty cool to make a kid like you.
[Scoffs] I-I know it's...
- Crazy to even say, and [exhales sharply]
- The odds against it are astronomical.

- Such as?
- Put it this way.
- Our last best chance is the Mississippi.
- Huck and I... we could really use your help on this one.
- This is how we keep everyone alive.
- You in?

- Do you think about how many died?
- We are the light of the world.
- That's a lie.
- It's a goddamn lie.
- You know what we did!
- No, it's a goddamn ii...

- It hasn't been so bad having you in our hair.
- You'll get to see hope.
- Are you sure this is what you want to do?
- Knowing what you could lose?
- It's their turn to lose.
- And I'm gonna make damn sure they do.

- I I don't need this I
- I I won't lock it away I

- What's up?
- My mom used to buy me these.
- I used to ask her to back in Omaha...
- You know, b-before.
- You miss her?

- That refueling station we raided... it's close by.
- They must've been there, seen smoke.
- We need to go.
- Now.

- Whoa.
- Hey.
- You got any more of those?

- Percy!
- What...

- How?
- We just will.
- Because we can.
- This is how we give our lives meaning.
- We're the future.
- Get behind me.

- Come on.
- Wasn't my business.
- But it is now.
Elton: So what?
- They're drawings.
- They're mine.

- Iris, we're in!
- Felix, help!
- Felix?
- Go. Go!
- Come on! Hold them off!
- Help!

- So I did things...
- I did monstrous things...
- So that that civilization could reign again.
- So that the others, the humane, could ascend.
- But what if, after all that...
- It just isn't possible?

- Uh, I know your dad was supposed to meet you, but he's waiting on an update on your sister.
- I was thinking
- I could give you a tour?
- Or we could do it some other time if that's better.
- No, no. It's... it's cool.
- Show me everything.

- And if she's right?
- That'd explain why he fell out of love with her.
- Well, there it is.
- Have my team find Dr. Belshaw and have her collected immediately.
- We've found our conspirators.

- Come on, Felix, pick up.
- Please...

- Unh!
- You gotta say it when you do it.
- Big... come on, Silas.
- Loud and proud.
- Big mo!
- [Laughtefl ifis: Yeah!

- Hey. Look.
- We're looking for anything that collects water...
- Bottles, beakers, anything that seals.
- Roger that.

- Like it or not, you're in it now.
- Jadis: Jennifer!
- Warrant officer Stokes.
- Am I your investigation?
- Your mother asked me to keep an eye on you.
Felix: Whatever they used to take out Omaha, there's more of it.

- has got a hole in the back bumper.
- Shouldn't be hard to spot.
- I'll take it from here.
- You're really not gonna ask me what it says?
- I trust you.
- I'm sure it says what it needs to.

- Does that bother you?
- Yeah.

- It's moving.
- It's moving. It's going.
- Come on! It's almost there.
- Go, go, go!
- Go!
- Aaaaaah!
- Get up! Come on.
- Come here! Get up. Get up!

- I was trying to help her in my own way, man.
- Listen, if they left together, they gotta be headed for Omaha.
- That's where she said she wanted to go.
- No, I know where they're going.
- They'll never make it.
- They'll die.

- the importance of a future.
- She does.
- It sounds like they all do.
- Just not one that involves us wiping out their home.
- You blame 'em?
- It's not my fault the crm couldn't keep a lid on that.

- It's just one day.
- In one day, a whole city of people got wiped out.
- I know you talked to my dad.
- Okay?
- And if they don't come back soon, he's gonna start stirring shit up.
- I want my family back.

- I guess we'll figure out the "after"...
- Afte r.
- Dennis, I'm sorry...
- We both have things to be sorry for.
- But no matter how this turns out...
- You're the one part of all this
- I don't regret.

- She has a point, Brody.
- We need to pick a side.
- You're right. We do.
- I'm sorry, indira.
- I have no choice but to propose a vote of no confidence in our chairperson.

- and make me feel better, but maybe...
- Maybe he was trying to protect me, like that wolf.
- Protect you from what?
- I don't know.
- Something.
- When I find him, I'll ask him.

- Found 'em. Good.
- Come on. Let's go.
Webb: You're dead, plaskett.
- Open the door!
- We're not making it back to the Jeep.
- I think I know a way out.

- In what furnace was thy brain?
- What the anvil?
- What dread grasp, dare its deadly terrors clasp!"
[Walkers growling] Aah!
- Aah! Aah!
- Aah!

- Your mother seems like she was an amazing woman.
- She was.
- And hey, maybe she still is.
- I mean, who knows, right?
- Everything is possible.
- Yeah. Everything is possible.

- Hope, put it down.
- The sound's just gonna bring more.
- Watch your back.
- Use your forms.
- Like I showed you.
Huck: Work your angles.
- Trust yourself.

- If you're not going to believe in yourself,
- I'll have to do it for you.
- But I will need to find proof that you were not involved.
- If I can't...
- They're going to leave you.

- Or if you...
- We should have talked.
- We should've told each other about what happened that night.
- We would've been there for each other.
- That's what we both missed out on.

- If I see you again...
- I'll kill you.
- The hell goes on in here, anyway?
- How about you ask your old man?
- Real standup guy, that major general.
Leopold: Iris.

Elton: I don't think this is goodbye.
- Look, we found each other twice before, alright?
- We will again.
- Yeah.
- We will.
- See ya.

- Holy shit.
Hope: That's Silas's.
- What the hell?
- Oh, my god.
- Cover me.
- Who's in there? Who did this?

- But our plan doesn't work without you. Whoa!
- What's going on? Sergeant mills' team is on its way to deal with the leader of the perimeters.
- Fireteams are moving into position.
- As for our mutinous scientists, shoot to kill. Eliminate some to traumatize the many.

- Might even let you call me
- "bitch" one more time without putting you on the floor.
- I'm so glad to see you again.
- Yeah, me too.
- Got weak links to find.
- See you later.

- Answer it.
- Go on.

- Unbelievable.
- Really.
- I mean, you are a wizard.
- Please, teach me another one.
- Master that trick first, and then... and only then...
- Will I show you more.
- I mean, entertainment like this has just not been available.

- You okay?
- Yeah. You?
- Mm-hmm.
- We got to get out of here.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, he's major general beale.
- I thought you knew.
Dennis: Just wish
- I'd known sooner.
- Huck: Yeah.
- I wish a lot of things.
- I should go.

- And I... I had to...
- Just to get back to them.
[Sniffs] You know?
- Get back to my family.
- I just wanted to see if they were okay.
- See if I could just be with them at the end.

- It's the middle of the night, girl.
- We gotta leave.
- Right now.
- Iris won't move on without Felix.
- He's just gonna drag us down.
- Lemme grab my stuff.

- you are being deployed into the city's service tunnels to locate civilians and escort them to safety.
- If you are under threat of any kind, you are to eliminate any and all hostile targets that you encounter.
- Kill! Kill!

- I'd hear it all day, in my head, over and over.
- I don't out here.
- Good.
- Mm! You promised me you'd play me a song once it was safe.
[Laughs] Come on.
- Please!

- Jesus.
- Was out like alight.
- You sleep at all?
- No, I couldn't if I wanted to.
- Too bad.
- Yeah. We should go.

- We just have to hope that's what he did.
- That's it, then? You're scrapping the escape plan?
- Hope's right. We need answers.
- And then what?
- Then we make sure they don't get away with it.
- Okay, then.
- Let's get some answers.

- I never saw her again.
- I'm sorry.
- My mother used to say the wind always wins...
- That is, nature decides, and it obviously decided.
Hope: Hey, guys, you coming?
- You go ahead.
- I-I'll be right there.

- Look, you're wasting your time, kid.
- Look at me, corduroy.
- I'm dying. No. No, you're not.
- It's not over.
- Yeah?
- Look behind you.

- People like you, you're worse than the dead.
- Because you are helping them win.
- But not today.
- Today, you lose.

- You take the lead,
- I'll cover your six?
- Yeah.
- Silas.
- I-I don't think I can.
- Well, I do.
- You can.

- Look, this doesn't have anything to do with you, okay?
- Forget you saw anything.
- So then, what is this?
- Part of some secret side deal?
- Shouldn't your mom know about this?
- She already does.
- I'm the one who's sick.

- to create the science that will bring this world back.
- And it's trust we've built that allows this to happen.
- No one has given us more trust than Leo's two daughters.
- And it's my honor now to introduce one of them.
- She is monument high student council president and future scientist
- Iris Bennett.

- with just one chemical strike?
- You told us exactly where the masses would gather to commemorate monument day.
- The plazas. The parks.
- One year later, we knew precisely where to hit.
- All thanks to you.

- Since when do you take pictures of actual people?
- I don't know.
- Since now.
- Come on.
- Alright.
- Smile.

- It went bad.
- They lost will.
- I know what he meant to you.
- And I can't even begin to tell you how...
- Then don't!
- How the hell did it get in?

- You all want to get to the c.R.'S research place?
- Help your dad?
- Every choice has to be about making it there.
- Sometimes what's painful in the moment...
- Is what gets you where you need to go.
- Deep enough.

- Grin, girl.
- I love you.
[Sniffles] I'm grinning.
- No, you're flipping me off through the talkie.
- I'm grinning.
- Good.

- whoo!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hooo!
- I in the days of long ago I
- I a not too distant time I
- I you fought for freedom, and they paid the price I
- I they won the battle I

- That's why I came back. Hello?
- How the hell did you find me?
- Hello, Felix?
- Elton? Is that you?
- I found Percy. He's hurt.
- She's the one that shot me.

- and break off from each other.
- Hey, maybe you can help me.
- 'Kay.
- Is... is that an empty?
- What happened to it?
- You hear that?

- Whoa.
- Well, that doesn't quite live up to its hype, now does it?
- Uh-uh.
- Wow.
- Nope.

- Hope.
- Hope.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- Let's plant the charges and get out of here.
- Fuck this place.

- I just want to talk to them.
- Alone.
- You're aware this place has not seen bloodshed since its founding.
- I'd like to keep it that way.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Stupid question. I know.
- You thirsty?
- You need anything from us, you just holler.
- Okay?
- Hey.
- Okay?

- You do this to him, you'd be doing something to yourself all over again.

- It's gonna be okay.
- On my Mark.
- Ready.
- And...
- Soldier: Fall back!
- Soldier #2: Force right!

- I should've known.
- Not if he didn't want you to see.
- Maybe he thought he was protecting you.
- No, that would only make it worse.
- How?
- It'd mean he let me live in a lie.

- So, it's Jennifer, huh?
- That's nice.
- Why are you here, Jennifer?
- What do you want?
Hope: What we want...
- Is for you and Iris to come back with us.

- You made a communications device?
- See?
- I can be bad, too.
- It's gonna be fine.
- I love you.
- More than you'll ever know.

- Killzone should be at capacity.
- Stick to the plan.
- Find your friends.
- I'll be fine.

- one of 'em could talk.
- And even if we did pull it off, these people aren't fighters.
- However this plays out,
- I'm seeing it through with you.
- Even if it's not what we were thinking.
- You were gonna kill her today, weren't you?

- But, um...
- It's about me, too.
- There's a lot more going on than you know.
- Maybe more than I know.
- I once told you that it was complicated with dads.
- Thing is, it's complicated with moms, too.

- We were just kids.
- And the goddamn sky was falling.
- We weren't ready for it.
- None of us were but...
- Iris, I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.

- We won't make it. Watch out.
[Grunting] Come on.
- I can't do this by myself.
- Let's go.
- Come on, everyone.
Felix: Everybody, keep going.
- Come on.

- maybe as a guard.
- But that place can change everything.
- Yo, man, why you asking?
- Know someone there?
- Yeah, secret lady friend, perhaps?
Tiga: Maybe him and Dennis got that in common.

- What happened?
- He's gone.

- just take care of yourself.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- You guys should go.
- Yeah, thanks, big guy.
- We'll see you tomorrow.

- Get down.
- Could be hundreds.
- We wait for them to pass.
Silas: We don't have time.
- We don't have a choice. We wait.

- So, those stink bombs...
- Ammonium sulfide?
- Please.
- Try 60% dipropylene glycol and 20% thioglycolic acid.
- It's not what
- I would have done, but...
- It's not bad.

- Yeah.
- I'm glad I'm here, too.
- Now focus, alright?
- We got a lot of ground to cover.
- Okay. Here we go.
- Here we go. There you go.

- How can hope just be gone?
Iris: I think it was the crm.
- Theytfied to kill will.
- Why? I don't know.
Percy: I told you, kid...
- The world's a damn shitshow.
- You either accept it or you die.

- Into it, should get it done.
- I'm gonna go cover the north end
- 'til he's back.
- You know how to reach us.
- Hey.
- Not yet.
- Just wait.

- Come on.
- Silas, you copy?

- Don't you worry about us.
- We got this.
- Yeah.
- I know you do.
- I love you, huck.
- Yeah, you do.

- and you're only as solid as your intel.
[Chuckles] You're going off?
- On your own?
- Don't sweat it.
- I'll be back, 48 hours Max.
[Sighs] Promise.
- Till then...
- You're in good hands.

Hope: Okay, maybe that was more than one drink.
Iris: Hope, we slept through it.

- Yeah, uh, Elizabeth said they could only spare one, but there were five, and some of them had shipping containers.
- You were out there?
- Why the hell didn't you...
- Who cares?
- The crm is bad, and our dad's in trouble.
- And there's only one person who can help us help him.

- I think he was still trying to figure it out, too.
- I just wonder, in the end...
- If he ever did.
- Maybe for some people...
- It takes facing the end to...
- Ever really know.

- I'm your son, god damn it!
- I've been paying your bills!
- I've been holding you together!
- I've been believing in you when nobody else would!
- I'm gonna walk out that door, and you're gonna have to live with that.
- Yeah.

- Nope.
- Yep.
- Felix'll shit twice if he realizes you're out here.
- I was looking for Elton.
- If you're gonna stand there, might as well be useful.

- I I wanna know I
- I what you're thinking I
- I there are some things you can't hide I
- I I wanna know I
- I what you're thinking I
- I there are some things... I

- They're rigged to blow!
- We're leaving! Now!
- We're not far enough away from the outpost yet.
- Okay, we need to move faster.
Iris: Faster through that?
- Get clear!

- I love you, Felix.
- I love you so much.
- But it is not up to you to carry everybody else.
- You gotta figure out how to let that go, put your trust in other people.
- In me.

- You had your reasons.
- But still, I-I hoped.
- You know?
- But joke's on me.
- You are who you are.
- Guess it's time for me to grow up.

- No. No, I wasn't.
- Yeah.
- You were.
- Are you gonna tell Dennis?
- No. See, plaskett...
- Out here?
- We take care of our shit our own way.

- It wasn't you, Silas.
- I didn't do it.
- No, you didn't.
- You're not a monster, Silas.
- You never were.
- Not even close.

- I swear to god.
- Huck.
- I get it.
- You're worried for 'em.
- But if you don't clear your head, start thinking big picture, you'll end up with one of these.
- Huh. Or worse.

- If you'll just put that weapon away,
- I can explain.
- I know you don't wanna shoot that.
- You don't wanna hurt anybody else.
- Not like before...
- That night with your mom.

- Plaskett? Webb?
- What the hell are you doing here?
- Hey, i-I'm just getting a...
- Not another step.
- Okay.

- Man: Clearing the Lane.
- Woman: Asset on vector at three clicks.
- Ready egress charges.
- Man #2: Alpha leader, stand by for extraction.
- Woman: Asset on vector.

- So, like, eight?
- Right.
- I only have red ones.
- That's the highest one.
- I'm gonna buy that...
- Electric company.
- Ohh! Okay.
Iris: I'm gonna...
- I'm gonna do this.

- I don't have anything.
Silas: No signs of anyone else.
- Just him.
- What is your name?
- Percy.
- Are you hungry, Percy?

- I and you can't keep your head above these troubled waters I
- I here comes the river I
- I over the flames I
- I sometimes you gotta burn to keep the storm away I
- I sometimes I
- I you gots to just I

Elton: So, how's this going to work, exactly?
Asha: We free their souls, and have faith that a little bit of their positive energy finds its way to Dev and will.
- Let's begin.

- Beale's gonna have your head for this.
- Who do you think signed your arrest warrant?
- You will not win.
- I have won, Elizabeth.
- I had to.
- We are the last light of the world.

- That's it. That's our way out.
- But we'll have to go around them.
Hope: So much for east.

Silas: Could work.
- If we fix it up...
- Add stuff.
- There was a warehouse further north.
- See if there's stuff in there we can use.
- I say we hit it.

- 90 miles northeast, theres some mountainous terrain.
- Your leg good?
- Up for some climbing?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- I'll round up the girls.
- Meet you out front in five.

- doesn't mean huck isn't huck.
- I know this isn't what you want to hear, but...
- You're acting like she's a stranger.
- Maybe she is. [Sighs]
- I can't shake the feeling that she's hiding something, that she's... that she's what?

Wilkins: [Grunts]
Drake: Jennifer! Jennifer, stop!
- Jennifer, stop!
- Put it down.
- No. I'm a marine.
- I don't know what the hell you are.

- Tell her that instead of her taking care of everyone else, someone's off taking care of her for a change.
- And tell her it's pretty fun leaving my little sister holding the bag sometimes.
- We should go.
- Be safe.

- You got one last chance, Felix.
- Let us walk, everybody lives.
- You're not taking her.

- I come here at once I
- I come I
- I come on a night with no moon I
- I because all of my being is now in pining I
[tires squealing] Damn it!
- I now in pining I

- Drop the gun.
- Do it... now.

Hope: Hey.
- You okay?
- Yeah.

- Let's do this.
- Alright.
- Wait, if, um, if any of us encounter an empty, just remember officer carlucci's first rule of survival...
- Engage only as a last resort.
- Avoidance is key.

- What I wanted was for Leo to give me his take on the research.
- He did.
- Okay, you don't get to just drop this in somebody else's lap and walk away.
- Like it or not, you're in it now.
- So, what's our best way in?

- Hey, Mike... no, no, no, no, no!
- What was that?
- Maybe Felix found Mike.
- Percy.
Hope: Maybe we should see if he's okay.

- That was a long time ago.
- That was yesterday.
- Exactly, so let's keep movin'.
- Okay. [Footsteps departing]
- Let's see what we see.
- I want to see it regardless.

- I all of my being is now in pining I
- I all of my being is now in pining I
- Let's just hold in place until they get here.

- Thank you.
Iris: Interesting collection.
- Very eclectic.
- What can I say?
- Uh...|'m a renaissance man.
- Well, if you need someone to read them to,
- I'm totally here for you.

- Y-You look like good people.
- Or... you feel like good people.
- Couldn't find anyone else.
- Huh.
- Well, I mean, he was out there.
- So what do you want?
- Says he just wants food.
- If it's not a bother.

- in his security detail.
- And your boyfriend.
- Will is head of your dad's security detail because he can handle himself.
- He can fight his way out of anything if he has to.
- I'm sorry.
- We don't have any other choice.

- You know, if we allow for secondary interpretations of data viewed from a more holistic vantage point...
- Your indiscretion saved my daughters' lives.
- If they hadn't left home when they did...
- You're being kind.
- I'm being honest.

- Don't worry! Felix and Silas are on their way.
- Are you okay? I'm fine.
- I just...
- Iris! Are you hurt?!
- What's wrong?
- Iris!

- Integrity!
- Integrity!
Elton: Attention.
- Bow.

- and wash it off.
[Chuckles] It became our thing.
- I don't remember.
- I wish you did.
- Yeah.
- I wish I did, too.

Huck: We're here.
- You can put that away now.

- It's like... cloth armor.
- Yeah.
- Industrial corduroy.
- What? What, what?
- Why is she looking at me like that?
- Hey, be glad she didn't like your underwear.

- Yeah. You put the "tough" in tuffystitch.
- You know that, kid? Yeah.
- Had me worried for a second.
- Thank you.
- I'm more worried about Silas.

- We really should...
- Turn back.
[Deadpan] Yeah, yeah.
- No, you've finally convinced us.
Felix: Hey, Elton, you wanna give me a hand back here?
- I got these lines all tangled up.
- Yeah. Sure.

- I-I should, uh...
- I should go.

- Okay. It's okay.
- I know you are.
- We're gonna get through this.
- We kind of have to.
- Come on.

- They always find you.
- They have to be a ways ahead of us by now.
- 100 miles ahead and gaining.
- That's more than a ways.
- It's okay.
- We'll figure it out.
- Yeah. We will.

- and people always take the keys and run.
- But you didn't.
- What does that have to do with...
- You saw me as someone worth saving.
- That's why I came back.
- 'Cause that's who
- I wanted to be.

- Sit still.
- The more you squirm, the longer this'll take.

- This is it.
- We get in, set the charges, and we get out. [Door beeps]
- And hope the others meet us with the gas masks.

- What about you?
- I'll stay here, hide out if they come close.
- Just be safe, alright?
- We got this.
- Yeah, we do.
- We take what we got, and we make it work.

- That's my stuff.
- Find Felix. Get the car started.
- I'll be down in a second. Don't.
- It's not worth...
- Hey, screw that.
- They took my stuff.
- I'm taking it back, and I'm taking theirs.

- Plaskett?
- You get one screw-up here.
- That was your one.

- How can you be certain he went to visit a sister?
- I just...
- I think it's possible we're being lied to.
- I have an idea, though.
- How we can know for certain.
- But I'll need your help.

- Yeah, there's right and wrong,
- Dennis.
- There isn't.
- Not for a long time now.
- You were taking me down that path.
- You were going nowhere.
- Just like me.

- No, it's a different grid.
- They all thawed out.
- Stay behind me.
- Shut the freezer door!
- Hope, hang tight!
- Their heads are still frozen!

- What we do now matters.
- 'Cause if tomorrow...
- If it's built with blood and lies, that's all it'll ever be.
- That's all it'll ever be.
- No, please...

- Mallick's husband runs the culling outpost where the gas has been moved.
- With respect, we were as discreet as possible with the move.
- The gas was made to look like a standard supply transfer.
- I said ready my helicopter.

- Talk to your sister.
- Let go of all that you have been holding on to for her.
- That's all I got.
- Other than, well, after that, it's your life.
- Only you can figure out how to give it meaning.
- It's got a helmet!
- Knock it back!

- Mom! Dad!
- Dad!
- Just let me help you get somewhere safe!
Cliff: We don't need your help!
- Come on, mom!
- I'm hom e!

- Heard they picked him up out on a resource run.
- Well, he's in good hands.
- Listen, I'm coming back later to drop off an m998.
- Maybe we can have dinner?
- Just think about it?
- Yeah, I'll think about it.

- I wanted to.
- And I didn't.
- Why?
- You.
- I wanted to see you again.
- And that wouldn't have happened if I pulled the trigger.

- Maybe...
- Maybe if you hadn't tried to steal from them.
- You shoulda listened.
- World's a shitshow.
- I told you, you either accept it or you die.
- That's just how it is.

- Felix. Whoa. What?
- They're gone. What?
- Hope. Huck.
- I can't find them or their stuff.
- I-I don't know...
- They just left us?

- Smart and safe.
- Just like you taught us.
- Stay low, keep to the shadows...
- And watch for spotters.
- We will.
- Hey, come on.
- Come on.

- What is it?
- They're not leaving.
Will: What do you mean they're not leaving?
- They were supposed to get in, grab hope and her dad, and get out.
- What else could they be doing?

- You're off base.
- It's late.
- I'm due back.
- I've been walking the city and...
- I found myself here.
- Come in.

- Blunt force won't do it.
- We'll have to wait for a full system reboot to override the locking system.
- Mm. How long's that gonna take?
- At least two hours.
[Sighs] I'll let her know.

- We... we can still get out of this. It's not over.
- And then what?
- I know how it's gonna go now, how it always goes.
- [Muffled industrial-rock music plays} shh. Let's go.

Huck: Ay, you gonna tell me where you went last night?
Felix: To kill my parents.

- Any regrets about this?
- None.
Iris: I just wish sometimes
- I had a map to figure you out.

- can that patch of yours get us out?
- Of course it can.
- Great. Then tomorrow, we pick up your friend and we ride.
- To wherever you want to go.
- But first, a little entertainment.

- I don't know.
- This thing we're doing right now, going across country, is big, maybe the biggest thing we'll ever do.
- It's shit like ths that makes us stronger...
[Scoffs] ...Makes us better.

- I just used to live around here.
- Hope stole this from my apartment.
- You'd think they'd do a betterjob covering up their tracks, then.
- You'd think they would, huh? [Can clatters]
- Come on.

- maybe it means there's something in there worth hiding.
- But maybe we got a shot at resupply, after all.
- Yeah.
- Now we just got to find it.
Elton: Where'd you learn to do that?
- Not high school.

Elton: Here's the thing...
- Nature accounted for everything about the human race except our self awareness.
- Because we know we can change.
- We can act in ways nature wasn't expecting.
- Wasn't ready for.

- And I need you to help me get Silas and the girls to see that, you understand?
- What makes you think that they'd listen?
- Because they care about you, just like you care about them.
- That's gotta count for something, right?

- Be safe, kid.
Hope: Take care, okay?

- To save everybody else!
- There was no other way!
- We do what we have to do for the greater good.
- So why me?
- Why do you people give a shit about me?
- Kid, you have no idea who you are.

- I mean, even if he was still alive...
- There's no way he could fight that current.
- But why would Silas attack the people who were trying to help us?
- I don't know.
- I think I know why.

- Not anymore.
- You are aces.
- I want you to know that.
- In this life...
- Sometimes you got to do bad to do good.
- So grin, girl.

- For example, can we build up acids in bodies that don't have blood flow?
- Of course, that gets right back to that idea ofjumpstarting circulatory systems...
- We need to do two things simultaneously...
- Observe this and attack this.

- Gonna have you down in the action with the crew soon.
- No point having you working the lights and sound forever, kid your size.
- Okay. Go like this.
- Just like that.
- You don't exercise that hand, nerves won't heal right.

- Even if we make it in, find a way to get word to the right people...
- Who's to say they'd even believe us?
- If anybody can do this, it's us.
- We take what we got and make it work.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Percy?
- Percy?
- Percy?
- Tony?
- Hope? Felix?
- Somebody, help!

- Test subject a481.
- 24 years of age.
- No discrepancies in bloodwork.
- Lung function normal.
- Heart rate elevated but normal.
- Standing by to proceed with exposure to trial 6.0.

- This is war.
- Even if they don't know it yet.
- Yes, it is.
- Come on.
- And until we can figure out a way to hit them back...
- Well, at least we can hit something.

- Please.
- Please.
- Let me speak to the it. Colonel.
- Do we have a deal or not?
- Time's almost up.
- You don't do this, you're dead.

- It'd be like the still you made back at the university.
- It's like the dorm furnaces
- I had to fix.
Hope: I guess.
- It's worth a shot, right?
- A'ight, then.
- Let's get to work.

- Results to be compared to test performed during and immediately following reanimation.
- Tomorrow we'll begin the climate variation tests, as scheduled.
- Again, this is test subject a402, known in life as
- Dr. Samuel abbott of Portland, Oregon.

- You already have.
- You know that.
- We're gonna get you back to will.
- And then...
- You're finally gonna start living for yourself.
- Yeah, well, that goes for you, too.

- Yeah.
- I just wish I knew then what I know now.
- Maybe I wouldn't have put so much pressure on myself to try and make up for everything, living for everybody else.
- Make up for what?

- So, what, you're a couple con men?
- What? W-What is she talking about, con men?
- Uh, no.
- Technically, he is...
- Uh, was... he was, um...
- No, we're not here...
- He wasn't trying...
- He was trying... I'm sorry!

Will: Said something about shit being messed up by the giant column that ran through.
Felix: That empties just ran through?
- I don't know how else to take it.

- You choose to do those things.
- It's always a choice.
- To say that it's not, Lyla, that... that is an excuse.
- Hey, Iris, um, maybe we should go check on Felix, see if he's, uh, doing any better.
- No, I'm fine.
- I think it's a good idea.
- If you'll excuse me.

- This is crazy.
- I'm suiting up, gonna help hold the line.
- You're staying here with me.
- Why?
- Ready the Jeep.
- There's business here left to resolve.

- Monument high is a great, great way to meet people your age.
- This is your new home now.
- You get a fresh start.
Iris: Ha ha! Yeah!
- "Did he who made the lab make thee?"

- They can't see us back here.
- I-I... s-she just knows, okay?
- I'm sorry.
- I can't be here right now, um...
[Coughs] Where are you going?
Hope: There was a woman with a gun.
- It was your mom.

- Answer me! Are you a pig?!
- Disrespecting the house that your grandpares left for us?!
- You're gonna make a mess?
- I'll teach you!
- I'll teach you to disrespect this house!

- Only needs to work from a distance.
- You two go grab the soldier.
- I'll take him.
- We'll meet at the drop-off.
- Hey.
- It'll work.

- So tell me.
- Say it.
- We neutralized a threat.
- That's right.
- Ma'am, with respect, I, uh...
- They didn't seem like a threat.

- Felix...
- We'll leave first thing in the morning.
- As soon as we find out what's up with Leo, we'll be back.
- Yeah.
- Okay.

- He's got our stuff!
- The dead guy?
- My mom's book! It's in my bag!

- We still live behind walls, and the dead still have this world.
- And I think that with everything that went away, with everything we lost, with everyone we lost, some people think it can happen again.
- Some people think that what we have can't last.
- Some can't believe.

- Yes.
- Alright.
- Whoa.
[Metal groaning] No.
- Alright. Add another problem.
- Elton, throw me your fisherman.

- we would just take it, with or without your help.
- You already told us where it was.
- How 'bout, at dawn, we go find ourselves a truck?

- I lefties handin' pamphlets, workers comin' in I
- I lefties handin'... I
- I on the pavement... I
- Young man: Still can't believe they let him in here. Young woman: Right?
- Reason we got walls is to keep the monsters out.
[Echoing] Monsters out.

Elton: Who was that guy? Eh, it doesn't matter. He'll be out for a while. I found a way in. Yeah, it wasn't marked very well... the signage in this place leaves something to be desired.

- Dad?
- You in there?

Felix: I know.
- You're blown away by my awesome buzz cut.
- Did it myself.
- Jackass.

- I don't think it's something you get away with.
- You still have to live with what you've done.
- We have to focus on the greater good.
- What's best for everyone.
- What's best is for us to stay together.
- Dad?

- And I'm sorry about how I was with you.
- Let's just focus on catching up to them, finding huck.
- Cool?
- She's gonna pay for what she did.
- It's gonna be me who does it.

- The crm is searching the area, but they haven't found them.
- You and huck took the truck, and you said that
- Felix could barely walk, so...
- No, I-If they felt like they should move,
- Felix would move.

Asha: What if we turned you in, made it look like we caught you?
- We need to talk.
- But these are coded crm transmissions proving that the military brought in those empties.
- The new ts has arrived?
- As you requested.
- Until further notice, you'll be answering to me.

- Probably not the most useful, huh?
- Says who?

- You could have died.
- I didn't.
- I'm okay.
- Its physiology is so different.
- It's like you tackled a bag of ravioli and candy canes.
- I got this.

[Chuckles] Oh.
- You're here.
- Yeah, I'm here.
- I'll explain everything.

- Iris?
- Felix?
- Dad?

- You think I'm...
- What? No. No, no, no.
- That is...
- That's not what I meant.
- This is about me.
- I won't stop you.
- But your sister probably will.
- There's probably a back way.

- Thought I heard something.
- In the back.
- Flanking maneuver.
- You go left, I go right.
- If Mike gets the jump on one of us, the other comes in from the side.

- Man [on walkie]: Patrol three reporting, over.
- Woman: Patrol five, reporting and responding, over.
- Patrol six?
- Staff sergeant mallick?
- Report, over.
- Staff sergeant mallick?

- We do what we need to do no matter the risk.
- Look, it's great that the council is letting us stay here.
- We can only sit tight for so long.
- The rules are different now.
- Crm changed the game.
- So we change how we play.

- Soldier: Grenade!
- Get down!

- but she couldn't.
- None of us could.
- I guess I just wanted to make some kind of sense.
- He was lost.
- I mean, and then he found you.
- Maybe that's the part of this that makes sense.

- Calm down, alright. That is not what I'm saying! Iris: Stop! Stop!
- Yes, it is!
- We don't have time for this!
- There is still so much left to do!
- And you know what, leave your shit at the door.
- Because without each and every one of us giving 100%...
- We're not making it across that river.

- this is the only choice we've got.
- I need to say goodbye to Lyla.
- Maybe she could come.
- Uh... Lyla. Is she...
- The only person outside this room we can trust.
- I have to talk to her.

- Welcome to the party, kid.
- Some nights, it's so damn dark.
- And then they still manage to get darker.
- But the light... will come.
- I promise you.
- It'll come.

- it's not as good as mine, but let's party.
- Cheers, everyone. Salud. Cheers.
- Come on.
- And over here.
- So, uh, what's customary now?
- Get more seats or...
- Yes. Let's do that. Okay.

- Look, the Hummer's too easy to spot from the air.
- I'll go on foot.
- Y'all good to wait up ahead for the others?
- Yeah. Yeah, we're good.
- Yeah?
- Hey.

- I killed Percy and Tony.
- I'm a killer.
- I don't want to cause you any more problems, so I won't.
- I'm sorry you met me.
- But I'm glad
- I got to know you, Iris.

- I'll need your shirt off to clean the exit wound.
- Or... or you could, uh...
- No, no, it's cool. Uh...
- Wait for a medic.
- Mm-hmm.

- at the front of the building in case Mike isn't there and he decides to come back.
- Alright.
- I'll come with you guys.
- As backup.
- You two keep an eye on our gear.
- Come on.

- We're good to go.
- Well, that wasn't here before.
- Is... is it from an empty?
- Must have been injured and dragged itself away.
- Maybe.
- Maybe not.

- Dude... what?
- It... it was clever.
- Really wasn't.
- Webb, tiga, Grady, this is plaskett.
- Plaskett is joining us here in decontamination.
- You're all responsible for training him and setting him up with gear.

- Hey, can I give you some advice?
- Just be grateful they left you with your life and move on.
- This isn't a vigilante-type deal.
- And it ain't about the principle of it all, either.
- Some things just can't be replaced.
- I get that.

- "why focus on the negative when there's so much positive?"
- Ooh. You down to play a game?
- Are you sure?
- I won't go easy on you.
- I didn't think you would.
- I should probably catch up.

- to take point on this part of the investigation.
- Take point? Mm-hmm.
- Something valuable is missing.
- I need to know if someone took it.
- And I need it back.
- I'd like to see if you can help me with that.

- Okay.
- "Blindfolded."
- Someone hand me a blindfold.

- I wish that I had been brought in sooner to prevent this, but I will fix it.
- Yes. Yes, sir.
- Of course.
- Thank you for placing your trust in me.
- I will not let you down.

- Strike!
- That's the game.
- You pick the target, and then you bowl the ball.
- Mm.
- Yeah, name's big mo.
- Found him sitting all alone, abandoned on the curb.

- Something's wrong.
- She should've been here.
- Stay with the others.
- I need to find hope.
- I'm here!

- You sure there isn't something you're leaving out?
- Whatever it is, I need you to be honest with me.
- Hope...
- What the hell's going on?

- Truth's a funny thing.
- People say that's what they want, but it isn't.
- What? So we're just stuck living a lie?
- That's the thing.
- If they don't know it's a lie, they get to just live.
- We pay the cost, but they get to live 'cause of us.

- As you requested.
- Came in from the civic republic.
- Male.
- Age 24.
- Healthy.
- He's a soldier...

- get to the people
- I need to talk to.
- It won't be easy, but...
- I have to try.
- And who knows.
- Maybe in the end, it'll be me and Dennis, trying together.

- Yeah. Real safe.
- We made it halfway across the country on foot, alright?
- We can do this.
- You good?
- We need to move faster.
- Everything is riding on us...
- All of it.

[Laughing] You're an idiot.
- I am my father's daughter.
- I also need a drink, and the bitch in black has all my alcohol.
- Dad left a bottle of Brandy in his office.
- Yes!

- And full disclosure here,
- I just want to see what's out there before we're gone.
- Before I'm gone.
- Plus, I know karate.
- Why do you wanna come?
- I don't wanna be who everybody thinks I am here.

- Silas!
- Let's go.

- I cheered me I but I'm finally living for me in the now.
- Searching for my own truth.
- And do you know what?
- I insignificant I it feels good.

- We're gonna have to fight our way past.
- Watch your six.
- Ugh!
- Good?
- Yeah.
- Felix!

- What?
- Girls, can you go get dessert ready?
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

- Here they come.
- Thanks.

- Think about what you want, hope, what you truly want.

- But...
- We've all bought in to what we're doing.
- Yeah...
Elton: It's Silas.
- He'll come around.
- We exiled him.
- He exiled himself.

- Then hurricane hope struck.
- And, um...
- Maybe it's not my place to tell him that.
- Maybe he's gotta figure it out for himself.
- His own way.
- Let me get a word with her alone real quick.

- It's them.
- Negate on my go.
- Three, two, ho.
- Ho. [Gunshots]

- More or less. Why?
- Judging by how long it took you to finish it,
- I'm guessing more.
- Not a narc. Just observing.
- What's a narc?
- Seriously? Yeah.

- It's inside one of the speakers.
- That's where I hid it.
[Sighs] Thank you.
- It's best if you wait here for a few minutes after I leave.
- We shouldn't risk being seen together more than we already have.
- Can you do that?

- Keep looking. It has to be here.
- Ahh! Ahh!
- Felix!
- Get out of the house! Just go!
[Groans] Get out of here!
- You're dead!

- Kill it.
- Stab and twist.

- Good.
- Your decision not to inform staff sergeant mallick.
- Her mission is separate from this.
- With any luck, she's, uh, reached a minimum safe distance.
- Man: Firing egress charges.

- It's not about the now.
- It's about the future.
- Greater good.
- Thinking about the big picture.
- That's what I'm doing.
- Good.

- Damn thing keeps jamming.
- Who the hell are you?

- Hey.
- We gotta be close, right?
- Should be just over this Ridge.

- Representatives from our...
- Uh, our...

- But you saved us.
- Twice now.
- I mean, you did that, Silas.
- Hey, that's what matters.
- So come on.
- Let's get you cleaned up.

- his understanding is unsearchable.
- I think that means that even with, well, the hardest people, the people with problems, god loves them.
- He does not give up on them.
- Hey.

- No! Please!
- Please don't do this!
- Please! Please!
- "The rat will eventually get tired, but the dead won't."
- Couldn't have put it better myself.

- Elton.
[Distantly] Elton, please.
- You can do it, Elton.

- Just got turned around.
- That's all.
- Till we hear from hope, we should check this place out, see if there's anything we can use...
- Weapons, food, anything.
- Roger that.

- is just the soul's attempt to avoid sadness.
- Some people can't bear to say goodbye.
- Yeah.
- There's no point in trying to outrun pain.
- It'll just sit patiently and wait for you to get too tired to run.

- They need to know what their "alliance partner" did.
- If they catch us, they could kill us.
- Kill all of you.
- They want you and hope working towards the future, right?
- If we get caught, why not leverage that for our safety?

- Plaskett.
- Leave that.
- Follow me.

- Destination and reason for departure?
- Classified business for lieutenant colonel kublek.

- We should get going soon.
- Sun'll start to rise.
- Yeah.
- Oh, uh...[Sniffles]
- Do you still have the spray paint?
- Yeah.

- Didn't we used to take piano lessons on this street?
- You did.
- I quit, remember?
[Chuckles lightly] Mm.

- Huck, whatever they used to take out Omaha, there's more of it.
- Huck, do you copy?
- Huck?

- I've seen the impossible happen.
- That's how I know we're gonna find the others and save them.
- Because we can do the impossible.
- We're gonna make our lives count.
- Not because we're the last generation.
- Because we're the beginning.

- This is just a stress reaction manifesting itself.
Percy: Blah, blah, blah.
- You know what I think?
- I think you're scared.
- I think you're scared to find out what your buddy Silas did to me with that wrench of his.

- That bitch is gonna come at me, and I'm gonna have to listen to what she says?
- Screw that.
- She is part of the reason why we're never gonna see dad again.
- And deep down inside, you know that.
- I gotta go.

- Every model shows that if we don't make progress in the next 30 years, human life will be gone from the planet.
- This is bigger than us.
- So, you can hate me.
- And I'll live with that.
- I'll live with that so that the world can live.

- Showed me I could be more.
- That was another time.
- Things are different now.
- Maybe it doesn't have to be.
- You smell that?
- They took the time to stash this supply good.

- You're sure it's them?
- We can deploy a recovery team to examine the...
- The bodies look likely to wash away before they get here.
- But we should try.
- Let's limit this to authorized crm personnel.
- Dr. Bennett doesn't need more bad news tonight.

- What, b-being honest?
- That matters.
- When everything's burning down, it is the only thing that matters.
- Well, we should go.
- Come on.

- You tell him any of this, we're dead.
- They're liars.
- They're the reason the only family we got is dead.
Iris: I know it's a lot, but time's not on our side.
- And we can't do this without you.
- Are you in?

- Alright.
- Let's see if it's working.
- Son of a mother...

Will: Maybe Felix and I go with her.
- There's too much at stake here, too much that needs to be protected.
Felix: She's right.
- The crm's close, and scientists aren't fighters.
- Iris is.

- that'll one day light a path to a new world where the dead have been neutralized as a threat.
- You should be proud, hope.
- It's early, but this could be big.
- Uh, uh...
- Could you guys excuse us?
- I just need to talk to my dad alone.

Dennis: Let's hope this does it.
- Yeah, let's hope.
- I'm supposed to be on patrol.
- All this coming and going,
- I can't risk another trip out here.

- for the survival of our alliance, and for the survival of humankind.
- And as we pray for the souls we've lost, we say to you, our allies in Portland...
- Stay strong, stay vigilant, and may god bless us all.

- of dealing with whoever your lesser successor would be.
- I can't imagine their artistic talents would hold a candle to yours.
- No one need know.
- It would be just between us, no strings attached.
- What do you say?

- but whatever you want to know about who I am or what I do,
- I'll tell you. Why should we believe anything you say?
- Come with me and I will show you.
- You need to decide now.
- Your dad's life depends on it.

- The drive belt's come loose.
- Can we fix it?
- If somebody can fit down there and reattach it...
- I can't.
- I-i-I'm claustrophobic.

- Let's say 7:00.
[Louder] For dinner?
- Right. Yes.
- Yes. Uh, I'll see you then.
- Okay. I'm looking forward to it.
- Me, too. [Chuckles]

- So, when the crm finds people out there, do they always send 'em here?
- What, so the others, like Grady and tiga and...
- They signed on.
- They want to be a part of something bigger.
- This?

Iris: What is it?
- I think it's a flare.
- Watch your eyes.
- Whoa!

- That's the only one not boarded up.
- Stay here.

- It's okay. You're safe.
- We're getting you out of here.

- Felix...
- Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- It's getting closer.
Hope: I know.
- Where the hell are Silas and Elton?
- Shit!

- You took it as a reminder...
- Something you wear every day to remember the bad you've done...
- A reminder to keep living to do good,
- 'cause that's the only way to make the bad mean something.
- You're gonna be okay, hope.

- You gonna tell me why you're doing this?
- I'm gonna die.
- You know that, right?

- Indira!
[Panting] It's Brody.
- He split off from the first caravan that headed east.
- He was ranting about...
- Making things right with the crm.

- Put this on.
- Keep moving.

- What do I do?
- Do I trust you to stay in control?
- To not put everyone else in danger?
- I don't wanna be like this.
- Like my dad.
- I know you don't.

- We need to talk.
- What the hell are you doing here?
- Now.
- I wouldn't be coming to you if it wasn't life or death.
- Please.

- There's more?
- The campus colony?
- Omaha?
- All part of a tactical military operation.
- What comes next won't be easy, but it will secure our future for centuries to come.

- It is. Let's go.
- Place like this, hidden from the world, maybe we find some supplies, something to eat if we're lucky.
- And ride out the rain.
Iris: I've never been inside a real high school before.

- I heard that.
- Looks like it's me and you, kid.
- Yeah.
- It's all about avoidance.
- Come on.
- Ha, ha!
- Yes!

[Door closes] Tony?
Felix: You really don't like Percy.
Silas: I don't.
- We can't always control who we like.
Hope: The night the sky fell...
- I killed Elton's mom.

- You get a fresh start.
- Even his own mom testified against him.
- Man: Still can't believe they let him in here.
- Woman: Dude should be in jail for what he did.
- Aah!

- Silas, be careful.
- Silas!
- Silas?
- Door!

- I what formerly had cheered me I
- I now seems I
- I insignificant I
- I insignificant I

- But this place made it so their passing could be a gift to science.
- To tomorrow.
- "Most"?
- You need to understand.
- This is what we're up against.

- It's past midnight.
- Happy birthday, kid.
- Will you promise you'll try to get at least a little shut-eye?
- Little sleep?
- I'll promise if you promise.
- Wish me luck.

- Hope, do it.
- Come on. Take the shot.
- What if I... it's okay.
- You don't need me to protect you.
- Do it, hope. Just shoot.
- It's okay.

- Horrible things.
- Whatever I could think of to try to...
- Bring my husband and baby girl back.
- But I couldn't.
- I have spent my life looking for cures for diseases, but...
- I couldn't cure my family.

Hope: What the hell?
- Your research place is here?
- Change of plan.

- Oh. Of course.
[Laughs] That's good.

- that she's still out there...
- Somewhere.
- With my sister, esmerelda.
- Both surviving together.
- That's not so crazy to me.

- You should've told me.
- This changes everything.
- I wanted to tell you.
- Why didn't you?
- I don't know. I...
- Maybe I should've.
- Anything else I should know?

- Eh, it doesn't matter.
- He'll be out for a while.
- I, uh, found a way in.
- Yeah. Wasn't marked very well.
- Signage in this place leaves, uh, something to be desired.
- What?
- I told you, it'll work out.
- Come on.

- I was very happy to get your call.
- You were right.
- I wasn't gonna make it alone.
- That's what you get.
Iris: [Breathing heavily]
- That's what you get.

- Tell me what you're doing out here.
- What are you doing here if you won't feed?!
- I'm just trying to make it.
- Oh, Candice...
- You stupid little bitch.
- Aah!

- and I have no idea what it is.
- I don't feel strong.
- I just want her to be okay.
- I don't care about her mistakes or yours.
- You should.
- Silas, what are you so afraid of?

- Just the roadside assistance
- I was looking for.
- You good? Everybody safe?
- Yeah, they got there safe on the second truck.
- It's just us and a decade's worth of research.
- Right. Get back.
- Stay low, find cover.
- Go, go, go!

Elizabeth: Think about what you want, hope, what you truly want.

- Decision falls on us.
- Do we take him with us or leave him behind?
- I do not know.
- You shouldn't come in here.
- It's not safe.
- I'm not safe.

- Everything that I do is in service of that.
- Maybe that makes me selfish.
- I don't think it makes me wrong.
- What you did to live for your son, for your family...
- I don't think that's wrong, either.

- Well, if it helps at all...
- I've come to realize I'm that kind of idiot all the time.
- I should, uh, probably get going.
- Hey.
- It was nice meeting you.
- It was nice meeting you, too.

- Dr. Bennett's not in his usual class.
- Carlucci has abandoned his post.
- Initiate standard evacuation drill protocols for the facility's civilian personnel.
- You think that'll flush them out?
- I think it'll tell me just how deep the rot's spread.

- Felix went to try and help him, but even if they make it, even if we make it, the gas is probably already on its way to Portland.
- The crm won.
- They're gonna destroy another city, and there isn't shit that we can do about it.

- You put them at risk.
- We were the ones who chose to look away.
- What was it you said?
- It was an error in judgment?
- Word of advice...
- I wouldn't make any more.
- You're excused.

- Using gas they've been storing at the rf, using the empties to cover it up.
- This isn't just about saving Portland and getting out of here.
- We have to get the scientists out and their research.
- We take it and...
- And we keep it going.

- our feats of engineering...
- Could not save us.
- Roads crumbled and cities fell into heaps of rubble.
- And for those of us born right before?
- The end of the world was our beginning.

- That's what I told them in the note.
- The dead drop note?
- What did you write?
- I told them we were gonna find out what the crm is up to, stop them from ever doing it again, and then we're gonna burn this place to the ground.

- Make sure you get a good grip before you pull it out.
- Yeah. Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- You good?
- Yeah. Okay.
- Alright. Okay, kid, go.

- "In what distant deeps or skies burnt the fire of thine eyes?"
- "On what wings dare he aspire?"
- "What the hand, dare seize the fire?"

- Nice and easy.
- I think I got it.
- Aah!
- Nice work, kid.

- And... ooh, ooh.
- Um...[laughs]
- Yep. That's... that was... okay.
- Alright. We're getting there.
- Come on.
- We got this.

- or you really don't like that kid.
- I don't.
- I don't know why anybody else does.
- Well...
- We can't always control who we like.
- Come on.

- I'm suiting up. No, you're staying here with me.
- Hold fire. Officer carlucci has a gun on Mason beale.
[Grunts] Percy!
- No. Where's Percy?
- The gas is probably already on its way to Portland.
- I think I found something.
- Still got that c-4?

- Get them out! I got it!
- Come on!
- Aah!
- Aah!
- Oh, wait! I need my bag! Elton!

- Obviously, one of 'em doesn't want to do this.
- One of 'em wants our help.
- So let's get 'em.
- Yo. Keep up.
- I'm not letting you sneak off like last night.
- Felix!

Iris: Felix!
- Felix!
- Get in!
- More has-beens are comin'!
- Come on!
- Let's go!
- Come on!

Iris: "Tyger tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night; what immortal hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

- Whoa.
- I swear, that wasn't on purpose.
- Come on.
- Ow!
Felix: What happened?
- Damn it! You okay?
- I-I'm good. I'm good.

- O-Okay!
[Screaming] I'm stuck!
- I'm stuck!
- Help!

- You want them to be safe, they can't know we're here.
- This is life and death.
- You gotta trust me on this.
- Another big choice.
- Time to make it.

Iris: [Sighs] This place looks turned out.
Hope: Maybe...
- Maybe not.
- Uh, split up and keep looking?

- You should be proud, hope.
- But this place...
- It's safe.
- It's good for everybody.
- This is your home now.

- You need that.
- Nope.
- We don't need your help.

- New orders from major general beale.
- Doing this...
- And then again to the campus colony, it's only the beginning.
- Alert delta team we found their escapee.
- Help...

- Okay, sounds good.
- Young woman: That's her, right?

- You know, somebody breathed it in, it turned their stomachs, and then they got on a plane...
- Shut up, Owens.
- Man: Come on. This way. Let's go.
- Multiple targets ahead.
Drake: Hold fire. Hold fire.

- All to earn their trust in Omaha.
- You tell them that.
- And then to go to hell.
- Jennifer... it's gonna work.
- I'll make it work.
- I just need more time with the girl.

- You know, she shouldn't be able to walk around like what she did doesn't matter.
- But I-I sh... I should've been thinking about everyone.
- About will.
- Felix.
- You.

- Hope.
- I can't.
[Voice breaking] You can.
- And you should.
- But I get it.
- You won't.

- For saving my life at that school.
- For dancing with me when I wanted to dance.
- I was just following your lead the whole time.
- We all were.
- It won't be long before huck has those charges set.
- You should go.

- There wasn't another choice.
- Do you actually trust her, after everything she's done?
- Of course I don't.
- I couldn't do nothing.
- Iris, we came here to keep dad safe.

- Corporal Pierce.
- After you left,
- I was transferred here to assume your responsibilities.
- I work closely with the lieutenant colonel.
- She's an inspiration.
- Yes.

- Sentries?
- Not exactly.

[Laughing] You really are your father's daughter.
- You both are.
- I saw that when I landed, you with your banner, you flipping me off.
- How does that make us like our dad?
- You're brave.

- we are awaiting your final order.
- They provide a valuable service to us.
- They're a resource.
- Eliminate them all.
- Leave no one alive.
- Assume firing positions.

- I from the top of the trees I
- I crowds of umbrellas were starin' in misbelief I
- I well, Mary kept sewing I
- I holdin' onto her TV I
- I even if the water was risin' past her knees I
- I here comes the river I

- That's an endling.
- Of this faux species that is our quartet crossing the continent, the last one alive...
- They're the endling.
- And it's their life, their death that defines us all.

- Everything alright? Yeah.
- H-Have you seen Dr. Belshaw?
- She's not in her office.
- I think I saw her in the teaching lab
- 'bout an hour ago.
- It's just down there on the right.
- Yeah.

- H-Hello?
- You.
- How the hell'd you find me?

Leopold: Paging Dr. Belshaw.
- What's on your mind?
- Drop the key.

- You... fed.
- Stay, stay.
- This is your home. [Groans]
- It's yours now.

- You were so gentle then.
- So trusting.
- I couldn't bear the thought of anyone else destroying that in you.
- You should put the pasta in before it gets to a hard boil.

- You mind making me a cup?
- Romano's waiting downstairs with the transport.
- Yeah, well...
- Romano can wait, right?

- I'm taking a walk.
[Grunts] No, you're not.
- Not alone.

Will: Charges might draw more incoming from the south.
- We'll scout ahead.
- Are all your research expeditions this exciting?
[Chuckles] Almost never.
- No, don't!
- It's one of ours.

- Yes. You?
- Yeah.
- How's hope? She okay?
- I mean, you never really said anything.
- S... uh, she... she's good.
- This time tomorrow, you can ask her yourself.

- I might be the only person left in the world who saw her, who knew her.
- But...
- At least now someone else will know her, too.

- And listen... look, I don't know how this is gonna end, or what happens to me, but for whatever it's worth,
- I am with you.
- At least, until I can't be.

[Sighs] Just...
- Um... thanks, Elton.
- But, uh...
- I think you're drunk, all right?
- And I need to be alone.
- Okay.

- Thanks.
- Hey, Felix, do you copy?
- Felix?
- Hey, what's...?
- Maybe the batteries need a charge.
- Nope. They're corroded.

- Still nothing.
- And what about the missing member of Dr. Bennett's security detail?
- Trail's gone cold.
- You think there's a connection?
- Ready a transport.

- go from there.
- Let the others know.
- And...
- Tell everyone that as soon as we get to safety...
- I'll step down as your leader.
- Indira...

Elton: I can see the office.
- It's a straight shot, just like she said.
- Most of the empties are being attracted by the fires on either side, but we might still bump into a few.
- We should go now.

- Listen to me, alright?
- Look around.
- It's over for me.
- But not for you.
- It's cool.
- We got a minute.

- Will you promise me you'll try to get at least a little shut-eye?
- Little sleep?
- I'll promise if you promise.
- Alright.
- Wish me luck.

- Get in!
- Iris.
Felix: Come on!
- Huck: Move!
- I said move.

- Hello?
- Felix?
- Anyone?

- Huck: You wanted to see if I'd go after her...
- If she and the others have changed me.
- I'm really glad I was wrong.

- The hell?
- Why are we here?
- Hey, what the hell is this?
- What this is, hope, is a lesson.
- Don't worry. I know you know don't like school.
- Think of it as more of a field trip.

- Maybe we had something they wanted.
- They wanted hope.
- You saw how far they went to take her.
- I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind, too.
- Hold up.
- I think we got a winner.

- Okay.
- I'm sure Iris is helping someone...
- Or working on an assignment from school.
- And hope...
[Chuckles] I'm sure she's with friends, getting into some kind of trouble.

- Like I said.
- You're an ambitious survivor.
- I already bled and broke my bones for the corps, done everything I could to prove what I'm made of.
- You've done a lot, no question.
- But there is always more.

- to interrogate him.
- Heard some hardhats outside the security wing.
- Well, they weren't saying
- "Leo" or "Felix", but, uh, it was obvious who they were talking about.
- I sat around long enough, heard your name mentioned.
- Lead interrogator, huh?

- Right here? Mm-hmm.
- It's the right height.
- He's a little thin, but maybe... a little?
- He's practically dust.
- We gotta keep looking.
- I got this.

- Man: Silas.
Silas: Yeah?
- Lie down.
- What, you don't trust me?

- is above a staff sergeant's rank.
- I'm not asking as a staff serg... don't.
- You've only just gotten back what you lost after a horrendous error in judgment.
- I would hate for someone...
- To think that you hadn't learned your lesson.

- I they won the battle I
- I the right to be free I
- I returned by our hand I
- I yeah I
- I proclaim for all to see I
- I the crosses made I

- but some of the people killed back home were being used for research.
- Research I think is still being done right here.
- I need your help finding out what the hell's going on and who's involved...
- So we can stop it.

- Who definitely overdressed.
- No, you look good.
- Um, I was actually just gonna go change.
- Well, you don't have to.
- You, uh...
- You look great.

- All of 'em?
- Oh, it was them.
- We have to get hope and my dad out.
- You, too.
- Silas, we need you.
- Please say you'll help us.

- Will told me this is what you really wanted, but that you were too afraid to ask, so I...
- Felix...
- I've only ever wanted what's best for you.
- Yeah.
- I'll go check on the girls.

- Trust me.
- Alright, we need to get that note to will and Elton.
- Our window's closing soon.
- I'll write it.
- Best to keep it short.
- Say we're delayed, we're safe.
- That's it.
- Got it.

- Huck: Where the hell are they?
- The crm's gotta be looking for me.
- You need those antibiotics, and I need that c-4.
- Those kids are swimming upstream through the tail end of a shitstorm.
- Give them time.

- That's exactly why
- I need your help, okay?
- I need your help convincing the others just to turn around.
- All I'm asking for you is to think about it, okay?
- Just think about it.
- Come on.
- Let's go.

- Lyla: Assuming no abnormalities show up in his bloodwork, he should be suitable for our purposes.
- 0h. [Sighs]
- I have my dinner with the bennetts.
- I'll check back later.
- We'll begin at dawn.

- Think he'll change his mind?
- Come back for us?
- No, all he wanted was a fresh start.
- Maybe now he'll finally get one.
- Yeah.
Hope: Are we leaving already?

- Mnh-mnh. It's not.
- But it's got a good collection.
- Ocean views.
- Big lawns.
- Yeah.
- We could grow our own crops.

- I'm so sorry.
- Don't carry this.
- And remember, no matter what they tell you...
- You're not one of them.
- Do it.
- Do it!

[Sighing] It doesn't matter.
- Past is the past, right?
- Yeah. It is.
- Hey. Get some sleep, huck.
- Mm, pshh.
- You don't gotta tell me twice.

- You're them. You're the same.
- You don't give a shit.
- You never did.
- You killed him and... hope.
- I should've seen it.
- What they are, and I didn't.
- And he's dead, and I should've seen it!

- Why?
- So you could try and stop me?
- Isn't that what you wanted?
- Think about what you want.
- Your sister, your friends, they're all counting on you.

- Are you sure you know what you're doing?
[Chuckles] Uh-huh.
- This is just 'til their medic can look it over in the morning.
- What?
- You seem different.

- You don't have to convince me.
- I see you for who you are...
- For who you really are.
- Even if you don't yet.
- But you will.
- And I can't wait for you to see who you're gonna become.

- Why?
- Dad left us.
- But he left that for us.
- And it brought us back together...
- Safe and sound, despite everything.
- Maybe it will again.

Iris: Hope.
Hope: So what?
- I brewed a iittlet of illegal alcohol.
- Yeah, this is a lifetime supply, hope.
- And here I thought you were finally getting your act together with your dad gone, but, nope.

- on saving Dr. Bennett or now hope...
- They'll need to be dealt with.
- So, tell me, how much do they know about us?
- About the mission?
Hope: She's crm.
- Five miles north, you'll find safety.

- Will Campbell. Huck.
- You're gonna be doing a battery of psychological tests today.
- Can't I just blame everything on my mother and be done with it?
Huck: Hold up.
- Looks like we got some.

- Simms: What the hell, man?
- What were those things?
- They were people.
- Sure as hell ain't now.
- You see more, go for the heads.
- That did it.
- We got civilian friendlies alive up there.
- That's our mission.

- Uh, well, yes, but... not that.
- Why be on terra firma when you can be on summus locus?
Iris: Hope, remember how we begged dad to build us a tree house in the backyard?
Hope: Yeah. I remember.

- Well, what about the flowers?
- That's just my little personal touch.
- A little beauty in the darkness left behind.
- Any other questions?
- Can I get my tuffystitch back?
- We'll see.

- Are you?
- Wait for my go.
- Or don't.
- Okay, I could have been an amazing chef.
[Laughter] Dad, back me up.
- I plead the fifth.

- Ink stains on his fingers, three coffee cups on his desk, all cold.
- It's those little things about her that I don't want to forget.
- Elton...
- Maybe we should, uh, focus, i-instead of talking.
- Right.

- Everything good?
- The others are already inside.
- Hope?
- Is she... not yet.
- But she'll be here.
- Let's go.

- "When the stars threw down their Spears and water'd heaven with their tears..."

- So, uh...[Chuckles]
- That's what you get.
- I'm sorry.

- I'll stop you, and you'll go to prison.
- Probably for a long, long time.
- I you're a kind little woman I
- I but you don't do me no good I you gonna tell me where we're going, or...?
- I but someday baby, you ain't gonna trouble I

- it's the watch that brought her and me back together after things fell apart.
- I want you to tell her that this time, it won't.
- 'Cause now?
- Now it's going to bring me and my dad back together.
- How much time do I have?

- Whatever it is, you can tell me.
- There is something.
- Something I haven't been honest with you about.
- But I'll need you to come with me.
- It's better if I show you.
- Uh... okay.

- Felix, you good? What's up?
- Nothing. I just got a little sliced on the wire.
- You're sure that's all it is?
- I'm good.
- Let's just get where we're going.

- Just checking on that drink. [Chuckles]
- Christ, you used the comms for that?
- I am a determined woman when it comes to my friends.
- I was worried when you didn't respond.
- My walkie died when I keyed it.
- That short in the grid didn't help.

- Gonna miss you.
- We will get you and dad out of there.
- We will.
- Just tell him not to worry.
- And that I'm okay.
- I wish I could.

- Can't tell the friendlies from the hostiles.
[Crowd screaming] Try thermal.
- Hostiles have a lower body temp.
- Let's move!
- Move it!
- Man: Come on!

- He wasn't asking for help, but we know he might need it.
- I'm not trying to talk you out of it.
- I'm trying to talk you into letting me go with you.
- Me, too.
- They'll never make it.
- They'll die.
Huck: Then we have to make sure they don't.

- Are you all right?
- You hurt?
- He was going to find me.
- We gotta get outta here.
- Wait.
- They'll find him like this.
- Oh, shit. Go. Let's go.

- Stop!
[Walker growling] Silas!
- Aah!
- Hey, Silas!
- Silas!
- Oh!
- Silas!

- Shh.
- You can save me?
- Yeah.
- I can save you.
- Marines!
- On my command!

- Grandmother: We love you, Silas.
- We're so lucky to be your grandparents.
- Life isn't easy, kiddo, but it's good.
- We make it good.

- It just showed us that who we are is who we were.
- Come here.
- I love you so much.
- I know.
- I love you, too.

Elizabeth: And indira said she found them yesterday?
- Pierce: Her story checks out with theirs.
- We separated and questioned them.
- No apparent inconsistencies.
- Send for staff sergeant mallick.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Knowing where you are going is everything.
- Now, if you know what time it is, you got a compass in the sky.
- Now, you lose that, you're flying blind.

[Chuckles] Hey.
- Heads up.
- Found 'em when I was scouting ahead after the Mississippi.
- I was gonna save 'em for your birthday.
- Thought we'd still be on the road then, but...

- Should be about a mile out now.
- Means we're clear to peel off and meet the others.
- You still have will's map of the research place?
- Yeah, why?
- We're making a stop first.

- is exactly what the doctor ordered.
- I mean, you must have a million other things that you...
- No, no. No.
- Your name's already come up.
- I think it'd be good if you met them.
- That's s...
- Oy. [Chuckles]

- There's nothing we can do.
- So we just deal.
- We hope... and we wait.
- Your speech is in an hour.
- If it means anything, I think...
- I think dad would want you to.

- They were terrible.
- Hope, come on.
- You gotta let me get my pole.
- I'm not gonna hurt you, I swear.
- Put the pistol down so we can fight these things.
- Together.

- Look, I'm just saying, after what huck did, odds aren't good.
- That's all.
- Teresa or no Teresa.
- Hey, hold on.
- Whoa.

- Hey.
- What happened?
- Got a little too friendly with a bullet.
- What happened to you?
- Hope?

- The door's holding.
- It's okay.
- Hawkins.
- Huh.
- Must have gone to school here.

- I'm afraid I have some tragic news about the campus colony that I need to share with you.
- It is tempered by some very good news about your family.
- Hey.
- How you feeling?
- Doc said you have a concussion.

- You can walk out with me right now.
- Wait for your mom at my place.
- I know people that can make sure you're both safe.
- It'll be okay.
- Um, I think you should leave.
- If that's what you want.

- Maybe there'll be
- Christmas lights this year.
- The kids at school would love that.
- Silas, maybe tomorrow...
- Take you down to the bazaar, and you can pick out a gift for your mom.
- I I want to what I want to I

- And what do you want?
- And if you don't get it, then what?
- Huh?
- You feed me to them?
- No one's gonna hurt you.
- I promise.

- Well, there has to be something.
- The nail Polish box back at the warehouse, it said it was flammable.
- Alright.
- You and Elton take care of that.
- We'll finish up here.
- Maybe double time it, huh?

- How many times do I have to tell you?
- I'm not working with Dr. Belshaw to cover up anything.
- It's obvious that you are,
- Dr. Bennett.
- Jennifer helped me see it.

- I almost...
- I don't know if you meant to, but I think you probably did it.
- I'm sorry, but it's just what I think.
- Why'd you save me?
- Enough people have died.

- No, I got that I wanted to get to a future, maybe help work for one.
- But there is no way in hell
- I'm working with you assholes to make that happen.
- I knew I wasn't gonna make it back there.
- You were just my ticket out.

- Sometimes, helping hurts like hell.
- Hey. Sorry.
- I, uh, I found the vodka, but not the antibiotics.
- You're out.
- Forceps are in the kit.
- Use the fire to sterilize them.

- Didn't mean to hurt you.
- Just wanted you to stop.
- Please.

- We saved all your asses!
- When we saw the has-beens comin', my nephew had me turn around.
- And, what, we should be grateful that you robbed us then changed your mind?
- Out here, that's pretty much as good as it gets.

- I, uh...
- I guess it's on me now to prove
- I can be more like you.

- An investigation would take time and cause vulnerabilities.
- For a security threat such as this, crm uniform regulations mandate any and all points of contact must be removed...
- Immediately.

- Is it true?
- Is it?
- Are you... yeah.
- It's true.
- And I'm sorry.
Iris: No! Felix!

- And there it is.
- It's a double helix.
- It's a DNA strand.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Are you saying that you think this is...
- What else could it be?
- I think we know where dad is.

- I'm not recommending it.
- You really doing this?
- After everything I did to get her here?
- She could die. Yeah, she could, or she could choose to join us.
- We need her to choose.
- Mission incomplete.

- and doing the very hard thing of becoming someone else to find out there isn't.
- She knows it's dangerous.
- She knows she could die.
- They both could.
- She's out here risking everything because there's no easier way.

- Uh, checking the other side.
- I was about to check upstairs.
- Let's go.
- You sure?
- Wouldn't be here if I wasn't.
- Come on.

- Man: All units, disengage.
- Suspect's been located.

- There is only one room in this place that we haven't searched.
- Huck said it was filled with bodies.

- On patrol.
- What time did Dr. Belshaw show up?
- It's a simple question.
- Dinner was scheduled for 7:00, but Dr. Belshaw...
- Got caught up in some work and showed up an hour later.

- What about Percy?
- We searched for hours.
Elton: I'm leaving to join Silas.
- I lied to you, Elton.
- I didn't know it until I saw the picture in the book.
- Clean up, we'll debrief.
- And take this.
- Is this dad's?

- They only want me.
- Come on.
- Oh, wait. My code books!
- If we don't hand them over, you know what we could lose.
- And that's not what we're about.
- Not a word.

- Hey, Silas.
- Iris, you copy?
- Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
- Silas?
- Stay behind me.

- I'll see you on the other side.
- It's time to go.
- Here.
- These are for your wrists.
- We'll tie you up and blindfold you when we're close.
- Here we go.

- Newton: Dr. Bennett?
- Why don't you and your friends come on out, hands on heads?
- You can't win this.

- I don't understand.
- You can't keep looking for someone that's not there.
- I can't let you do that.
- I'm so sorry.
- You forgave Silas.
- Maybe one day, you'll forgive me, too.

- Where's Iris? Where's hope?
- Are... are they with huck?

- One. One shot, kill.
[Gunshot] Get down!
- I got him!
- Percy! [Gunshots]
- Drop it.
- Wrong choice, Jennifer.

- That's giving up.
- Got an early morning.
- I suggest you get some sleep.
- Do me a favor?
- Take that bottle.
- I'm sick of staring at it.
- Use it to clean your hand.

- Jupiter, saturn, uranus, Neptune.
- Mercury, Venus, earth,
- Mars, Jupiter...
- Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars...
- Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars,
- Jupiter, saturn, uranus, Neptune.
- Mercury, Venus, earth,
- Mars, Jupiter, saturn!

- Can't do this forever.
- Split 'em up.
- It'll be easier to pick 'em off.
- I'll circle around as a decoy, cut through the trees.
- Newton's an asshole.
- He'll take the bait. Trust me.
- It's the smart play.

- Or they kill us.
- We're working to stop the monsters...
- And to save people from turning into monsters.
- But we need to save ourselves from that fate first.
- And right now, I need to know...
- Are you in?

- Th-thank you.
- That should've been me.
- That was my mistake.
- It wasn't.
- But fine... say it was.
- Doesn't mean it has to follow you around forever.
- Look, can we keep this our little secret?

- Yeah.
- So much for making our lives count, huh?
- I thought that's what we were doing.
- Yeah. So did I.
- What?
- Why do people keep looking at me like that?

- I told you, I was...
- I was just lost.
- And I was afraid to ask for directions home
- 'cause I-I didn't know if I was gonna get in trouble.
- Maybe if I had just asked,
- I'd have my boots, and...
- Nah, you'd still be in here.
- Yes, send him in.

- They're finally letting me.
- No, no, no, dad, you can't.
- You can't... I should've told you. It's okay.
- Raising a little hell, not taking no for an answer, it finally paid off.
- Just like it did with will and...

- Uh, no.
- But I think she's done something she feels bad about.
Huck: Why is that?
- Is that what you're doing out here, trying to get away from the things you done?
- Hey, huck.

- Liquid chlorine is supposed to be colorless.
- Why isn't this?
- I was just wondering the same thing.
- Something must've been added to it.
- We'll need to keep this safe until we figure out what.
- Time of death... 8:22 am.

- You confided in Dr. Belshaw about your daughter's gifts, and what did she do?
- She went straight to it. Colonel kublek with it.
- What?
- I don't think that you know this woman, Leo.
- You don't.

- is the difference between dad being okay...
- Hope, what are you saying?
- That we should leave him?
- No, that's not what I'm saying.
- I just...
- We have to figure out something.
- Well, we're not leaving him, hope.
- I just wish sometimes I had a map to figure you out.

- to join Romano on your security detail.
- Yeah. That's right.
- I thought it might be dwyer, but I asked her, and she said it wasn't her, so...
- I'm surprise they're not just asking you who you want.
- It's me.

- I wish I could give you a distraction from the distraction.
Mason: To those who were fighting to survive in this world, we remember them.
- To our sister city, Omaha.
- Omaha! Hear, hear!

- Felix, I'm in place.
- You ready?
- Ready when you are.

- The ones we've hit so far have mostly been shacks with, uh, landing pads...
- All unmanned and unguarded.
- Helicopters touch down, they refuel, and they take off again.
- I, uh, can't believe it.

- I let's get out of this country I
- I I'll admit I'm bored with me I
- I when not in body, at least in mind I
- I we'll find a cathedral city I
- I you can convince me
- I am pretty I

- Staff sergeant mallick?
- The lieutenant colonel is looking for you.

- Because she's lying!
- It's the truth.
- I just didn't wanna complicate things any more than they already are.
- Come with us and you'll see.
- I wanna talk to you.
- Alone.

- You don't have the keys.
- I can hot-wire it in under a minute.
- I don't... we shouldn't do this.
- We are wasting time.
- We need to make a decision.
- Rest of you stay here.
- I'll cover Percy.

- Help! Silas!
- Hey! Hit it!
- Use the wrench!

- Aah!
- Aah!

- I don't know if I believe that. But I want you to...
- The wig is probably heavier than the...
- All the council first will be...
- It's not the plan right now.
- Sit down, Barca.
- I'll get you some soup.

- Whoa! [Grunts]
- You good?
- Yeah.
- Look, they're gonna be on us soon.
- We got to, uh...
- What?

- Yeah.
- Instead of turning a blind corner and potentially facing who knows what, maybe we draw it out, face it on our turf versus theirs.
- Maybe? Just stay behind me.

- Elton, Percy...
- We're here.
- Wait. I-I never told you my na...
- I still don't understand.

- They didn't put up a fight when we told them we wanted to go.
- I overheard one of them make a cryptic comment about picking up a patrol shift the next day, but it was a three-day trip.
- And for a three-day trip, they were light on supplies.

- There's no escape from the inescapable.
- There is no respite from the unceasing.
- It makes its choices for us.
- In short...
- Accept the wind.
- It always wins.

- Hey.
- You okay?
- What is it?
- Percy, what did you do?
- Huck: Hey.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Thank you for doing this.
- You could have just gone with the others, but...
- So much hasn't worked out, but this will.
- It'll work out.

- They're the reason I'm here doing the work that I'm doing.
- Yes, for the alliance, but...
- Really, for them.
- I couldn't fix my family, but maybe someday...
- I can help fix the world.

- That makes one of us.
- And I'm sorry for stealing yourjacket... and will's...
- I mean...
- Even though they look really good on us.
- Nah, they totally look ber on me and will.
- Yeah, no.

- Still hungry?
- Start packing up supplies.
- I got this.

- Do it!
- Man: Gamma 5, gamma 5, this is base team.
- Way is clear to marker 6.
Felix: Stay down.
- North to northwest, oven gamma 5, copy.

- Oh, we're not going back through that.
- And the other options on foot aren't much better, so we cut up to Omaha, resupply.
- The next transfer to the university is in about two weeks.
- That's how we get back, avoid the Blaze.

- I was thinking that taking highways would be easier.
- No. [Sighs]
- We're sticking to the original plan.
- Uh, it's impossible for you to hike.
- Yeah, it is.

- Mom! Dad!
- Come on, mom!
- I'm hom e!

- I guess if we have to, we can make our way past the empty, find our way upstairs.
- Mm-hmm. You thirsty?
- Where did you find...?
- Under the bleachers.
- I've never had soda in a can before.

- Get in!
- Come on! Hurry!
- Put these on.
- Hey, move! Hope!

Grady: So, what exactly happens if he doesn't make it out?
Webb: Tough shit.
- What's the point of being here if he's just gonna screw shit up for us?
- He's gotta learn.
- Swing at anything that moves.

- Surprise, rocket man.
- I got shot.

- It's been quite some time.
- What brings you out so far?
- Iris?
- Iris?!
- Hope?
- Iris! [Both laugh]

- so there can still be good in the world.
- And maybe one day this won't be all there is.
- I'm willing to offer your sister and officer carlucci a home with us, seeing as they don't have one to go back to.
- I would imagine you understand that very differently now.

- Uh, Tony raised me when my mom split.
- Percy's a quick study.
- He was grifting kids in the sandbox.
- Uh, it... it's how we get what we need without hurting people.
- Wow.
- You guys deserve medals or somethin'.

- Mom? Mom? Mom?
- Mom?
[Crying] Mom!
- M mom! Om, please! Mom!
- I'm right here, mom!
[Crying] I'm...
- Mom.

- those small steps that move us forward, keep us growing and evolving.
- 'Cause all of those moments put together, that's a life.
- And that's everything.
- So, let's see who we really are, shall we?

- I made a promise to you.
- And then I made one to myself.
- Still planning on keeping both.
- Even if it's the last thing you do?
- If it is, then it is.
- I'm hoping it's not.

- I should probably have my soldiers search the village just to make sure that no one slipped in unnoticed.
- No, no, no, that's not necessary.
- The wall's been fixed, and our lookouts do a fine job.
[Chuckles] They do.
- Of course they do.
- You can never be too careful.

- They're sending us a signal, so we're gonna send one back.
- They brought us to this.

- I feel the sun come slowly I
- I makes the window glow I hey.
- Thanks.
- Iaii I need is a place to dream I j'and all I need is clouds beneath my feet I

- Yeah. Uh...
- Would you mind if I borrowed the box truck to tow 'em to the dumpsite?
- You know how to drive?
- My uncle taught me.
- Yeah. [Chuckles]

- Yeah.
- Maybe we could find something we can use to keep it stable, take some of the pressure off of it.
- Yeah. We'll look.
- Aw, Jesus, Felix.
- You're not going anywhere for a while, and you know it.

- Uh, I'll carry all your bags so you can kill...
- So you both can.
- I mean, I'm strong.
- It's the best I can do right now, and we'll go faster this way.
- Let's go.

- You don't know?
- The ones that are still out there, they're not a threat.
- We'll talk.
- A lot's happened since you left.
- You bennetts are going to accomplish great things together.
Hope: Yeah, we are.

- You've got skills.
- You might even stand a chance.
- What do you say? Yes?
Mason: Help! Somebody help!
- Please! Somebody!
- Help!

Felix: You good?
[Sighs] Hey.
- We did it.

- for this alliance science exchange thing...
- You know, with the civic republic?
- I don't know where he is or when he'll be back.
- My sister's mad at him for going.
- I just miss him.
- Every family's got something, right?

- Did crm know the whole time?
- Why would they lie?
- I don't know.
- All I know is they want me dead...
- And I will be if they find me.
- We should go.

- And if you make me regret this in any way, you'll regret it more.
- So will he.
- You won't get another chance.
- Don't get lost again.
- I'll get your boots.

- and deep down, she believed that people stood a fighting chance.
- There's a big, beautiful world waiting for you out the, Elton.
- Fight for it. Be brave.
- Like she knew you could be.

- Come on.
- Come on, stud.
- Ugh!
- Aah!

- That means you put down anything still walking...
- Friendly or unfriendly, civilian or hostile, living or dead.
[Clatter, metal scraping] Hope?
- Hope?
- Talk to me.

- "Tyger tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night; what immortal hand or eye, dare frame thy fearful symmetry?"

Indira: My people...
- She's in good hands with them.
- And they're in good hands with her.
- My route to Portland, in case you need to find me for any reason.
- Just take care of yourself, okay?
- Take care of each other.

- Place was fully stocked.
- We got lucky.
- Uh, are we good?
- I'd really like to see my dad.
- I'm sure you would.
- It's a process.

- So, what was that out there?
- It's okay if you're scared.
- I'm not.
- Not of... them.
- Hey, Silas, can you give me a hand over here?
- Seems this door's stuck.

- Armory's open.
- Shit.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
- Where you going?
- Hey, I think he's alive. Okay?
- I think Percy's alive, and if he is, he's going after huck.
- And if we don't get him first, he's gonna get us all killed.

- Squad, code five.
- Multiple hostiles incoming.
- Abandon positions.
- Fall back to the mill.
- Formation beta! Now!
Indira: Arm yourselves and find cover!

- That's why we made this extra spicy.
- And we were ready to jump in, but damn.
- You handled it.
- And, look, you promise to have our backs, we'll have yours.
- It's all good, man.
- So... no hard, right?

- Stop! Hands high!
- One false move, we shoot.

- Felix?
- Hope, Iris, take the truck and go!
- Not without you!
- Get out of the house!
Hope: Huck, stop!
- We need to find that gun.

Dennis: Silas.
- Get your friends and the supplies to the rendezvous.
- Be ready.
- Ready for what?
- What's the plan?

- But right now, I'm still trying to figure it out, and I'm sorry, but I can't...
- I can't be with you right now.
- Dennis, I need you to give me the keys, and I need you to not ask me why.
- Please.

- Your dad.
- You really think we shoulo without Felix?
- He's a danger to himself out there.
- He stays here, he's safe.
- He lives.
- Isn't that what you want?

- I love you.
- I love you, too, dad.

- This goes far beyond the bennetts.
- Initiate full facility lockdown.
- Close off every door, window, and air vent.
- Once the complex is secure, you're to sweep every inch...
- Building by building, wing by wing, room by room...
- Until you find where they're hiding.

- Move! Move!
- Over there.
- Keep going.
- Soldier: Drop your bag.
- Line up with the others.

- Just in case.
- He saved my life.
- Indira...
- These were in his bag.
- What is it?
- It's what I need to live.

- I can't tell you how much we appreciate that.
- You may keep your knives, but for the safety and comfort of others, we do ask that you surrender all other weapons while you're on our land.
- You agree to this?

- I worked on this all night last night. Oh, wait. Oh, damn.
- Well done.
- Oh.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- I-I don't know what happened.
- It was... was the student council office locked?
- My sister happened.
- I can fix it.

- Took two days.
- Mostly by foot.
- I get it.
- Mighta been shitty parents, but they're still your parents.
- You make it back?

- This is about the long game, not just how we get in but how we get them out and where we go after.
- It's not just about hope and
- Leo's safety or ours anymore.
- It's about the safety of everyone here giving us shelter.
- One wrong move, and it's over...
- For all of us.

- This guy had walkies, supplies.
- We found the fuel.
- Let's get the hell out of here.
- We found something else, too...
- Locked in the cabinet.
- What are those?
- Potentially...
- Something to work with.

- to just go for the gas and save Portland...
- Getting everyone out...
- There's a lot that could go wrong.
- But we'll make it work.
- We do whatever we have to do...
- To make sure we win.

- You think huck...?
- Not huck.
- He doesn't want to leave anybody.
- If we present a united front,
- I-I think he'll back us.
- It's up to you.

- I didn't really think he knew the girls that well.
- The kid may be the wedge.
- Hey, why don't you talk to him, convince him to change his mind?
- I'll handle hope. Copy.
Iris: Hey! Come look at this!

- These two.
- And a few others.
- And you?
- I guess I live for hope.
- The world is nothing without hope.
Will: Come on.

- But a person?
- I never wanted something so bad in my entire life.
- You wanted justice.
- And I think we're both willing to go a little further than most people to get it.
- I thought my sister was like that, too.

- we lure the dead in with lights and music, blow 'em up, then we clean 'em up.
- So where...
- Where do the parts go?
- Resort in the Cayman Islands.
- Uh, we take them off-site.
- We got trucks.

- You're not gonna tell me where you're taking me?
- We're here.
- I don't understand.
- You've asked if I had a family before all this, and I've barely said a word, but...
- I should tell you what happened to them.

- That means the crm really...
- This changes everything.
- What about Silas? He's alive.
- At a culling and maintenance post not far from here.
- If he's where she says he is,
- I might know a way to get everybody out.

- C'mon, Percy.
- Please wake up.
- Wh-who did this to you?

- Stay back.
- Stay back.
- Stay back.

- We're minutes away from a full breach.
- It would've been spotted long before, but... I know.
- Western patrols were redirected to the tunnels.
- Divert them with disruption charges and send all other available teams to the western gates.
- If we don't hold the line, we could lose everything.

- It's not moving for a reason.
- I mean, look at it.
- Posted in that doorway like it's standing guard.
- You think it's defending its young?
- If I'm right, I think I know how we can get around it.
- Go slow.

- And, yeah...
- I told her everything.
- What the hell is going on with you?
- Maybe you just don't know me as well as you think you do.
- Were you gonna leave for Omaha?
- Were you even gonna tell me?

- they'll never get that back.
- That's what you did.
- So I don't give a damn about how you justify your lies or who your mother is or what name you give yourself.
- You find my daughter.

Dr. K: Your head is shoved so far up the future's ass, you've completely abandoned the now.

- There's empties in here, and it's about to get bad.
Huck: Iris, we're gonna get you out of there.
- You hang on.
- Hurry!
- It's coming.
- They always keep coming.

- Not Iris or the others?
- You think Iris is behind this?
- I was in the weeds for a while.
- Who you are inside those walls ain't who you are outside.
- You okay?
- Aces.

- Oh. I can give them to you now.
- Uh, no, no.
- Uh, my hands... aren't cold now.
- Uh... but they will be in about an hour?
- An hour. Okay.
- Yeah.