The Best Irma Kostroski Quotes

Irma: You want to know what I really want?
Larry: Yeah.
Irma: Vaginal rejuvenation surgery.

Irma: [after sex with Larry] It was better than I expected, but I have low expectations.

Jeff: Jeff Greene: Can I get you a drink?
Irma: Irma Kostroski: No, I don't drink. I'm in recovery, as Larry knows. I have a terrible relationship with alcohol. I was a horrible person. I was blacking-out in council meetings. And then my personal low: I woke up, I was 50 miles outside of Bakersfield with no pants on and a casino chip in my hand, and I had no idea how I got there. That's when I realized I had to get help, so I'm in the program, which is just fantastic. And I had to acknowledge that there's a higher power. You have to give yourself over. Uh, I had a sponsor. I had four Steves and one Eric. And I have to go. I have to go and mingle out there, but I thank you for asking. God bless you Jeff for caring and asking. If you ever get into the situation... But thank you. Thank you! God bless! God bless!

Irma: I'm still mad at you! So mad! So disappointed!
Larry: Everybody's disappointed with me at some point.