The Best Jacek Quotes

Teal'c: May I offer you a word of advice?
Jacek: Any input that would help me better myself would be greatly appreciated.
Teal'c: Perhaps three words: be less annoying

Jacek: For once in the last 20 years, could you call me "Dad"?
Vala: You haven't earned that right yet.

Jacek: Say, how'd you like to go out to dinner with me once this is all is over?
Lt. Col. Samantha Carter: Oh, I don't think so.
Jacek: Why not?
Lt. Col. Samantha Carter: Well, I'm an incredibly busy person with very little free time. Oh; and you're a jerk!
Jacek: Oh, of course there's that.

Lt. Col. Samantha Carter: But the truth is the Stargate program just doesn't get the support it used to from the people in charge.
Jacek: Why not?
Dr. Bill Lee: Eureka! One down, twelve to go.
Jacek: That's too bad because after all your Stargate program has accomplished for this network of planets, I would think that the decision makers would show it the respect it deserves.

Jacek: I suppose, for the benefit of your friends there, you're gonna wanna list all the reasons why I was such a bad father.
Vala: Oh, I wish I could, but a wormhole can only be maintained for 38 minutes.