The Best Jacques Quotes

Jacques: You really think that killing me... stabbing me to death is going to change the world?
Frank: I can't know that for sure, unless I try.

Jacques: What are you gonna do? you gonna execute me for my sins? Don't think you're better than me, you fucking psycho. You fucking almost killed people for butting into line.
Frank: [Interrupts] You don't butt in line! You don't sell drugs! You don't molest little children! You don't profit on the misery of others! The rules were set a long time ago. They don't change.
Jacques: You really think that killing me, stabbing me to death is gonna change the world?
Frank: I can't know that for sure... unless I try.

Jacques: Alright, pal. Haven't I been nice to you? I mean I've been nice, right? I complimented your cooking. You don't know who I am, so I'm gonna give you one last warning. Out of the fucking kindness of my fucking heart don't
Jacques: fucking touch my car again.