The Best Libby Quotes

Libby: I'm Libby, by the way. And don't go making some joke about "Libby's on the label", 'cuz it just pisses me off. What's your name.
Frank: Frank.
Libby: [childishly forced laugh] Oh, I hope you'll be *frank* with me. I hope you'll continue to be frank in all of our future discussions.

Libby: What if they kill you?
Frank: That's their business.

Libby: You tell everyone you know! That anytime some stupid fucking bastard wants to commit some gay ass crime that Crimson Bolt and Boltie are gonna be there to crush their little fucking evil heads in!

Libby: [as she fondles her crotch] It's all gooshy.

Frank: Maybe you need to be bored sometimes.
Libby: You don't see them bored in comic books.
Frank: That's what happens in between the panels.
Libby: Wow, in between the panels! Is that where we are right now?
Libby: We could do anything here.

Libby: Frank, what! I didn't know I wasn't supposed to kill him. I mean, I'm just learning, you have to teach me these things.

Libby: Actually, the guy's kinda got a point. I mean, I wonder all the time why no-one's never just stood up and become a real superhero.

Libby: Batman had Robin. The original Human Torch had Toro. The Flash had Kid Flash. I could be your kid sidekick!

Libby: Wanna go fight some crime?

Libby: Whoa, what are those?
Frank: I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. If I am... bombs.