The Best Jakob Quotes

Little: Holy shit!
Jakob: That word is only for song lyrics and when you stub your toe.

Little: Holy sh...
Jakob: Oh no, that's okay. Song lyrics, stubbed toes, *CANNON CARS!*

Jakob: Otto, there's something you should know.
Otto: Yeah, go on. Lay it on me, dude.
Jakob: You're a spoiled rich prick, and I'm gonna kill you.
Otto: Oh, man, I am so sorry. No one told you, huh? Spoiled rich pricks run the world.

Jakob: You know the only good thing to come from Dad dying? If he hadn't, I'd have spent my entire life in your shadow. And now you're gonna spend the rest of yours living in mine.
Dominic: Only good thing about Dad dying... was he didn't have to watch what you became. You never deserved the Toretto name.
Jakob: You think you knew Dad, huh? What, 'cause you were his favorite? You don't know shit!
Jakob: Okay? You want the truth? Dad died cause he was trying to throw that race. We were in deep debt. Cause of how he felt about you, he had to ask me for help. How was I supposed to know that car was gonna blow?
Dominic: A good son would've said no. And a real brother would've come to me.
Jakob: Come to you? He made me promise you would never find out. And through all of it... I kept that promise.

Cipher: [bluntly] Qasar Khan.
Jakob: [looking puzzled] What?
Cipher: [with a sly grin] Genghis Khan's little brother.
Cipher: [beat] Nobody's heard of him either.

Jakob: [from the trailer]
[to his older brother]
Jakob: All my life I've lived in your shadow... Now you're gonna dwell in mine.